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  1. Suggestion Name I'd like to use the quiet rain sound mode in TruckersMP. Suggestion Description The sound of raindrops falling on the roof of the truck is really loud. It's nice to see it raining, but the loud sound of rain makes driving less immersive, so I have no choice but to play with the rainfall set to 0%. Therefore, I would like to use the quiet rain sound mode in TruckersMP as well, so I am submitting this proposal. Any example images The video below was recorded after applying the mode in single player. Mode used: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3211147910 Why it should be added Vanilla's raindrop sounds are unrealistic because they sound like hail falling. Even if the truck windows are closed, outside sounds are not soundproofed, so I can hear the sound of rain outside even inside. The sight of rain falling is beautiful, but the sound of the rain makes it less immersive.
  2. I added the frosty v9.7 add-on to the mod folder, but when I accessed TruckersMP, it didn't snow. Did I miss something?
  3. To transport the locomotive, you have to use trailers 3, and 4, right? Is trailer number 1 and 2 not working?
  4. I purchased the Heavy Cargo Trailer Pack DLC for the purpose of transporting a 61-ton locomotive. But do I need the Schwarzmüller trailer DLC to transport a 61 ton locomotive? Or do I not need it? There are four different types of trailers I purchased, summarized in the images below. I also purchased the Schwarzmüller trailer DLC just in case, but I'm also curious whether the trailers are simply added or if there are any structural (modification) changes to the trailers in Standard Trailers. Image Source: @SteamNOC (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199558457924/)
  5. Suggestion Name Maybe you're in the garage and you can't move because you're out of fuel. Suggestion Description Have you ever had to fill up at a gas station before you ran out of fuel, but forgot to stop by the gas station and couldn't start your car? Have you ever had to fill up at the gas station before you ran out of gas, but couldn't start your car because you forgot to stop there? Today I was in a city garage and I had a situation where I couldn't move because I was low on fuel. My feelings were even more complicated because emergency refueling was not possible. In the end, you need to use a towing service to solve the problem, but if you use a towing service when transporting World of Truckers' cargo, you may face a situation where the transportation is stopped and you cannot do anything. Have you ever thought it strange that in ETS2, in addition to trucks, there are cars and buses, but there are no gas vehicles? I think ETS2 should create a gas vehicle for users who want to help refuel other users' vehicles. Any example images Why it should be added If you forget to stop for gas or miss a gas station, you'll be in big trouble when you run out of fuel. I wish there was a gas station where I could refuel other users' vehicles that are low on fuel.
  6. I want to transport Heavy Cargo from TruckersMP to an external market, but can't?
  7. I'm thinking of purchasing the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC. Will the Heavy Cargo Pack cargo appear in World of Truckers when I play TruckersMP? Or does it not show up?
  8. For those with purple nicknames, they are known as the Addon Team group. But what group is yellow?
  9. Suggestion Name serverizing the weather Suggestion Description In multiplayer, the only server environments that apply to all players appear to be day and night. It would be nice to server the weather and apply it to all players. In multiplayer, differences in weather between players can cause stress and cause discord between players, so it would be a good idea to manage the weather (snow, rain, etc.) on the server so that all players can drive in the same weather. How about having a separate winter mode server for players using winter mode? Europe 1 server has summer weather Europe 2 server has winter weather Alternatively, it would be a good idea to implement four seasons on one Europe server 1. Any example images - Why it should be added Vanilla's raindrop sounds are unrealistic because they sound like hail falling. Even if the truck windows are closed, outside sounds are not soundproofed, so I can hear the sound of rain outside even inside. The sight of rain falling is beautiful, but the sound of the rain makes it less immersive.
  10. Does it work if I report a player running at 110km/h, which is the maximum acceleration, on a road with no other player, whether on a national highway or a highway, that another player runs at 110km/h?
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