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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/20 in all areas
[GAME MODERATOR + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Roenz has been suspended from the team due to a breach of the Information Security Policy.45 points
34 points
29 points
[GAME MODERATOR] @Mr. Calvin rejoins the Community Moderation team as Discord Moderator while remaining in the Game Moderation team.27 points
20 points
Finished the WOT Christmas job Event ? Also did some owned trailer save editing18 points
16 points
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020 has been a rough year for many and I for one know that, but there have definitely been some amazing moments, I joined the staff team here at TMP and helped out at many events and most recently I have become a GM. I for one, can say that despite 2020 begin such an unexpected year, I will never forget it. It is a year to remember, that's for sure. I want to keep this short so all I wish to say is that I hope everyone, on the forums and beyond, into the wider community, have an amazing Christmas this year and that everyone goes into 2021 with a smile on their face! As we move into 2021 I can only hope that things improve and we can start to see our families once more. That's all from me folks. Have an amazing Christmas wherever you may be and have a very happy new year. All the best, Owen.14 points
There is much more to Christmas than candles, colorful trees and gifts. It is the Christmas spirit of sweet friendship that shines throughout the year. It is consideration and kindness, it is hope reborn again! Merry Christmas!14 points
13 points
I hope you all have a safe, and Merry Christmas! ? ?13 points
13 points
11 points
11 points
From me I would like to wish a merry chirstmas to this community and looking foward for the new year ! A Special Thanks to @Beregor for this early christmas present twitch.tv/beregor Regards, Tuna_ TruckersMP Game Moderator & Translator10 points
It won't always make sense, that's okay. You don't have to carry it anymore if it's no longer serving you. Permission to let go.9 points
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy yourselves, stay safe, happy trucking into 2021! ?8 points
8 points
Good Morning Everyone. I would like to wish a Very Merry Christmas to everyone single one of you. Remember to say save over Christmas and have a happy new Year.8 points
7 points
7 points
Thought i'd throw a stream on for xmas eve . Now live with game moderation6 points
6 points
This year has been quite eventful for me, only outside of this community. I served my year as a conscript which didn't leave much time for TMP adventures. I'm happy to be back here with you all to see what the next year brings. Merry Christmas and a happier new year! ?6 points
? Merry Christmas!? Stay safe truckers, Samito_BG TruckersMP Staff Game Moderator5 points
5 points
? Merry Christmas ? Just want to take this time to wish everyone in the TMP community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year/ Happy Holidays. As we know this year hasn’t been the best for anyone, and this community has been a pillar for most to enjoy and keep them occupied. Here’s to a better 2021 (Hopefully) Hope you and your families stay safe.5 points
Merry Christmas everyone Happy Holidays and wonderful days with your Family ? I wish for everyone that all your Christmas wishes comes true ? ?Life’s most beautiful things are not seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart. Wishing you a special season of the heart ? ? Your HandOfClash or André5 points
4 points
Something different for me today... I got an Electric Bus...4 points
Good morning everyone? I wish you all Merry Christmas and happy new year??4 points
[GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @NoPatr1ck has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.4 points
4 points
Its been a quiet few weeks for me, working away IRL and also keeping my hand in running Events with Pries Logistics as well as helping out at the Truckers MP Christmas Convoy We've also found the time to partake in the brilliant World of Trucks Gifts events too, which is always brilliant at bringing the community together to achieve some amazing goals! It is almost Christmas time, so I am going to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year. Keep Safe, Keep Happy. RB3 points
3 points
3 points
Merry Christmas TruckersMP? 圣诞节快乐! W/ @XīngChénGodv?3 points
Wesołych Świąt! W związku z tym, że dziś jest Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia chciałbym życzyć Wam wszystkim zdrowia, a także byście bez przeszkód realizowali stawiane przed sobą cele. Zdrowie jest niezbędne, a dzięki niemu będziecie mogli robić wszystko inne. Jeśli macie zdrowie to posiadacie również szczęście jak i wiele innych. Pamiętajcie, że jest to szczególny dzień, więc powinniśmy spędzać go w gronie rodziny. Mam nadzieje, że każdy z Was otrzyma coś wyjątkowego, coś na co bardzo długo czekał. Pamiętajcie, że ten dzień to dzień bliskości z innymi domownikami, czy rodziną. Cieszcie się z każdej chwili razem, nie tylko dziś, ale i niebawem podczas Nowego Roku, który w tym roku w Polsce będzie nie tylko wyjątkowy, ale i trudny. Życzę Wam również samych sukcesów, nie tylko zawodowych. Polskiemu Zespołowi TruckersMP życzę cierpliwości do nas graczy jak i podczas pełnienia innych obowiązków wynikających z stanowiska które pełnicie. Wszystkiego dobrego w tym szczególnym dniu.3 points
Made with Love Mercedes New Actros <-> A Scandinavian road3 points
?Merry Christmas to all staff in all departments/teams who have worked tirelessly over the past 12 months in making TMP the awesome place that it is. They have worked so hard to continue to bring us the fun and enjoyment we all know love. There have of course been many updates that made life challenging at times, TMP has come through and kept things going. Massive thanks to you all. Have a great Christmas and best wishes for 2021.???3 points
➤ 23/12/2020 İstanbul (Türkiye) konvoyu'dan.. 「 ● Yangın görseler akılları gidecek ama sorsan hepsi ateş... 」3 points
Dear Truckers on TruckersMP, Dear Staff Members of TruckersMP, today is the day, we are usually being with our family as today is Christmas. I, Maurice, wish you all a Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with your family. Stay healthy, get awesome Presents and we will see us on the Road soon enough again! Safe Trucking!3 points
As we all know, 2020 was a very difficult year. Unfortunately, Corona still determines our everyday life. We can only hope that we can return to regular operations by summer 2021. Until then, I wish you all the best, adhere to the hygiene and distance regulations and start the New Year 2021 healthy! ? ? Merry Christmas ? ? #StayHealthy #BetterYear20213 points
3 points
3 points
First version of physics were totally fine, now it's "buggy" how people said before. We all paying the price because some people abuse the mod in a way that they shouldn't. So far I've only seen the same person complaining about the mod, while most people don't have issues with it. If you guys think these physics are bad, you should try to drive with rain, you will lose grip as well like with winter physics. Show people some evidence that the last version of physics was buggy, and not some messing around in ncz areas or hard turning the wheel. Also, keep in mind that physics are optional, so if you don't like them, you can just simply remove them and not brag all day about them... In 2019, physics were really bad and you guys didn't remove it, so why this year?3 points
Only a few hours left. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!3 points
~ “Real heroes die serving the law, not resisting it.”3 points