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Veteran Driver VII
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About Andilind

  • Birthday 11/03/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Landskrona, Skåne (Skane), Sweden
  • Interests
    PC Games, Trucking both in real life and in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
    I´m in the first year senior high school and I´m reading to become an truck driver.
    Since I was 6 years old I´ve always wanted to become a truck driver. My favorite truck is Scania.
    Scania means Skåne. Aka Skane.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris

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  1. This would be helpful. Might come trolls but this could be so useful. +1
  2. I wont stop remembering that. But i meant like we should have admins that look if there is enough admins in one server like 3 in eu#1 and I meant if there are 3 and above admins on one server they should join another server that has more players then maybe us#1 has. I mean the top 2 servers with many people online. Thats what I meant. Sorry if someone got angry but we all have rights to suggest what they want to without people getting mad and starting to talk trash to the one that suggested one thing, Have a great day J-M Kind Regards, Andii aka Andréas
  3. I know.
  4. Suggestion Name: Better admin security in EU#2 server Suggestion Description: We should have some admins that is watching over EU#2 server because people is ramming each other and blocking etc on it. We should need some admins that works atleast on EU#2. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: To make people that play realistic don´t be ramming etc. When EU#1 is full there is serious people that connects to EU#2 because of the location is getting better for us that lives in europe. Kind Regards, Andii
  5. Hello, This suggestion is pretty good but why do you want to create more traffic jams? There isn´t any room for standing like this at the ports when it is an small road. Wouldn´t be room for the drivers that drives carefully and really try to be as realistic as possible. All the traffic jams in the port isn´t an issue when you know how to drive carefully and realistic. So my vote on this is a big NO when there is different ways to drive even though there is traffic in the ports. Kind Regards, Andii
  6. I totally agree with you. Big NO from me. Kind Regards, Andii
  7. -1. They had it before. Such a bad thing. Sorry
  8. +1- Would look really good instead of the big beacons. The led beacons is not causing alot of lag not even with a bad computer. Tested it on my old computer.
  9. +1. This could reduce alot of lag. When the servers starts up again, they will start over at the same time as the config says. It would be like a normal config file. This is how that works. Kind Regards, Andii aka Andréas
  10. It´s sad that Eryk left. But I and we in the ETS2 MP players are highly appreciated about the mp mod, And it is thanks to Eryk and you other that you created this mod. All respect to you guys. Thanks alot for bringing this mod! Kind Regards and All Love, Andii aka Andréas
  11. +1 Really love this kind of trucks!
  12. Thats why there should be a rule that everyone needs to turn the beacons off in every city and the ports etc.
  13. yeah. But in some of the turns on the country road (small road not highway) there is sometimes walls that blocking the view. In this case the led beacons helps out alot when its dark to see that we are comign. Thats one of the things why I would like it.
  14. But its still oversized. And thats one of the reasons i would like to have led beacons on the grill.
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