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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Mr_Alex

  • Birthday 09/13/1999

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  • Gender
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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    English Italians Romanian

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  1. When 1.37 ??? coming out???
  2. Please Fix F7 ! Thank You !
  3. Hi, does anyone know how I can solve it
  4. Yep Please Fix F7 ! @ShawnCZek crash Game
  5. Grazie @Soryn Official per il tuo aiuto
  6. Salve vorrei sapere come funziona VTC TruckersMp si possono postare le gare cioe "Da Roma a Milano" km percorsi etc.. come su TrucksBook
  7. I have the same problem...please Fix !
  8. Hello Next Update for 1.36 when ?
  9. Solved you can close the topic @Savage.
  10. I haven't found it yet @Savage. I did as he says but nothing opens it in the Browser @Lukavsky TMP
  11. Hi does anyone know how i can put telemetry-server on the phone without me opening it in Browser Link Telemerty-Server as in this video my phone Samsung Galaxy J5 2017 Sorry for my english !
  12. Done Problem Solved! Thanks, Sentinel_
  13. give me this error when I start Truckers Mp! he procedure entry pint steaminternal create interface could not be located in the dynamic link library Any ideas how to fix? Sorry for my English !
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