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30 points
[TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @teamdeer has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @MikeOG has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator.15 points
[SUPPORT] @Gromm99 transferred to the Trial Game Moderator Observer team. [SUPPORT] @Chris | Camox transferred to the Trial Game Moderator Observer team. [SUPPORT] @NerdDeat transferred to the Trial Game Moderator Observer team. [SUPPORT] @GoknOz transferred to the Trial Game Moderator Observer team.10 points
It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.7 points
My pedal snapped... @SgtBreadStick turned it into a meme....6 points
5 points
Suggestion Name: Ghost Mode Extension In Traffic Suggestion Description: Ghost Mode currently has a time limit which normally is fine, but when people spawn into traffic jams they start glitching & cause damage to the person they are inside when they move which can send them flying....Having an Extension that stays on till they are clear of other players vehicles would stop this happening ( the person may also not see the traffic & cause lots of people damage due to loading everything in ) Any example images: No Why should it be added?: As stated above it would stop people glitching out & sending others flying or giving them damage from clipping!4 points
If you really effort, you will succeed. w/izm07, BlocKing.4 points
Oh, would you look at that! Small achievement for me there4 points
4 points
A small team from Krone Trailers visited SCS Software's office to check on the progress of our work on implementing their trailers into Euro Truck Simulator 2. We have spent two days with our guests to explain and demonstrate the process of vehicle creation and discuss the challenges ahead of us when building the new DLC while aiming to push the quality bar up again. Their camera guy took the trip rather seriously and recorded a lot of footage. During our visit to Krone manufacturing plant a couple of months ago, we have been provided with tons of high-quality reference material and access to the actual trailers in the manufacturing plant. It gives us a chance to portray them at an unprecedented level of detail. On top of it, this is going to be our pilot project into implementing new cool trailer-related features into our games! ;) As a result, we have a massive amount of work to do to make sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. We really hope that you will appreciate our effort eventually, even if it's a test of patience as it takes a lot of time for the team to pull this all off. The team from Krone has created really nice video reports from the visit, and we think they may also be very interesting for our fans. There are two different versions of the videos, one in English, the other in German, but they are definitely not identical. The commentary, as well as some of the things shown, are different. Our work on Krone Trailers DLC continues at full pace. We are not yet ready to announce a specific release date other than "later this year," but we hope that these videos will serve as a nice teaser for the project. It is really exciting when major manufacturers from transportation industry pay closer attention to our games, and we certainly hope that our ties and involvement with the industry are going to further improve. Our SCS On the Road team (see their calendar) working "in the field" is helping us attract attention, not just from the numerous visitors of various events, but also from industry decision-makers in attendance. Our currently ongoing World of Trucks special event (have you given it a try yet?) is a clear indication that our games can connect the world of simulation games and truck industry really well. Shameless plug at the end to promote the work of our friends at Krone Trailers media team: Fans of their production should consider checking out their social media channels including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They are definitely very professionally managed and full of interesting content. View the full article3 points
3 points
Tesla truck this has to be the worst looking truck I've ever seen it being an electric truck makes it even worse3 points
You just gotta love it when the main road(tunnel) is closed and you gotta take the whole truck and trailer through downtown on them "wide" roads. Btw have a bonus clip from earlier this winter as I forgot to make it public and post it I suppose, can't really see it in the clip but at one point there was this gust of wind that threw my whole trailer sideways and I could literally see the whole side of it in my right hand side mirror and my heart skipped a beat so to say.3 points
3 points
Driving around on promods and driving in the new Sharp Logistics VTC paint job head over to twitch.tv/sharp_gaminghd to watch3 points
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." Good Night Friends3 points
[GAME MODERATOR] @[T.G.E][01] Lorena [PE] left the team for personal reasons. Thanks for your work during the 8 months you were with us.3 points
Suggestion Name: DLC Tuning parts replaced by default original parts. Suggestion Description: Like you did for the wheels (after ultimate wheel customization), is possible to replace with default parts if a player doesn't have the DLC of a truck? Any example images: This is pretty horrible.. no? Why should it be added?: because, seeing trucks without parts or like theyr engine is the.. magic(?) isn't that cool..2 points
Hello! New version has been released. Changelog: Support for Euro Truck Simulator v. 1.31.1s [c5efd3096480] Support for American Truck Simulator v. 1.31.1s [0c87f6ed11dc] Support for Euro Truck Simulator v. [94cb72ec79d6]2 points
