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Game Moderation Trainer
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About Mystere

  • Birthday 02/23/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Santa Fe
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg
  • Known languages
    Spanish, English, Portuguese

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Community Answers

  1. Hello @SweetMenivey If you think it's an error, as it says in the message you received in the game, you should contact to the Game Moderation Management via feedback to solve your situation. You can check this guide to know how to create a feedback ticket. Kind regards, Mystere Game Moderation Trainer
  2. Hello! I believe that the original TruckersMP rules work for this type of situation. If our GMMs had to explain each situation individually, the rule 2.5 would be too extensive, that's why the rule 2.5 is short but covers a wide range of possible situations. As long as the player stops on the grass it's not a violation of our rules, the player may have had a problem or just stopped there for a few moments, we don't know why the player stops on the grass, but it doesn't bother other people or puts other people in danger. The players who stop on the curve as you show in the video are not breaking any rules, and neither do they interfere with the visibility on the road, remember that the players have a GPS in the truck and can also activate it manually, something I recommend doing if someone is driving in a congested area like the C-D Road. If you drive on the C-D Road all the time, you should know that it's a congested route most of the day, so you will find players stopped on the grass on several occasions. Your job, as you have decided to drive on that specific route, is to keep the distance between your truck and other players, as well as to set up your game to be able to stop in time in case of a possible problem on the road. If you take proper cautions on the most congested road in TruckersMP, I don't believe that modifying the rules or explaining each situation individually is really necessary. Kind regards, Mystere TruckersMP Game Moderation Trainer
  3. Guest

    tren yoluna bakar mısın yol tıkalı dorseyı bıraktılar gitmiyor

  4. I think I know you @ItzKieren
  5. Hello everyone! The users would use that benefit against us, sending us messages for anything they see on the road, we would have our chat flooded with messages calling us back and forth without any kind of sense. For that reason, there are an in-game report system, and you can also submit a report with your evidence on our website. Remember that we are volunteers, we are not personal GMs of any user, nor do we work as a 911. We wouldn't be able to enjoy the game like everyone else if we had thousands of messages every time we want to play with our friends. Kind regards, Mystere TruckersMP Game Moderator Trainer
  6. Hola @KassandraJz ARG Primero que nada, los moderadores son personas que realizan sus tareas voluntariamente en el tiempo que ellos tengan libre, no es un trabajo o algo que hagan todo el día, todos los días. Vas a ver algunos dentro del servidor conduciendo, otros resolviendo reportes in-game, otros haciendo tareas fuera del servidor, y posiblemente no veas los mismos moderadores haciendo las mismas tareas al día siguiente. Teniendo en cuenta que usted está diciendo que no hay moderadores en zonas congestionadas asumo que usted está circulando por la ruta de Calais-Duisburg, la ruta más transitada del servidor. Al conducir por allí por su cuenta (ya que hay rutas alternativas para circular de Calais a Duisburg) usted se expone voluntariamente a todo tipo de jugadores (los que están simulando, los que juegan chill, los trolls), por lo tanto, usted debe saber que no es seguro que tu entrega llegue sana y salva, incluso que usted llegue en condiciones al destino por la gran cantidad de jugadores que están circulando por esa zona. Si usted sufre algún problema en la carretera usted siempre tiene la posibilidad de enviar un reporte in-game o de grabar un video y luego reportar al jugador en nuestra web, aquí tiene un instructivo para hacerlo (siempre es mejor grabar la situación y luego reportar en la web, es la forma más segura de que el jugador reciba una sanción). Si usted está buscando llevar su carga del punto A al punto B sin daños o sin jugadores molestos interfiriendo en su camino utilice otros caminos alternativos, o disfrute de otros recorridos del amplio mapa que ofrece el juego o sus DLCs, evitando estas zonas congestionadas y así el peligro de encontrarse un jugador toxico. Pero si usted quiere conducir por la ruta de Calais-Duisburg específicamente, entonces usted se está metiendo en ese problema por su cuenta y es posible que tenga algún accidente o que su entrega llegue sin problemas, debe comprender que este tipo de situaciones pasan si usted conduce en la carretera más congestionada del servidor, y debe entender que usted se posiciona en un lugar de peligro voluntariamente sabiendo la cantidad de problemas y peligros que pueden llegar a ocurrir. Espero haberte ayudado! Saludos, Mystere TruckersMP Game Moderator Trainer
  7. 🚚

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PinkNub_


      Quallity photo ❤️


    3. Pala_TMP


      Like the way of how did you mix the effects, nice photo.

    4. 'Kyann.


      Great Photo ❤️

  8. Why? 👀 Take care bud!

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