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Veteran Driver VI
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Chemistry_TMP last won the day on March 10 2020

Chemistry_TMP had the most liked content!

About Chemistry_TMP

  • Birthday 12/07/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Republic Of Korea, Gimhae
  • Interests
    TruckersMP, Team Staff, Report, Guide
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    Korean, English

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Community Answers

  1. 루트 2 시내y 오타 있는거 같아요~
  2. Happy Birthday Fezz. :congrats:


  3. Congrats Velo(city)!

  4. no plsssssssssssss
  5. I will give some of warns xD
  6. Oops, I have to be careful to you.


    Congrats 🙂 



    1. Miyu*


      I don't carry chemical stuff around. Just some hammers. No need to worry, no radiations. XD

  7. Like the previous "Road To Simulation" update, Did you planning to change or modify TruckersMP rules on a large scale in the future or in the distant future?
  8. 1. When some years ago, the "Human Resources" Team was disbanded. I'm curious about why it disbanded and Gave permission about the "Human Resources" to each department's manager. If it includes an internal security problem, Don't answer, it's okay. 2. When the HR issue occurred, in the TruckersMP Team Thread, it displayed like that; "@example was promoted to Event Management" or "@example was removed from the team due to internal reasons" before a month(s)/half ago. However, currently displays "@example Player -> Trial Translator" like. Why did you decide to change the ways?
  9. Happy Birthday :3

  10. During the COVID-19, over 10 thousand players had played TruckersMP. At that time, the TruckersMP Human Resources Team had recruited appropriate personnel. Currently, Maybe each department's Manager thought that no need to recruit more personnel.
  11. Actually, Many of the In-Game Reports in the Game were not treated due to the time expiration. For Instance, In Simulation 2, The Reports in the game always have over 100+ reports. It can be proven when you check the Game Moderator's Stream. In any case, even if the suggestion was accepted and reflected, it doesn't make sense unless there are more than 300 IG Moderators, as hundreds or thousands of reports are received a day and usually 100 are capped. Indeed, do you think more than 100+ moderators can play it at once?
  12. Perhaps, a high percentage, the same color as Veteran Driver IV
  13. + Added "Test Coordinator" Role color
  14. A great news! Finally developed it. I am very happy to type IME language in TruckersMP! From now on, I can remove my Ctrl key maybe
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