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Status Updates posted by NeonLeon

  1. Going Live  :tmp: Come and say hi!



  2. Good morning! Who else is already excited?  :D



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Morning ^-^


      How not to be excited when there's going to be my favourite TMP event today :D 

    3. MarkON


      :oPicture from Real Operations v5 near Dijon.;)


      Real Operations v6 coming soon 17 UTC :love:

      Well, this should be a very interesting evening.

    4. Soul Knight
  3. As you probably noticed, we had to restart the server to publish a small update. We are now looking to solve the issue everyone has while trying to update. Stay patient

    1. SupiUK


      No worries, thank you for the update!

    2. Emirhan kurt 29
    3. Guest


      Thank you for uptade

  4. Welcome back! ღ

    1. NightSword^


      Thank youuu :wub:

      Happy to come back :love:

  5. Taking a nice ride with my new MAN :tmp:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. [E-T CEO] Flying Cat

      [E-T CEO] Flying Cat

      Schönes Foto, mal wieder auf Discord reden?

    3. Alex.de


      Irgendwie passt das Boot nicht in die Location :rolleyes:


      Ich meine: Ein Boot in der Kiesgrube oder wie dieser Ort auch heißt, haha :lol:

  6. Congratulations! Have fun with the hammer :thisisfine:


                                                           ღ        @BlocKing       @Krewlex       @Gnl_Hugh122       @RequieB    @[LKW Tr.] bobi124     ღ



    1. Grundii
    2. Doxxyz


      @Krewlex  has the most beatifull truck there ;) <3  

    3. Chris2306


      @NeonLeon  Nice Picture! <3


  8. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag  ღ

    1. T.Rucker


      Dankeschön, Leon. <3

  9. My boss gave me a new king of the roads yesterday  :wub:  What do you think? 



  10. Welcome again  :wub: Awesome to see you back!

  11. Hey mate! Your presence has added so much things to truckersmp... I want to express my gratitude for all the things you have done for us and everything you worked on. Ur the kind of person with whom everyone would love to work. Thanks for everything <3

    1. Guest


      Kind words @NeonLeon !


      I completely agree with what Neon has said, thanks for your help over the years, Humane.

  12. Will miss you <3 Have fun with your new rank!

  13. Welcome back, buddy! Nice to see you again <3

  14. Congratulations again buddy! Well deserved :) 

  15. Don't waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slushbro


      Leon du wirst ja so tiefgründig und philosophisch  :O

    3. NeonLeon


      @slushbro Ich hoffe es gelingt mir :D

  16. Have a great birthday mate!

  17. Evening all!


    Today I had the pleasure to talk to @[TAL CEO] BlackSkill who is often designing pictures for people here and I asked him to create a new title photo for my profile! 

    What you can see now is the result of hours of work for this awesome guy - he was able to make this picture within a few hours what is an unbelievable performance in my opinion. 


    I hope you like the new picture - comment your opinion and feedback below ;)


    At the same time, BlackSkill will select a person for a new picture. So, if you need an awesome picture as I have now, take a look at his recent status update! Check his profile and don't forget to follow.


    Have a great rest of the weekend all!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. .Andy.


      That looks amazing! Good work @[TAL CEO] BlackSkill

    3. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      ^ Thanks for positive feedback guys, really appreciated <3

  18. Welcome back, buddy!

  19. Evening community!


    The day is slowly ending and since I was pretty busy in moderating today and spent half of the day in a hot swimming pool, I wasn't able to take a ride with friends ;) Following you can see a nice impression of a little tour with some mates some days ago.


    Let's begin from left to right if I can remember correctly :wow:


    @Janiboy264  @I3lackReaper  @NeonLeon @Dr4ch3nblut2802 @Darts_379

    Thank you all for the nice ride and please tell Janiboy to create a forum profile if he hasn't already done that! 

    I wish everybody else of the community a great evening and a nice weekend :) See you on the road!




    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Thanks Leon, have a nice weekend ^_^ :wub:

    2. Grundii


      Schönes WE Leon! Hoffe, dass alles wieder funktioniert :D

  20. Cheers guys!


    With 2018 slowly ending and 2019 right around the corner, I would like to thank you for being part of this great family, TruckersMP! We are a continuously evolving network, and it is every member with a registred account, who make it so special. Without every one of you, nothing of this would have been possible. 


    I also immensely thank our current and former staff members who have decided to volunteer their personal time, and boundlessly work to keep offering to the community the most convivial trucking simulation experience. 


    So, regardless of what you did or you are going to do this week, stay safe and have Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and much fun! 


    Kind regards,


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ImOllie


      421363167545917464.png?v=1 it's awesome to be on the team with you - happy new year @NeonLeon

    3. NeonLeon


      @EHHVTC - Ollie  I appreciate your words buddy ;)

  21. Winter Mod available! 


    Guys, please take a look at the following thread 

    to download the winter mod that is a  requirement on the server from now on.  


    You need to directly download it as we are not able to provide it via the launcher this year. If you need assistance, feel free to contact the support (truckersmp.com/support) or me via discord.


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