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About MisterAndeh

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    United Kingdom
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  • American Garage Location
    Oregon: Portland
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    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English UK

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  1. Nice to see last year’s event being built upon to bring an expanded set of events this year, the inclusion of ATS is a nice touch!
  2. Seems like they forgot about that lol Whilst it is nice to see the more modern panel released, and it looks a lot fresher, the removal of the date/time functionality is incredibly shortsighted as it is used for various reasons including reports, VTC evidence, and generally just useful as a QOL feature -it is certainly not redundant, as can clearly be seen from the initial negative reactions here. Would be very interested to hear why keeping such a feature “didn’t justify the resources required to keep it maintained”, that sounds like a very peculiar statement, as does the attempted justification that it’s removal helps streamline the interface. Considering how much blank space there is around the panel it wouldn’t be out of place to have the date/time included.
  3. Guest

    Take care

  4. Take care Thank you❤️

  5. Guest

    Take care

  6. take care and thank you

  7. Take care and thank you for your work! ❤️

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