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Veteran Driver II
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About 30maes

  • Birthday 07/20/2010

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    Shanghai, China
  • Preferred Trucks
    Western Star
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Duisburg
  • Known languages
    Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and English

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    Junior beta-tester

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  • World Of Trucks

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Community Answers

  1. That's an example of how the player blocked other player's view. Don't you drive quickly at C-D road, or you are the one who drives 60kph on C-D road and let others crazy? I don't see any point to not accelerate into a turn which I think I can successfully pass that curve on that speed.
  2. From my point of view, I completely don't understand why people would stop at a curve but instead of a straight road. I think it is also easier to get into traffic on a straight road than at a curve. The only thing I can think about is just someone who wanted to record other's reckless driving and report them. Because the accidents happen most at a curve. It might be a bit funny, but this is what I can think of or suspect. I've never said we need to ban someone who stopped at a curve. But rather kick at some point if it is needed judged by a Game Moderator. I'm just here to suggest for this, but who decides to take action is still the Game Moderators. And for above, I've seen many people suggested me to check F5 maps. I would check the map some time when driving on C-D road. But it doesn't mean that it is good to stop at a curve. Some people may not notice the accident above from F5 map because their view is blocked by a truck with trailer stopped next to them. Anyway, stopping at a curve would increase the risk of the accidents from my point of view.
  3. Hello, I'm here to make a suggestion on TruckersMP In-game rules. Suggestion Description: I've driven on Calais-Duisburg a lot, so I often met incidents or accidents on that road. But I just noticed a problem: Some players parked near the road curve, which makes me impossible to check the situation in front, thus marking a worse problem because of fewer braking distance. Currently, I've found the following rule: But it doesn't explain well on this kind of situation. So, I want this rule to be updated in order to include the above situation I've mentioned. It could be that a TPR or TPRK if stopping there for a moment and block players' view at the curve, a ban if stopping there for a long moment and causes a huge incident or accident at a curve unconsciously. But it's always up to GMM. If the current rule has already included this situation, I hope the rule can be updated to give a more detailed explanation or just mention that situation is still kickable or bannable. Why it should be added: I've actually already described the reason above. So here is an example of the following user stopping on a curve, caused fewer braking distance to me and nearly caused a collision. It's lucky that I was only driving like 60kph at that time. But if for another player who keeps driving in a high speed. I cannot imagine what would happen there. Video: I hope that this can be reviewed and be replied. Best Regards, 30maes
  4. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  5. Anyway, if all the durations of the ban are judged by the first, second or third time the player has been banned, this is unfair. Sometimes, he is just only Reckless Driving, this can sometimes only be a 7 day ban, but in your suggestion, it can be more than 7 days a lot. You cannot judge the ban's duration only by the person's ban chance, you also need to see what is the situation at that point, is it a very major issue or only a tiny issue? This is my point here.
  6. Suggestion Name: Make it possible to change the window opacity of the frame under the chat Suggestion Description: Same as the other window in TruckersMP, such as job dispatcher, setting menu and the scoreboard. Let it possible to change the window opacity of the frame under the chat. Any example images: Now: After: Why it should be added: It could be more convinient, and give more options to the players. Best Regards, 30maes
  7. Happy Birthday 🎉

  8. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  9. Hey guys! I just got a new report score. Do y'all who has zero report score got one know?
  10. But if the point system gone, the moderator will deal with too many reports. And many of them are useless. So I think the report score system is not bad, just a bit strict.
  11. Yeah, I've also got reports declined that the moderator said: the players behaviour only requires a kick in the game, not a ban. But no one said or no one write in the rules that how important the break rule is that require a ban instead of a kick.
  12. Bump. If there is always 0 report score, then the player cannot use the weapon "report" to protect themselves. And some players can not be banned as quick as possible. That will maybe generate a bigger accident.
  13. I don’t find this topic before I create a new suggestion in the forum. Maybe all of you can think about my suggestions. I only give those people one chance to let them can report further.
  14. Suggestion Name: Give 1 extra report score to the people whose report score has been 0 over 3 months Suggestion Description: On the website report system, if you have many valueless reports, then your report score will be 0 forever. I know this is because TruckersMP don’t want to see a lot of valueless reports that marked as “Declined” spam the report system. But this is a kind of unfair to the player who know the rules better three months after you got 0 report score. Because if the players who has 0 report score met the player who intentional crash to him or break the rules. He can do nothing with that player. You can also make a small test to the player who has 0 report scores 3 months after. If his first report after his report score became from 0 to 1. Then he cannot make any reports forever. This does not including the permanent report system ban. Any example images: This does not require any images. Why it should be added: To make sure that all the players know the rules better after he play TruckersMP for a long time can correctly protect themselves by reporting these unfriendly mans from the game.
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