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Prime Mirage2357

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Prime Mirage2357

  • Birthday 10/30/2006

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    I love Apex Legends, ETS2 and ATS. I also help on Discord, forums, and on steam:) Just DM me, and I will be right with you.

    I help in Spanish and English. I am still learning my Spanish, but I do have help to get everything accurate :)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lille
  • Known languages
    English Spanish

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. Hello @rafiox22! Hopefully I can help with the issue! So if it's only crashing in those two cities, then it probably has something to do either with your computer/internet. Since Duisburg is one of the busiest cities in the game, it puts a lot more strain on your internet and computer loading all the vehicles and trailers. One thing I can suggest is going into your settings and under gameplay, their should be a setting that disable trailer cables on other vehicles. This should help drastically with the lag. Another suggestion I have, make sure you don't have a lot of processes running in the background, as this can bog down your performance, and driving in these areas, like I said, can be a massive strain on your computer. I hope this helps, Regards, Mirage
  2. Hello! One thing that might help, is make sure that your computer is fully updated (drivers, windows updates, etc.) Another possible solution is to close out any other tasks through task manager. Before I continue however, may I ask what your PC specs are (GPU, Processor, etc) Warm regards, Mirage
  3. How long had you been logged in for? Due to the large number of vehicles in Calais at any given moment, it may have taken a bit to load them in. When you checked the map, did any dots appear? They should look similar to this: Would you mind posting what hardware is in your PC?
  4. Check to make sure you have it in the correct folder. Reasons this may happen: You have the mods in a OneDrive folder. You may have placed it in the wrong mod folder. it should look something like this: C:\Users\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod (after "Users\ should be your name) Be sure it is in the Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod folder and NOT ETS2MP ETS2MP mod folder. Try repairing the game Contact ProMods about the issue. You can do that here: https://www.promods.net/help.php If none of this works, contact TruckersMP Support. You can do that here: https://truckersmp.com/support/ticket/create (It may prompt you to login) Warm regards, Mirage
  5. Greetings! Would you mind showing where the ETS2 directory is? The TMP launcher can be a bit picky with which directories you use. I went to Steam>right click ETS2>Properties>Local Files>Browse And then I copy and pasted that directory into the Game Directory Path(s) under Settings in the new launcher. Does this help? Would love to hear!
  6. Time to get more tickets In all seriousness, I CANNOT WAIT!!! I got pulled over like 4 times in the last real ops, kept forgetting to follow the speed limit I will see all of you guys there on the 19th! Safe travels, Mirage
  7. Unlike most games or anything similar, when TruckersMP says it is the best event to date than they are actually telling the truth! I am looking forward to getting more speeding tickets the Real Ops event ?. I don't do it intentionally lol, just out of habit.
  8. Nice work on the new role!

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