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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Moh_ last won the day on March 2 2021

Moh_ had the most liked content!

About Moh_

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  1. You are missed ! 

  2. Very sorry to hear this news,hope for your back soon?

  3. I feel sad for your left. Thank you for everything you have done for Truckersmp in the past two and a half years. Hope you can come back one day.

  4. baiiii, hopefully we will see you again soon!!

  5. Cora

    Miss you already ?

    1. Moh_


      Miss you too ☹️

  6. Phon

    Miss you Moh ?

    1. Moh_


      Miss you more 



  7. Ali.



    I miss you already


    Thanks ? 

    1. Moh_



      I miss you too ? Maybe I'll return some day.


  8. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER + COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Koneko has been promoted to Community Moderator (Discord), whilst remaining as a Game Moderator Trainer.
  9. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER] @Koneko joins the Community Moderation team as a trainee Discord Moderator, whilst remaining as a Game Moderator Trainer. [PLAYER] @Mr Thornton joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
  10. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [PLAYER] @AllstarDK joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
  11. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [PLAYER]@StateCA (NL) joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
  12. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [SUPPORT TEAM] @Polyxena [GER] joins the Community Moderation team as a trainee Discord Moderator, whilst remaining in the Support team. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Grundii has been promoted from Community Moderator (Discord Moderator) to Community Moderator Leader.
  13. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR LEADER + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @BL4CK$K1LL has been promoted to Community Moderator (Forum) whilst remaining as a Game Moderator Leader.
  14. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @BL4CK$K1LL joins the Community Moderation team as a trainee Forum Moderator, whilst remaining as a Game Moderator Leader.
  15. Moh_

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR] @Speedy_TMP joins the Community Moderation team as a Discord Moderator, whilst remaining as a Game Moderator. [MEDIA] @LaxZ joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator, whilst remaining in Media.
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