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Retired Legend
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Everything posted by Ali.

  1. Hello, Thank you so much for your suggestion! When a reply comes onto a Support ticket from a Support team member, the player will get a notification of this by both email and also via the notification system on the website. However, we are going to speak to developers to see if we can amend the email that a player will receive when they submit a ticket. We are going to look to make it more explicit that they should view the two above forms of communication regularly for replies. As well as this, if they receive any replies on their ticket, they will then receive a hyperlink which will take them to their ticket, as long as this is possible. Once again, thanks for your suggestion! Kind regards, Ali Moving this suggestion to accepted
  2. Hello, Thank you for the suggestion! As much as this does sound like a good idea, I don’t think we will implement this. One reason being is the confusion between people who do and not have this role. For example what if someone who doesn’t have the role posts a valid solution to a topic but someone who does have it posts the same? Their post will be auto approved whilst the other one is waiting who was technically first. We want to keep it fair and equal for everyone, so we will have to decline this suggestion. We do appreciate this and thank you once again. Kind regards, Ali
  3. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @djoh Player ➜ Support Trainee
  4. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Poyraz Support Trainee + Community Moderator (Forum + Stream) ➜ Trial Support + Community Moderator (Forum + Stream)
  5. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Agresywny Driver Player ➜ Support Trainee @Aligatoor Player ➜ Support Trainee
  6. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @MightyPower Player ➜ Trial Support
  7. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @DieseL. Support + Report Moderator ➜ Report Moderator
  8. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @GGF MD Retired Team Member -> Support
  9. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Nightmaree. Support + Report Moderator ➜ Report Moderator
  10. CONGRATS MY BESTIE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺737663115952521249.webp?size=96&quality=

  11. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Elih. Support ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
  12. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Chris2306 Player ➜ Support
  13. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @journalism Support ➜ Player (Left)
  14. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Krisi Trial Support + Add-On Team ➜ Support + Add-On Team
  15. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Roy Pegasus Translator ➜ Support Trainee + Translator
  16. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Krisi Add-On Team ➜ Trial Support + Add-On Team
  17. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @JCBBuilds Trial Support + Event Team ➜ Support + Event Team
  18. WELL DONE JCB, WOW NICE JOB ON THE PROMOTION AND PASSING YOUR TRAINEE PHASE POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 985320383559372911.webp?size=44&quality=607854421552005121.webp?size=96&quality=  822983875130556426.webp?size=44&quality=

    1. JCBBuilds


      Thank you Ali, you are the best manager 🙂  Love you so much, thank you for your amazing Support on giving me the chance to join you and Rico's fantastic group of people!! I love you all so much ❤️ 

  19. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @JCBBuilds Event Team ➜ Support Trainee + Event Team
  20. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @LemonJuicee Support ➜ Support Team Leader
  21. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @Chris2306 Support Team Leader + Game Moderator ➜ Game Moderator (Left)
  22. Ali.

    TruckersMP Team

    @SpoonyUK Support Trainee ➜ Trial Support
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