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Interstate Nomad

Veteran Driver VII
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Interstate Nomad last won the day on February 16

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About Interstate Nomad

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Community Answers

  1. There is no point in providing your video of a possible rule violation in the forum. Please file a report using your evidence via the web report system.
  2. Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents in road traffic. Some common distractions are interacting with a smartphone, eating and drinking, adjusting music or navigation, and talking to passengers. In your case, interacting with your community in chat bears the risk of causing an accident. Such violations are covered by the TruckersMP rules, §2.5 - Reckless Driving.
  3. Not everyone enjoys reckless driving or accidents. For some, the fun comes from teamwork, coordination, and the community spirit of driving together across long distances. By respecting the rules, you make the game more enjoyable for those who prefer an authentic experience. Driving carefully teaches you to master different types of trucks, handle tough routes, and manage your vehicle in challenging situations like rain, night driving, or tight parking. Reckless driving might give you a temporary adrenaline rush, but playing carefully develops long-term skills.
  4. Good idea! This suggestion could motivate VTC owners to stay active and maintain their company’s presence, adding vitality to the community.
  5. Would it not be more effective to work with pictograms instead of written languages?
  6. This feature certainly contributes to more safety in road traffic. Especially inexperienced drivers can benefit from it. Experienced players and those seeking for realism however will be happy to have the option of turning it off.
  7. The repair costs of damages also depend on the configuration of your vehicle. For example, the repair of a damaged low-end truck will significantly cost less than of a high-end truck.
  8. Who will this special vehicle customization be restricted to? And which requirements have to met to gain access to it?
  9. While different vehicles improve realism and variety, third-party add-ons can also cause performance issues, causing lag or crashes. Furthermore, they need to be updated to match the latest game version to avoid compatibility issues.
  10. Thanks for your detailed response. Please go ahead and adjust my suggestion as you see fit.
  11. In this context, the term "game" refers to TruckersMP services.
  12. The idea is to free up usernames of users, who were inactive for a certain period of time. If I met this requirement, my username could be used by someone else. But since I'm an active (forum) user, it doesn't apply to me.
  13. From my experience, the roads in Germany are in a worse condition than in Switzerland... Nevertheless, it's a welcome change to TruckersMP.
  14. The road between Duisburg and Calais road hasn't been rebuilt primarily because it has become an infamous part of the TruckersMP experience. It might be revamped in a future map update by SCS Software.
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