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29 points
[TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Olioak promoted to the rank of Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATOR] @Strik leaves the team due to lack of time.22 points
Tüm Türk aleminin 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet bayramı kutu olsun! Aldığımız her bir nefes için bedel ödeyenler var. Var olsunlar. 95 Yıldır saygı, sevgi, minnet ve özlem ile. Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene!8 points
8 points
"Ey Yükselen Yeni Nesil! İstikbal Sizsiniz. Cumhuriyeti Biz Kurduk, Onu Yükseltecek Ve Yaşatacak Sizsiniz." Cumhuriyet Bayramımız Kutlu Olsun7 points
[TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @MrCipr promoted to the role of Game Moderator. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @weezy transfers to the role of Trial Game Moderator Observer. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @?? Powerful transfers to the role of Trial Game Moderator Observer.7 points
Nazwa Sugestii: Przywrócenie cyklu dnia i nocy Opis Sugestii: Ktoś wpadł na świetny pomysł by z okazji jakiegoś halloween wprowadzić permanentną noc. Żądam aby wrócił cykl dnia i nocy. Przykładowe obrazki: Nieistotne. Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Nie wiem jak inni, ale ja nie obchodziłem, nie obchodzę i obchodzić nigdy nie będę jakiegoś tam święta Halloween. Święto zmarłych i Zaduszki mi wystarczają. Nie rozumiem kompletnie pomysłu wprowadzenia ciągłej nocy przez kilka najbliższych dni. Nie tylko mi podoba się to, że ktoś próbuje narzucić swoje pomysły i wprowadzić permanentną noc. Lubię jeździć w nocy, ale noc 24/7 jest zła! Problem jest z systemem kickowania za światła, bo ktoś nie zrobił tego należycie i ludzie jeżdżą bez świateł jeśli jest godzina dzienna na zegarze. Zegary też są zbugowane, bo jeden pokazuje dobry czas, inny nie (zegar na desce rozdzielczej ciężarówki i zegar w doradcy drogowym). Jeśli już ktoś chce poczuć i zrobić halloweenowe klimaty to niech będzie otwarty jakiś specjalny serwer, a nie narzucać wszystkim jakiegoś dziwnego święta, którego nie obchodzą wszyscy.4 points
Konvoyumuza katılan @AdaBey, @DesertEagle26, @CrackPrewier, @LadyAndromeda, @BlocKing 'e , Bireysel oyuncularımıza ve Atlantik Lojistik, AyYıldız Online Gaming, Avrasya Trans, Mega Trans,Anatolia Lojistik, Nizam Lojistik,Kiberk A.Ş., Es-Es, KızılElma Logistics, Turkish Crew, KızılTürk ve band of brothers ekiplerine teşekkür ederiz.4 points
[TR] 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı konvoyumuzda sizleri de aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız. [EN] We will be happy to see you in our October 29 Republic day convoy. 4 points
29 Ekim Cumhuriyеt Bayramımız kutlu olsun! Nе mutlu Türküm diyеnе!4 points
Suggestion Name: More bans for breaking the rules. Suggestion Description: There should be more and harder punishments for rule breaking actions. For example when you overtake in an overcrowded C-D are from the first time a ban and no longer kicks. The same goes for overtaking and then touching your vehicle should also be instant ban instead of a kick. It's time to enforce the rules more so the server gets cleaner again with drivers who actually like the game. C-D should be max speed of 120. For insulting also an instant ban. I'm sick of reporting people and then getting an 'it's only kickable offence' when they rammed you... Any example images: No Why should it be added?: To get more fun again in playing ETS2MP, not only on C-D or other crowded areas but everywhere. Because sometimes when you drive in calm areas they even ram you for fun because they think you don't record them. The overtaking, beacon, insulting, ramming rules get broken everyday for no reasons at all. Some admins are protecting the rule breakers too much...3 points
The ancient Halloween celebration dating back to Celtic harvest festivals and perhaps even deeper is almost here. Over centuries and especially in recent decades, it has evolved into a community-centered holiday directed mainly at the young. It is now actually the second largest commercial holiday in Northern America. As every year, Steam Store is observing the holiday with a sale, and we are no exception with our games and DLC - discounts are in place over most of our library. We are taking advantage of having available a Halloween-themed paint job pack for both of our flagship truck sims to come up with limited-time bundles. They should be very interesting for newcomers to the genre, mixing the base games with new cool add-ons. As the bundles are of the type "complete the set," they should also be attractive for trucking game veterans who are looking to complement their existing ATS or ETS2 portfolio with new stuff. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Halloween Special American Truck Simulator Halloween Special We have a small surprise for the owners of ATS Halloween Paint Job Pack - we have added a new trailer paint job to the DLC... Have fun on the road! :) View the full article3 points
Gonna be cruising around ATS exploring the map over at: https://www.twitch.tv/ihobbit_tmp3 points
