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Veteran Driver IX
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About Sunstrider

  • Birthday 06/01/1990

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Community Answers

  1. It doesn't have a distance restriction. But it does have restrictions for everything else.

  2. I will see if i can attend.
  3. Is there a way to modify the plate to show my state's plate with the text format issued by my local DMV? Europe's plates are something like F TO 3081 While America's is something like PBI5172 I also wished this sync server wide and not just client side.
  4. While we're on the topic of Job Dispatcher. There should be an option to see only to see external contracts and what deliveries are per depot. During the Winterland Event, i was trying random cargo's from the closest city. And i kept getting "no results".
  5. Pineapple on pizza should be illegal. Anyone who likes it should get a perma forum ban and never be allowed on Sim 1 ever again.
  6. As of this post 2.7k on Sim 1 190 on Sim 2 The problem is, players want population and to not have map wide NCZ. It's like driving when kicked, BORING.
  7. I only know English. Makes it hard to communicate with the community where there is no option to understand what they are saying.
  8. It's there solely as a teaser of what an expanded CD Road would look like. There aren't going to make it functional.
  9. I just have voices set to volume 0. No more copyrights. As for the suggestion itself, i don't see anything being implemented that would detect when someone's breaking the spamming/abuse rule.
  10. I support TMP in Spirit, does that count?
  11. I would prefer them to prove they can complete Driving Academy. The problem with this suggestion, they don't learn. And the higher active bans proves it. There's also an age difference and not caring about the rules of the road. You can give them every tutorial, and teach them every possible method to make them good. The problem is, they just won't learn or bother to change and then complain when their next ban comes in.
  12. Missouri
  13. Imagine telling the admins what to do 🤣

    1. spencer_c


      Seems to have worked I got unbanned 🤣

    2. Sunstrider


      Good. Learn from it and don't get banned again 🙂

  14. That's nice. Not about to travel 4.8k miles.
  15. This is my old Truck Sim playlist. Despite my potato, i've enjoyed every moment. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk4FvVg9Bilq9lt-9shDw4_M1bVx9ty-j
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