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FBTC - Raaphael

Veteran Driver X
 TruckersMP Profile
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About FBTC - Raaphael

  • Birthday 10/23/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brasil, Minas Gerais
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
  • Known languages
    Português e Inglês

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  1. Parabéns! Feliz Aniversário! 👏👏👏

  2. Happy Birthday 🎉 Raphy ❤️🩷

  3. Very cool. Now I'm looking forward to the event on the 27th. But why didn't you do the Halloween ghost hunt this year? I would like it to be analyzed for next year.
  4. Hello, I have noticed that all publications following the pattern of adding an image directly from the imgur website to the TruckersMP website have all broken links. I would like to know if the TMP team is aware of this small problem so they can correct the way it should be like this: ![Image description](https://commonmark.org/help/images/favicon.png) When following the pattern in the example above, this appears to me: image description I found a solution for this with the help of some friends. And now there is a lot of work that will last a long time to correct this in all the publications I have made to date following this example: Correct link: ![](https://i.imgur.com/CGYXyAS Here I have to add the following command: ![](https://i before the link imgur.com/CGYXyAS Broken link: ![Image description](https://imgur.com/CGYXyAS.png) I hope they correct the default link as it used to be. But maybe it's a conflict with the imgur website.
  5. It seems to be very interesting.
  6. The additional features of the accessories was surprising to me. Excellent job. I know this is not a project dedicated to the TMP team. But it would be interesting to have some mechanism or towing vehicle, like a "self-help winch" to help players who get into accidents and stay off the track without being blocked. It's an idea that SCS should think about.
  7. And after years of not being able to participate in this event because I didn't have a computer that could support this event with many players. Today, with a reasonable machine, I was able to be present again to experience this incredible event thanks to the excellent work of the entire TruckersMP team.

    Hello truck drivers!
    It's time to review the best moments I recorded during my adventures on the freeroam server.

    (If you were present on the freeroam servers in the first days of the week, I may have captured some of your scenes in this video).

  9. Hello to all virtual truck drivers,👋
    Come watch my experience at the 2024 Easter egg hunt event. 😊




    1. 'MaRtY


      Nice Video:HaulieLove:

    2. L-DR@GO


      Nice graphics 

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