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About JJay

  • Birthday 08/08/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wielkopolskie, Poland
  • Interests
    well... that's a good question...
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Poznan
  • Known languages
    Polish - Native, English

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Community Answers

  1. Unfortunately 0, but there is a lot of people to report My last report was created two years ago. It was wasting of time to report someone at website. That's why I have created 8 reports since 2014
  2. JJay

    Save Edit

    Hello, Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again. Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Locked and Moved to Inactive
  3. Hello, Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again. Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Locked and Moved to Inactive
  4. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  5. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  6. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  7. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  8. JJay

    GRASS blur

    Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  9. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  10. Hello there, I am going to move this topic to the Unsolved Section because it has been inactive again for a week. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket! Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Moved to Unsolved
  11. Witam, W związku z tym, że wątek był nieaktywny przez 3 dni zmuszony jestem zamknąć, oraz przenieść wątek do Nieaktywnych tematów. Pamiętaj, że możemy przywrócić wątek na Twoją prośbę. Wystarczy, że odezwiesz się do mnie w prywatnej wiadomości na forum. Jeśli masz do mnie pytania śmiało pisz w prywatnej wiadomości. Na ten moment zamykam wątek z powodu wymienionego powyżej. Z poważaniem, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Zamykam i przenoszę do Nieaktywnych
  12. Zatwierdzam, udanej imprezy. // Zatwierdzam
  13. Konwój zakończony. // Zamykam i przenoszę do Minione imprezy i konwoje
  14. Hello, Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again. Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Locked and Moved to Inactive
  15. Hello, Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again. Kind Regards, JJay TruckersMP Support & Forum Moderator // Locked and Moved to Inactive
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