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About 'Rossoo770s.

  • Birthday 02/15/2001

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    Custom Skin Maker
    Truck Driver IRL
    Scania Truck Driver
    EDM,Rock,House,HardStyle Music.
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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg
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  1. Thank you for the Follow!:HaulieLove:

    1. Λries


      aww np ✌️ same 🫦

  2. Thank you for the follow nub❤️😜

  3. Happy Birthday Legend!❤️🎉🎂

  4. Hello Nubs,but my FORUM topic regarding the Reports-in game connected to the Website where did it go? I received a notification that someone responded to my topic.. but if I click on it it says that the page doesn't exist anymore.. in fact if I go to look for it in the "suggestions" "new" isn't there anymore.. and not even in the " trash"... what happened to it? ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HandOfClash



      Hi there,


      Thank you for creating this suggestion. We have had plans for the longest time to create something like this. However, due to the complexity of the project, it has no ETA. I will be marking this as On Hold. 


      Hope that helps! I'll let CMs know as well. 🙂

    3. 'Rossoo770s.


      @HandOfClash Oh,Thank you Legend! Idk why I can't see that session...I already talked with fast-rider and he referred to CM :)) Apparently none can see that from what I heard... niceee 😄

    4. Rider.




      We've been made aware of this and have made the on-hold subforum visible for everyone to view. You can now view that here. Thank you for voicing your concern as we had no idea until now. 


      I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Thank you once again,

  5. Happy Birthday Nub Tanti Auguri di Buon Compleanno nabbo😜😄🎂🎉❤️

    1. --Zyga--


      Grazie tante! 😂

  6. Can't wait to Attend also this amazing and great Event!
  7. Happy Birthday Fozzyyyy🍾🥂🎂🥳🎉❤️ big Fan!

  8. Congrats and Welcome back cattoooodammm❤️

    1. ...AdamCat


      ayooooo thankssssss


  9. Ello Truckers! It's been a while since I posted anything here, and I think the right time has come to post something interesting ^^ I've been thinking about it for a few days to be honest... And my idea was to connect the reports made in-game directly to the website (as if we had to do a manual report yes) Let me explain better what I mean; practically, given that to join the TMP and to be able to play on the various servers we have to log in, this means how to carry out a sort of recognition upon entry The reports that are carried out in-game would be nice if they could be connected directly to the site, to avoid very long queues and endless waiting to accept or reject a report... and then enter the site and attach the various proof of the report or, done directly from the system, record and then keep in memory a small recording of 10-15 seconds from the moment of impact to the end when the in-game report is made from the TAB, if it doesn't work for technical reasons excc, give the possibility to publish it manually later (as we are already doing now with manual reports)... And don't limit people to 10 reports at a time... which could be a problem for those who record multiple consecutive clips, given that it takes days if not weeks for them to be viewed and accepted/rejected... Obviously the rule always applies, if anyone abuses it and spams useless reports it is right that they are banned from the reporting system. But, it would be nice like this, eh, no, Limit the above ONLY to users with an account and gaming experience of at least 2 years and at least 1-2k hours of gaming on Steam. In order to avoid unnecessary reports and abuse of the system. And if reports are a problem, why not remove them permanently? and enjoy the game as it is? Suggestion Name: Report in-game connected to website Suggestion Description: Suggestion of connecting the reports made in-game directly to the website Any example images: N/A Why it should be added: read the text above It's just my idea and a suggestion, obviously I'm ready to read and listen to your opinion regarding how much and if you perhaps have something to add or modify... As always, waiting for your positive feedback, Best Regards, Rossoo770s. Aurora HR & Media Team | Veteran Driver | TruckersMP member since 2015 | 6.000+ hours of game.
  10. Happy Birthday Big Fan🎂🎉❤️

  11. Happy Birthday Legend!❤️🎂🎉

    1. Tuna


      Thank you Rossoo! 😊

  12. Well, I reached quota 500 members reported and banned in 1.5 years and 50 rejected for different reasons on this account, on the 1st account that I opened in 2015 I had like 2300 reports done and 325 rejected but at that time was another history..less gm,less moderations,less players, the cd was at the beginning excc.. Someone get fun to collect more ban as possible..as I saw,and someone regrets having done it and learns from his mistakes, while others are repeat offenders and they get always banned.. I will stop here to making reports,most of them are ALT accounts with less than 10 hours of playtime or just a troll account.. I personally have no more time to report them,is useless..untill they can delete their account and creating a new one and evading bans.. Today 2024 I go on cd just for fun, respecting ALL the traffic rules and signs. That means going 90kmh max as the trucks IRL do, and respect others and not overtaking,reckless driving excc. Who don't abide with the rules its right he/she/they get a ban that can be permanent or temporarily based on their behaviur All this to say you, this is a SIMULATOR game, if you feel this is a RACING GAME or something like GTAV well,you're in the WRONG place The words "rec" means RECORDING, but NOT everyone of them you see writing rec is really recording..especially if they don't have a performant pc to allow them to rec excc..and they write rec just to "scary" you and to see your answer or your movements on what you do later. someone is passive, does not respond or responds with a simple ok, someone else instead responds in kind and perhaps takes it personally, and someone else instead insults and profanity the families, mother excc from what I saw recently..especially turkish and russian its clear I have no fear to say truth. I just want to remember you,if you insult,harassing someone excc you get a ban too,the smart move is to say ok or ignore them. All this to tell you that if you are looking for simulation, SIM1 and CD are certainly not compatible, if you are looking for chaos and you like to test yourself, well the CD is for you...but be careful not to get banned. Regards, Rossoo770s. Aurora HR & Media Team | Veteran Driver | TruckersMP Member since 2015.
  13. Happy Birthday Legend!❤️🎉🎂

  14. Happy Birthday Vreaaaaaaaaa🎂🎉❤️Big Nub

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