Cumhuriyetimizin 95.Yıldönümünde Büyük Önderimiz Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk"ü, aziz şehitlerimizi ve gazilerimizi saygı ve rahmetle anıyor, Cumhuriyet Bayramınızı en içten dileklerimle kutluyorum.3 points
Modifying some displays and AI lists on OMSI out of boredom.3 points
DAF Jelle Schouwstra + Trailer 1.32.x (SP Mod) - Mod Link Some Photos3 points
As many of the players consider this as some sort of a bug, I'm here to tell you that it's not. This is part of a update we released in connection with the recent Halloween events, and a blogpost should be following with more info soon.3 points
Rozumiem, że żyjesz sam na świecie i tylko twoje zdanie się liczy, ale.. wiele ludzi obchodzi Halloween, i między innymi dlatego została wprowadzona noc przez cały czas na kilka dni. Jeśli chodzi o kickowanie za brak świateł, to dzisiaj w nocy serwer zostanie zaktualizowany i zostanie to dodane. Co do dwóch zegarów: czas ekonomii nadal leci tak jak leciał, nie chcemy tutaj wprowadzać zamieszania. Zatrzymany został tylko czas środowiska. Doradca drogowy pobiera czas ekonomii, stąd ta rozbieżność.3 points
29 Ekim Cumhuriyеt Bayramımız kutlu olsun! Nе mutlu Türküm diyеnе!3 points
Quick photoshoot with the sexi admeens @DeviLee and @SuperMouse3 points
When planning community events, it's essential to have a good solid plan of what you want to do. Your initial ideas will be the base of the event. For example, ● VTC Anniversary events are VTC orientated, the event is about your VTC. ● Charity based events, well, it's all about the charity and the cause. Do you have a story to tell? How to begin: If it's your first time planning an event, it will come to you in one of two ways. 1. You'll find it easy. 2. You'll really struggle to get the ideas on paper If you find it easy, go all out, make it the best event you can. However, don't get carried away. You should always, always, plan in segments. Planning the event in segments means you can step back, look at what you've planned, asses it, improve or completely re-plan it. It's easy to get carried away. You come up with all these amazing ideas, but, is it practical? Can you actually do it? If you have never been in a convoy, or event, i strongly suggest you attend one of the many community, or VTC events. It will give you a very rough, but good idea how most run events. You can then base yours off what you see,but, please, please, please, Never copy someone else's hard work. Don't copy their event, make it your event. However, asking for help/tips from that person/ VTC.... That's the right way. Google Sheets: Google sheets are a event planners best friend. They're relatively easy to work with, even with minimal experience. These sheets will be where you plan your event. Create a "MasterPlan", this is where you can put the overall, basic view of the event. This is a template made by a collection of successful event founders. (This sheet will be available for "download" in the ITN's, Community Event Network) A clean, functional sheet is what you need. Keep the colours to the "pastel" side. You don't want bright colours all over your sheet. Making a sheet clear and easy to understand will benefit, not only you, but Convoy Control (CC) and Event Volunteers. Depending on the size of the event, will dictate if you need Convoy Control or not. If you're expecting high numbers, it's best to use CC. Truckfest's and Convoys: Truckfests..... :Oof:, some really enjoy them, some... well, some really don't. However, truckfests allow amazing organisation opportunities. The best place to have the Truckfest is at the start of the event. Having multiple VTC's/ Clans in one area all booked into individual slots... well, that's just spot on. By having this you can call individual VTC's/ Clans or slot numbers to leave one by one. This means you can have a nice, clean steady flow of organised trucks. If you plan to do a truckfest, make sure you give the community plenty of time to book slots. Look to make booking available for the truckferst ~6 months before. This will give you and those wanting to attend your event plenty of time to book. Another good use of google applications... google forms. You can use this to make the booking form. For example, (Screenshot taken from my event, "Clara's Dream's" booking form) Convoys/ Routes Decide how long you want the event to be. Depending on how long the event is, will depend on how many routes you can do. Route Formula: ● < or 6 Hours ~ 2-3 Routes ● < or 24 Hours ~ 6-10 Routes ● > 24 Hours - In a 24 Hour time period you can do 10 convoys. (Add 1 route every two hours over 24 hours) An average weekly VTC convoy is about 885km (550Miles) This can take up to 1 hour for 885km's. For an event, you want the route to last two hours. So double it. 1 Event Route = 885 x2 = 1770km's 885km ~ 1 Hour. So if one route takes 1 Hour and you doubled the length, it will take you two hours. In addition to the two hours, you should add 20 minuets to the route. This is backup/ Panic/ Late time. Games, Challenges, Races! For this, I suggest you look at the section below. To get