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Veteran Driver V
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About Fønix_TMP

  • Birthday 07/04/1997

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  • EU Garage Location
    (PM) Norway: Trondheim
  • Known languages
    English (US) , ( attempting Learning French, Dutch, Norweigan)

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. It wouldnt hurt me one bit, and would make your job 10x better rather than bein stuck on the same stretch of road where EVERYONE is toxic as hell and narcasistic. In simple, Delete the C-D road and problems are solved... plus most people would just scatter the map all the trolls would just stay in Calais city or Duisburg City and cry there .... Essentially Its a way of saying We are not going to listen to the small 1% (Trolls) and do what we need todo to make TruckersMP much better .... Seeing as we keep having to listen to that small group cry constantly and follow their every little whim. If you dont like it Tough. I Dont tollerate those who shelter trolls and those who protect trolls.
  2. A much more beneficial idea is to Delete the entire C-D road completely thus letting players actually spread out on the map not just solely in one small place. just removing the train doesnt solve any issue, in matter of fact would create more of an uproar of reckless behaviour
  3. So yes Ive been saying that we should really Restrict the Skoda to TruckersMP Staff ONLY due to the constant misuse and abusive behaviour thats been noted with them. but if you did that then the Patreon Vehicles wiil have to be discontinued (something i didnt really agree with as it doesnt really add anything extra.) In light of this i 100% back this alongside throwing in the blacklisting of Triple Trailers and re introducing the Trailer Restriction zone for HCTs and Doubles plus the blacklisting of the 8x4 Chassis due to the misuse and abuse this always sees across ALL servers.
  4. Thanks for the follow :HaulieLove:

  5. I would advise against it as some of those Trucks are made with the intent to cause problems for other players. There are pleanty of stock trucks availible within ETS2 and lots of customiseations. I for one have noticed some of the Steam Workshop trucks are game breaking or crash causing for you and others... and yes some can get you perma'd until you remove the mod and provide evidence in your appeal. I hope this helps If you need a good example please feel free to respond and i can Provide a screenshot of how i have my current truck ... a 2009 Volvo FH Taglift set up
  6. The one issue is with this sort of thing, it would need to be approved then tested before adding the livery itself onto servers for those to use which unfortunately there only would be a very small amount of players actually use it rather than their own trailers & VTC/color scheme and trust me TMP Events like #TMP9 or e.g #TMP7/8 are some of the biggest and including the Birthday convoy which sometimes can be extremely huge with one of the biggest turnouts! It just really isnt that feesable to add.
  7. Hey There! Been sort of awhile? Turns out im not fully standing away from TruckersMP... but i know im way to inactive to ever be considered for TMP Staff :LUL: 

    Oh and the fact i am best known for combatting trolls on the discord server ... blah sooo why am i sort of still here? and to that i say .... I really have no clue 🤷‍♂️ 

    I wont be fully on TMP or on that often either mostly down to Real life taking full priority and yanno that illusive thing called MONEY... *annoyingly im 9 times out of 10 as broke as a small minority of uni students* so i gotta sort that one out ... Employment yea that too Ooooohh and get a replacement PC for this current potato pc... amongst other things e.g a goddamn set of wheels *Probably a Chevrolet Silverado 1500 .... or Dodge Charger .. i dunno yet* What else am i forgetting here? Ahhhh yes a new appartment ooor a small house? 

    The other reason i wont be fully active.... Ahhh yes FiveM... yea im part of a community thats owned by me and a very good friend over in the States which is in development alongside being part of an active server, so ive got those two things to hold the hell down. *Latter is going sort of meh?* Still it's pretty cool ... oh and not only that but i might of gained MWII Warzone 2.0 ... sooo that is also another game that im usually found on! 

    As for ETS2/TMP heh well I've returned to Global Cargo awhile ago which is something.... *I really need to get bit more active with that* I also lost my Local Modded Scania R500XT Taglift ... but that was because SCS revamped the back end stuff ... No loss there *Apart from the Krewlex inspired Black/Purple metallic paint scheme* which of course has left me with my rather slow and dodgy gearbox'd 2009 Volvo FH 500hp Taglift Truck and Low bed trailer combo ... which suits my driving *I dont tend to break 50-55mph or 80-88kmh while im driving* 

    That being said  *This service terminates here. Please ensure you have your tickets & passes ready*


  8. Thank you very much for your follow! 🙂


  9. Update as of 03/31/2023

    Hi there Yall! 
    Im some what back just not fully? Well yea As per many players Money, Emplyoment and IRL stuff comes first! Best bit is ill mostly be focused on Promods servers due to me and Sim servers uhhh lets say have a long standing red spot ... and i know im probably one ban away from being sent into the trashcan permanently from here lmao! Anyway time constraints plus my own commitments to FiveM are taking priority... Further Update coming Soon.tm 

    About time i say this, but as many of you have noticed Via Discord an subtle profile changes (main) that i have left TruckersMP of course ... with one Exception... Drive For Life. 
    With everything going on and the many recent events within TMP itself, alongside FiveM/ Iracing and for once IRL i decided that the time was right to stand down and Retire from this Amazing Community ... Unofficially that is.... (yes i know you lot in the staff team are watching all the time) ...

    Theres many many People i want to thank for making my time within TruckersMP absolutely amazing.... @Pillow& @Olioak are the first two .... these two were the very first staff members i ever met in a good way ... both of these two showed how great this community is. Which brings me on to..... @Krewlex who has been absolutely amazing throughout my time here, hes helped me out and gave advice oh and taught me that not everything needs an overreaction or anger. (yes i do still stay in touch with this awesome Music producer), @SpeedyTMP is another notable team member who i met within one of my first VTC adventures .... along with frequent sightings and shanigans with @Digital, @Killua // Ireland ^_^, @Candimane, @BLVCKSK!LL, @Tony [UK], @Matt #CarLadMatt, @SarahMaddy& Camelliya ( it wouldnt let me tag you ....) + more, its been quite a ride and thank you for making this community what it is today... without you guys things wouldnt be as entertaining. 

    Anyway thankyou all for reading this mess of a leaving note.... and well see yall on the other side. 

    Thank yall 
    Fønix Wolfe (former _TMP) 
    Global Cargo Driving Team 

    Remember you can follow me over on Twitter, instagram for updates on whats going on. You can also head over to twitch too and follow there too! Links down below! 

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/phoenix_gtruk/ *Limited Service*

    Mainstream Twitter : https://twitter.com/FonixGTRUK *Limited Service*
    Gaming Twitter Acc : *Check About Section/ No service* 
    Twitch : *Check About Section , No Service, Cover Streamer*



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Sad see you leaving, we will miss you 896749734788730880.webp?size=96&quality=lossless  Best of luck for the future :HaulieLove:

    2. SammyCat



      It was lovely to see you leave TruckersMP! We will definitely miss you, I know I will definitely miss you.

      Thank you so much for everything you have done, and I wish you the very best of luck for the future.

  10. Welcome back Olioak, Weve missed you and hope to see you around servers soon ?

  11. Appreciate the follow! ?

  12. Thanks for follow ❤️ 

  13. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  14. Will miss you Oli bruv, feel free to DM on discord whenever you want! your officially a #TMPLegend 

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