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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by The_District_Dad

  1. Just noticed it's St. Andrew's Day... Yeah I didn't know what it was about, but here's what Bing says about it... 



  2. A pensioner drove his brand new BMW to 100 mph, looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a police car behind him. He floored it to 140 , then 150, ... then 155, ... Suddenly he thought,

    "I'm too old for this nonsense !"


    So he pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the police car to catch up with him.


    The officer walked up to him, looked at his watch and said,

    "Sir, my shift ends in ten minutes. Today is Friday and I'm taking off for the weekend with my family. If you can give me a good reason that I've never heard before, why you were speeding... I'll let you go."


    The Man looked very seriously at the police man, and replied :-

    "Years ago, my wife ran off with a policeman, I thought you were bringing her back." !!!


    The Cop left saying,

    " Have a good day, Sir "... ??

  3. Anyone know of somewhere that is giving DLC's in a contest or something?

  4. Good morning everyone! What you all got planned for this rainy Sunday?

    1. Janisane


      Hey! Good morning :)

  5. I'd just like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has been hard at work, helping others cope better through all the bad lately. You guys are amazing, from the UK's Emergency Services, and the United States to everyone in other countries around the world. I have personal recently benefited from one such service and getting through that time they were amazing! So yeah, Thanks everyone who has helped people by simply listening to people, or by supporting people through health, law and other services! 💓

  6. Jees! ? Been away from TMP for a long time.. Glad to be back though ?

    1. HandOfClash


      Welcome back buddy! :HaulieLove:

  7. Just curious, but I've just finished watching Rambo: Last Blood.. Anyone suggest the next movie to watch?

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