games, challenges and race temporary rules approved, you will need the event server. This is to keep your event, and other non-attending community members getting into any hassle. Games can massively increase the popularity in your event. Coming up with games allow people to try something they probably wouldn't do on a normal server. It gives them a chance to show of their parking skills or racing talent. If you plan to add these, i would suggest cutting out 1-2 routes and replace them with the games. Trust me, i learnt the hard way. I did CD18's games during the break.... that was a bad idea. The event staff and myself got no time to relax. (For temporary rules, please go to the end of the post) Do I need the Event Server? The event server requirements will dictate whether you need it or not. If you expect a large turn out, check the Event Server Requirements. (Can be found at the end) Event Advertisement: Once you've got a solid sturdy plan, It's time to advertise. Don't spam it, just advertise. Make a TMP Forum post. This is a very good place to advertise as many visit the forums every single day. You can do this by creating artwork/banners, videos/ Event Trailers. Radio Adverts, this community has a wide selection of radio stations. Take your pick to see what they can offer you. Thank you for your time, Hopefully this will inspire, and help many of you when it comes to planning events. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below. I'll try my best to get back to you asap. (Useful links)3 points
Hey there, @StanicEnemy. Unfortunately not, the Special Transport DLC is incompatible with TruckersMP. This is ultimately due to the complexity of how the DLC itself operates. For instance, the trailers' size contained within the DLC is extremely excessive compared to other trailers and therefore it isn't possible just to add it in - This isn't mentioning the pilot vehicles, etc. Alas, the teased new game mode could potentially make it to be possible to use the DLC in a Multiplayer environment, but, we'll have to wait for future details before anything is specifically set.2 points
2 points
Bu tarihi gün, bizi biz yapan ortak değerlerimiz etrafında her zamankinden daha güçlü bir şekilde kenetlenme günüdür. Herkesin Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlu olsun…2 points
2 points
Hello tom1motorstorm, Just a quick question what controller are you using @tom1motorstorm is it a G29 or G920? If so there is something that I read where the wires that thread for the buttons on the main wheel can rub the insulation off and cause them to press unexpectedly which is what that looks like. In which case it may mean that you have to send off your wheel for repairs. I hope this helps. A way to test this would be to remove the key binds from the buttons and just leave the steering and pedals only. Kind regards, George2 points
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Hallows Haul ended and it was a fun event. I got to lead! The Pumpkin King stole the Sun so eternal night has settled in. Hopefully our journey has pleased the king so he'll soften up and give us back our Sun.2 points
Great Hallows Haul Convoy tonight! Glad to be a part of it2 points
The Czech Republic celebrates 100 years of its existence today! It started as Czechoslovakia on 28th October 1918 and went through good and also bad times. However, we are still here and this day we are celebrating awesome 100 years of this beautiful country! And that is the best time to drive in the best game, that comes from our country, with a truck which has a Czech paint job. And of course that I was driving on Czech roads.2 points
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[GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @immortal766 left the team due to lack of time. We thank him for his hard work in the team for all these years.2 points
It's time to change my profile picture. Why? The Czech republic (In the beginning - Czechoslovakia) is celebrating 100 years of existence and i am glad and proud that i am a part of it. I love this country and i hope, we will move only forward. Peace guys2 points
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Видео финала вчерашнего ивента Hallows Haul, может кто то себя увидит1 point
Hello, This is part of the Halloween event. This is not bug. As write in here: "This is part of a update we released in connection with the recent Halloween events, and a blogpost should be following with more info soon." Please let us know when your problem is resolved! Sincerely, AdaBey TruckersMP Support1 point
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Another thing could be that you have some sort of makro or makro program that assigned the Joy left/right bindings to multiple keys or similar. ~ MrJonton011 point
Well, I have a fx 6300 processor with a gtx 550ti, squeeze at 60 fps with maximum configuration (not ultra) in places that are not full, an intel core i3 7100 up or a 5th generation core i5, or amd fx 6300 or better yet an nvidia gtx 950 video card can rotate without suffering.1 point
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