Suggestion Name: New member / training server Suggestion Description: New members with less than (say 25hours) are allowed on Eu4 only. Once 25 hours is achieved then all servers open Any example images: non Why should it be added?: As a newbie myself I found it quite intimidating joining MP for the first time. I had been on SP and while more realistic, theres no real damage done if you make a mistake or crash into the AI. As soon as you step into MP players can become very toxic if you make a mistake. We need somewhere to practise alongside other users without fear of making mistake. I myself made an error of judgment at the weekend which resulted in a crash and I got banned for 3 days. I think a server that is for new players (Eu4 seems good?) would allow players to learn in a multiplayer world without real consequence of mistakes. At present this can be done but on a voluntary basis. I think it should be enforced. Providing you have no reports for trolling behaviour etc then after XX game hours, you get access to all servers. Likewise, rather than straight bans being handed out for traffic accidents, players could be moved back to server 4 for the ‘ban time’ to allow them to keep playing and re-adjusting their behaviour. It would also cut down on trolls as generally these seem to be players with very few hours and just log on occasionally to cause grief before moving back on to fortnite or call of duty haha2 points
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@[Br][Tr]Sgt_FaiiryTalee @[No][Tr]Sgt.Prinsesse Av Get busy living, or get busy dying... https://prnt.sc/jook602 points
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2 points
¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿2 points
2 points
It is 4am and 18*C outside... I am not sure if I am still in Scotland :thinking:2 points
@Nizam Logistics BraveClay fazla söze gerek yok bence2 points
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2 points
[TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @darkneon2002 has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @WTLVTC - Smalley has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATOR] @math-98 has been temporarily suspended from the team for 2 weeks due to behavior issues.2 points
Emoticon name: :sad: Picture: https://forum.truckersmp.com/uploads/reactions/react_sad.png Emoticon name: :thinking: Picture: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/273/780/f05.png Emoticon name: :facepalm: Picture: It is used on Discord (:picardfacepalm:), use that Emoticon name: :kappa: Picture: It is used on Discord, use that Emoticon name: :awesome: Picture: https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/admiralbahroo-profile_image-9631b9c9dd19cdad-300x300.png // EDIT: it cannot be used since it is owned by a streamer and the streamer has more than 507,000 followers without any website -> there is no way to contact him (nobody reads Twitch messages) Emoticon name: :woah: Picture: https://forum.truckersmp.com/uploads/reactions/woah2.png Emoticon name: :love: Picture: https://forum.truckersmp.com/uploads/reactions/5aef645968ebb_Loveit.png Emoticon name: :thisisfine: Picture: It is used on Discord, use that2 points
Not related to the above format for replies, but I strongly suggest checking out the Emoji integration from the 4.3 IPS Update. The Emoji integration can simply be toggled by developers in the admin panel for the forums and linked to different emoticon archives giving you never ending supplies of reactions/emojis without all the un-nescessary work and also allows you to keep your custom emoticons. It also ensures your emoticons are royalty/copyright free with a vast selection to choose from. See example: Link to the thread: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/43-express-yourself-with-emoji-r1060/2 points
Czy wy też kiedyś chcieliście zmienić nazwę swojego profilu w grze? A może ściągnęliście (Uwaga reklama) profil dla początkującego gracza w Truckers MP i nie podoba wam się jego nazwa? Nie ma problemu, da się to zmienić! No dobra, to sobie wybraliśmy nasz profil którego nazwa nam nie odpowiada. Ja sobie wybrałem mój profil o nazwie GOP. Pozostaje nam ten profil teraz znaleźć w "Moje Dokumenty/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles" i po odszukaniu właściwego folderu składającego się z "przypadkowego" ciągu liter i cyfer musimy odszukać w nim plik profile.sii Jak każdy plik .sii ten także trzeba odkodować (Osobiście jak zawsze polecam SII Decrypter, -> LINK). Po tej czynności szukamy linijki profile_name, jest ona na samym dole. Zawartość w cudzysłowie zmieniamy wg własnego upodobania (Dodam rozsądnie że polskie znaki nie wchodzą, profil znika). Ja dla testu wklepałem to: Taki o to edytowany plik zapisujemy. Niestety nie ma tak łatwo. Trzeba zmienić jeszcze jedną rzecz. Nazwę jaką przyszło nam tam wpisać musimy jeszcze zamienić na system heksadecymalny. Do tego posłuży nam ta strona: Co zrobić z tym "przypadkowym" ciągiem liter i cyfer? Pamiętacie co mówiłem na początku? Tak moi drodzy, to będzie nasza nowa nazwa folderu z profilem. Jeśli wszystko wykonaliście poprawnie, to powinno działać bez problemu: Tyle. Autor powyższego poradnika: @elot360PL Poradnik bazowany na poradniku w języku angielskim zamieszczonym w serwisie Steam przez użytkownika OFFICIAL a.k.a Peanut1320. Link temat na forum SCSu | Link poradnik w serwisie Steam1 point
Suggestion Name: Allow to Drive with mixed type of dubble trailers in ATS Suggestion Description:I think to allow ppl drive legal (not breake rules) with mixed trailers ( reefer_wabash + bottom_dump ) The same width and length, the collision zone is the same So can be drivable normal by any truck from scs Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/iWCJ5w9 http://prntscr.com/jljf8l http://prntscr.com/jljes1 http://prntscr.com/jlje22 http://prntscr.com/jljdny http://prntscr.com/jljd6w Why should it be added?: rules was made before adding dubbles to game (more than one type) if collision zone are the same an other parameters too so why not allow it ?1 point
1 point
1 point
Ich habe früher immer plays.tv genommen, als noch der alte x264 Codec von 2014 verwendet wurde. Mittlerweile ist's auch eher glückssache was plays.tv angeht. OBS / Nvidia Shadowplay sind ansonsten meinerseits noch zu empfehlen1 point
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1 point