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Status Updates posted by Luna

  1. Public beta 1.40 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is out!




    1. Duisburg did not change. The area around it a bit.




    2. Parts of Iberia are included (:pog:)




    3. Lighting looks sick but I am sure there are hundreds of people who can show that better than me


    Thanks to @MarkON for notifying me ❤️ 

  2. "Soon - There is no specific release date I can tell you at this moment." is probably my most written sentences of the last four weeks. Whether it was in #guest-chat on our Discord, in my DMs on forum and Discord, on Twitter, on Facebook or on Instagram.


    I can totally understand that people want to play on ATS and ETS2 1.37 because we all want it.

    Yes, usually updates don't take one month but usually updates don't include a new truck, a new sound engine and do not happen while a global pandemic is affecting our lives.


    Some people totally understand that and post comments like this:




    But such messages are rare. Mostly I saw such things:




    Sometimes I just feel helpless because all I can say is that we are working on the update. I can't tell anyone a specific date but actually, this is good. Other known community projects and even large companies always announce specific release days but then have to move it to another date which makes their community more sad.

    The problem I see is that there are so many people that don't know or don't want to downgrade their game because a) the new version is much cooler or b) they think it's dangerous to downgrade or c) it's not allowed to downgrade.

    And now I am here thinking if we should make a "How to downgrade" video explaining the little risks and downsides but the huge advantages of downgrading or if we shouldn't do it because there will always be people complaining and we actively promote downgrading already.

    We have 200 team members but only two people work on the client because it is not that easy. Community projects like HGVMP or IFMP tried to create their own multiplayer but no other project released an actual client yet for the past eight years.

    TruckersMP is free, we do not anyone to pay us. We make money with Patreon, yes, but nobody is actually an employee. As some of you know, mwl4, our main client dev, has a real life job as developer. Do people think that just because of Corona all big companies close down entirely? I have no experience but I bet that it is not easier to work from home on project when you usually work as dev in a real bureau.


    We know that the 1.37 update won't be released in May which means all events this month including Real Operations will happen on 1.36.
    I would like to ask everyone who is still reading this to wait patiently and allow us to work as usual even though you guys know this already. One day, all this will be over and we can celebrate ingame with opening our windows until the next big game update releases.


    Thank you for reading my little mental breakdown and thank you for your patience!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ThieF_24


      @Lasse stay strong mate !, ignore the ugly msg :P

    3. LordBenji


      Just change this line and you'll be fine :troll:

      • compatible_versions[]: "1.37.*"
    4. [GTR - 002] Driver

      [GTR - 002] Driver

      Naughty waiting, don't worry, 1.37 will always come, and it is a new state.???

  3. Today I attended an event from GCEE ("Grupo de Comboios Entre Empresas") called "L'AUTO EXPRESS". For me nighttime between 2 and 5 am.

    But it was worth it: They had over 250 attendants from many different VTCs.


    As far as I understand the concept of GCEE, many different Portuguese-speaking VTCs (mostly Brazilian) get together and organize weekly events. It fascinated me how well-structured this event was and how many players attended.


    There is one major thing that I have never seen at a European convoy: At the end of the convoy, the leaders of each VTC had a little 30-90sec speech prepared and presented it one by one via CB. Even though I don't understand Brazilian-Portuguese, it was very nice to listen. I am really looking forward to the next event next week.


    Special thanks to @Flindix and @David E. for explaining the concept to me.



    (sorry I am not a good photographer xdd)

    1. Skycouto_


      Hello Lasse! The GCEE management team is happy with your positive feedback. Thank you very much for attending our event. See you Saturday or Sunday! ?

      VCouto: GCEE Manager

  4. ? The CD road roadwork wasn't just an April fool thing.

    Our Add-On team worked on some changes for Duisburg and CD!


