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Falco [ITA]

Veteran Driver VI
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About Falco [ITA]

  • Birthday 11/03/1995

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  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano
  • Known languages
    Italian, English

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  1. Buon compleanno, goditi la giornata! ❤️ 

  2. Auguri di Buon Compleanno vecchio amico:HaulieLove:🎂🎉

  3. Buon compleanno amico mio 🥰

  4. Happy Birthday!🎉

  5. Rest in peace bud, you will be missed!! ? ? ❤️

  6. @The King'S Works Just because you and your fans want to use said mod, which I'm pretty sure is not even yours in the first place and avoid using SCS MP, it doesn't make sense to generalize. Most people just enjoy the platform as it is, even without mods. TMP is a mod too, remember? It's crazy to see what they've achieved in the last 7 years, yet you're here to complain about some little unofficial addition to the game.. The optimization topic has been discussed a lot before, it's not TMP's fault as far as I know. Players leaving TMP, is not caused by this, but by life slowly returning to normal after the pandemic. I'll end this nonsense of complaint of yours, by saying that if TMP blocks something because they think it can cause issues, beat it.
  7. As CJ stated, you can still use local mods on TMP.. do you really need that "precious" vabis wheel to enjoy the game? I like it too but.. I found it ridiculous, to be honest. There are A LOT of other cool mods you can use, the regular way.. in the end, this new way of modding is not that useful, since it's not easy to do, possibly not even legal and the only "animated" mod known, is the wheel itself. So if you want that one at all costs, you can play SCS MP where you can easily put all mods you want.
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