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Frank hughes

Veteran Driver VII
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Frank hughes last won the day on May 10 2022

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About Frank hughes

  • Birthday 10/30/2002

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  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Birmingham
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Apprentice (3/13)

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  1. Thank you for following Replay ❤️??

  2. Thank you for the follow bro. ❤️??

  3. Happy Birthday buddy hope you had a great day. ???

  4. This is my setup. ??
  5. Thank you for the follow. ?☺️?

  6. If your loading your game in Calais while connecting to the server then most likely you will get unrealible connection due to loading times or your pc struggling to render in all the players in that area. Load into a different city and then try loading in Calais if it still kicks you then there can be multiple reasons. Your internet connection is to slow therefore it won't like busy areas. Your PC can't handle the area with 100+ people nearby for example. Try using ethernet cable instead of wireless. Hope this helps you and can't wait for a reply. Kind Regards Frank Hughes ??
  7. Good job TMP it's a good way to get people talking to the trucking community. ??
  8. Have you set any keybinds to the steering wheel on the game?
  9. Happy Birthday Bro your one of the best TMP Staff out there! Have a awesome day! ???

  10. Welcome back glad to have you back in the TruckersMP team! ❤️☺️

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