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Veteran Driver VII
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About ~Ciprian-Ionut~

  • Birthday 07/17/2001

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
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~Ciprian-Ionut~'s Achievements


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  1. Take Care

    1. ~Ciprian-Ionut~


      Thanks very much for your message! 

  2. Take care bro! 

    1. ~Ciprian-Ionut~


      Thanks very much for your message! 

  3. Take care bro! 

    1. ~Ciprian-Ionut~


      Thanks very much for your message! 😍

  4. Take care bro! 

    1. ~Ciprian-Ionut~


      Thanks very much for your message! 

  5. Take care bro! 😞

    1. ~Ciprian-Ionut~


      Thanks very much for your message! 

  6. Hello @/:\D0NPR0MILL0/:\, Since your topic has been inactive for a specific period of time, I am going to move it to the Archive to keep the forums organized. If you wish to get your topic restored in the future, feel free to contact the Media Team. //Topic has been moved to Archive due to inactivity
  7. Hello @Kaan, Since your topic has been inactive for a specific period of time, I am going to move it to the Archive to keep the forums organized. If you wish to get your topic restored in the future, feel free to contact the Media Team. //Topic has been moved to Archive due to inactivity
  8. Happy Birthday 🎉

  9. Happy Birthday 🥳

  10. Happy Birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday  ~Ciprian-Ionut~

  13. Happy Birthday  

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