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Veteran Driver VII
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About mattfleaydaly

  • Birthday October 20

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Community Answers

  1. Hello there @Thomz024, You'll be surprised that yes it still can make sense. Admins are very busy, but they can still accept an appeal after the ban expries. This is a note for future bans (from my understanding) which acts as an explanation to other admins. I'm happy to be corrected here
  2. Looking good! A few minor things that should be adjusted (coming from myself as a website developer), Happy to PM if needed. Cheers! @Digi7al
  3. @scarface0359 Can you please confirm that the CB Spam rule still applies also? Cheers
  4. @General_357mag Just to confirm, you are using CB Chanel 19 correct?
  5. Hello there @Davesullivan, Please refer to this post made by @fyzz08 which explains in detail how to activate. A simple search of the forum was able to bring this up Cheers!
  6. Hello there @Davesullivan please visit http://truckersmp.com and download the launcher again. Once you have reinstalled the latest launcher, please then attempt to update (it should work). Any issues. please post here. Thank You.
  7. Hi @Shroomii just check to make sure it I see set to the steam apps path. please place a screenshot of the path here. Thanks
  8. Dev Team @Tuxy Fluffyclaws @Kat_pw noticed that EU2 is experiencing alot of server lag yet again tonight, and is also still failing to ping on the live stats page.

    Is there a plan to place this server onto its own dedicated IP again, It was working way better then.


  9. Good Evening all!

    It looks like there are some server issues with TruckersMP at the moment.

    Recommendation would be to keep an eye out and just be aware that you could loose connection.

    I'm sure that the devs are investigating this :)

    Happy Trucking.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mattfleaydaly


      Okay technically i'm correct as it is night here is Aus... :D Cute!

  10. That moment when you finished all 9 seasons of how I met your mother, and the final episode is :(

    Night all!

  11. It's never too late, so Merry Christmas to all! Happy Trucking!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mattfleaydaly


      Cheers @GARDENER Christmas ends in 2 hours here so :(


    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      :P all good  haha i don't celebrate Christmas , but  if you do celebrate Christmas  i hope   it was a Awesome one you had for 2016 :wub:, i still can't  believe how fast the year went  haha 



    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  12. The winter mod is not available yet. Keep an eye out on the forum for details to when it is ready
  13. Please check your game version/truckers MP version. In future, please follow the forum structure by making these types of posts in the Help section, where users like myself can provide better support. Please DO NOT post help requests in the news announcements as you will NOT receive full assistance here. Thank You
  14. Have a look at http://truckers.events to see how this has already been done. It's quite clever and you'd probably be able to work it out based on the TMP API
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