    Duisburg service station




    CD Brussels/Rotterdam intersection



    Duisburg fuel station



    Duisburg intersection



    Do you like these changes?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      My personal favourite is the ATS billboard at the Brussels/Rotterdam intersection. 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      nah railway crossing should stay, part of whats great about C-D is traffic backing up and traffic jams :P

    4. ThieF_24


      i like these changes! thx

  5. I am now live on https://twitch.tv/lasse0001 with some ETS2. We are exploring some nice April fools chaos :kowalski: Feel free to join!

    1. Luna


      Stream ended. Thanks for joining guys ❤️

    2. [GTR - 002] Driver
  6. I hope everyone enjoyed this special date already!



  7. Typical Sunday? ?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LordBenji


      Pfft, then let me drive the Huracan then :kappa:

    3. RMJ_


      Ofc flexing with the lambo :kappa:I bet it was smoky! 


    4. TeamAudi_Dongkyu_EM
  8. Just arrived in Longyearbyen after a nearly 100% safe drive with @Grundii and @Linciano on ProMods. (Wasn't my fault ofc :kappa:). Where have you been crashing recently?



  9. I am live! Let's see how traffic is going at the most populated areas.

  10. Now live with some moderation work on Sim1 :party: https://twitch.tv/lasse0001

  11. Enjoyed a nice evening with @Olioak@Savage.@ScaniaFan89@Falco [ITA]@Moh_ and @Flindix in Ancona.


    I hope everyone had a nice day :D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~Ciprian-Ionut~
    3. Chemistry_TMP


      although I don't participate this, it is very enjoyable.

    4. ScaniaFan89


      Who was it you guys were saying unlocks paints? 

  12. At the Nut House Convoy from Squirrel today:




    Looking forward to meeting you all at Real Operations tomorrow!

    1. Samito_BG


      Can't wait too.. I hope it will be amazing ! :D

  13. Today, I met some stalker in Duisburg ( @Olioak :kappa:)




    Hope to see everyone else here once on the road!


    Have a nice Monday <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JB2783


      Duisburg or Calais :thinking:

      in Duisburg there is not such a parking lot ;)

    3. Princess Lulu
    4. Emirhan kurt 29
  14. Hey everyone!
    One year ago, March 19 2018, the little Convoy Control team was merged into the official TMP Staff Team.

    Today is the Birthday of our lovely TruckersMP Event Team! Some of the original Event Team members are still in the team, some transferred to another team and some left (and came back).

    One last note: Thank you Digital! All the other teams had different Team Leaders. But Digital stayed Manager straight from the start. He is a wonderful manager. I am sure many of the blue team will agree with this.

    Thank you everyone and have a nice day!
    (Watch our anthem now: https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc)

  15. Luna

    Just keep in mind that we love you. 


    Thank you!

  16. Good evening guys.

    Did anyone of you attend to the public convoy today? How was your experience?

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Night.
      I'm really happy that I attended public convoy today and TMP staff, especially Event Team did a great job ;) 

    2. Luna
  17. Happy Kravday!

    Enjoy your cake - don't get banned today!

    ~ Your protector

  18. I finally got my profile picture here too. I will set the background dark later >.>

  19. New name :huh:

    Good night!

  20. Ich wahr hier wohl schon lange nicht mehr... seit wann bist du mod? lol

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. NoTime4name


      Genau das hätte ich gestern auch xD Du musst dein Browser grösser machen (maximieren), wenn das Fenster zu klein ist wird es nicht angezeigt.

    3. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      @NoTime4name Ah... Diese Zeit bei GTAO

      Wir waren die Ersatz für die Tram, wahrscheinlich Streik.

      Hast du Lust auf die Doomsdayheists?

    4. NoTime4name


      Sicher, sobald ich wieder Zeit habe ;)

  21. Why am I here?

    I don't even like forums.

    Many users and too long messages.

    But the posts are more helpful than on Discord.

    Could that be the sense of all life in the world? TMP forums

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heyhococo


      If you don’t like the forums, you know where the door is

    3. RapidFellow


      Du hast heute mal wieder meine Notification Box zugespammt




    4. Luna
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