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About x5W_

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Formula 1 / Aviation / Karting / Cars
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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    Arabic and English

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  1. Congratulations, @'Stance! You truly deserve this moment. Wishing you even more incredible milestones ahead.
    From Nightwish Event Team ❤️

  2. Goodbye Winterland  ⛄

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Lovely Photo 😍🥰❤️:HaulieLove: Gonna miss Winterland ☃️🙁

    2. x5W_


      Thank you @Killua // Ireland ^_^😄❤️, We indeed gonna miss Winterland 

  3. Happy Birthday @Melodies , Wish you an amazing day.
    From Nightwish Event Team 😄

  4. I returned to playing TruckersMP around mid-2024, had a great memories with friends, particularly with Nightwish. However, the most unforgettable experience for me was participating in the memorial convoy for DJ Jefferz. Hearing the unfortunate news, but witnessing the community joining from being in a VTC to publics felt heartwarming.
  5. How do you deal with high traffic areas like Calais-Duisburg?
  6. Nightwish 1st Year Anniversary Convoy 🎇❤️
    A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Nightwish Trucking's 1st Year Anniversary Convoy! 🎉🚛 Your support and enthusiasm made this event truly unforgettable. \ Picture credit: @Thorekk_




    1. Almeida.


      Nice photo ❤️ 

    2. x5W_


      Well all credit is to @Thorekk_ but thank you 🙂


    3. 'Kyann.


      Nice photo 📷 ❤️

  7. Happy New Year 🎇
    Happy new year Everyone, Hope everyone has a blessed day and great success in the future | From Nightwishh ❤️

  8. Thank you for the follow me ❤️ 

    1. x5W_


      No worries and thank you for following me as well 🙂


    2. Almeida.


      You're welcome ❤️ Happy New Year 🎆

    3. x5W_


      Happy new year to you too

  9. Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all your answers! I really appreciate the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and opinions. It’s great to see such a variety of perspectives on favorite DLCs and areas in ETS2.
  10. In my opinion, the driving experience in the game depends which city. For example, most of the ramming I experience happens near Calais or on the C-D road. I can’t recall a day without seeing a ban mentioned in the chat. Unfortunately, some players don’t seem to take the game seriously.
  11. What’s your favorite map DLC in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and why?
  12. Nice Truck! , Yea sorry about the title I need to rephrase it I will change it right away.
  13. I would love to see your creativity and feel free to share a photo of your truck
  14. I will have a go on these routes Thank you for you suggestion
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