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About andy Suter
- Birthday 01/12/1972
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Newcastle UK
Preferred Trucks
EU Garage Location
United Kingdom: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
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I have more money than a saudi shiek and none of it earned properly lol
1) the autosave does pop up in the top left and causes a very slight blip in play but its always done this. The freezing im meaning is a full on frozen screen for like 8 seconds. 2) Im not sure. I dont think i am. Only thing ive changed is install rockstar game launcher and the proess lasso program which controls the cores. I may uninstall it and see if it solves it. 3) I fired all my AI drivers a year ago. The freezing has only started happening last night, which makes me think its something to do with the process lasso program. Ive not tried sim 1 as i only play on promods 1 so i may give that a try to see if its server or promod related and not my machine at all The only other thing i can think of is theres been an minor update or patch or something in the last week?
Has anyone else been suffering from temp freezing of the game for anything between 3 and 8 seconds. Literally the screen freezes and resumes from where it froze. Im also getting an occasional mild 'clicking' in the sound every 20-30 seconds or so. Never noticed this before last night. The only thing ive changed is install process lasso software which was to help red dead redemption run without freezing. While it could be this, i believe that any management of the cores is program specific? I just want to establish if its my end or server end? (i tested my ethernet connection and i was getting 67mpbs and 25+ upload so my internet is fine)
Great guide and caught my attention as ive just bought a 2nd hand g920. I honestly thought it was plug and play with the only set up being inside ets2 option/controls to tell the game youre usi g a wheel and to set up a few buttons. Is this not the case?
andy Suter started following tattytate
tattytate started following andy Suter
Suggestion Name: section for drivers to advertise when they are looking to join a company. Suggestion Description: Add maybe a template to fill in so people can see the sort of driver you are and what your looking for and then let interested companies contact you. Why should it be added? System works well on other games i play - looking for group - type thing Having tried the current way, ive applied to lots of companies, been accepted only to find they arent the sort of thing im looking for so i leave again.
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Thanks, Thats solved it. I had done all that but just done it again and the channels all opened up for me
how do i link my discord to TMP. Ive done it from the TMP end but reading the help in discord it refers to a connect channel that i have to enter a tick in. I dont have that channel.
Edit - Fixed it, thanks
how do i get my 'master trucker' to show instead of Vet 1? i signed up for the master trucker tier
Having never used promods before, this is like having a totally new game. Thank you TMP (and promods).
Occasionally I come across roadworks or incidents at the side of road that are left over from SP when playing in MP. Most are just a super brave policeman stood at side of road while trucks whizz by but occasionally I come across a whole section of coned off area. Id been avoiding them but I saw a player drive straight through them recently like they weren't there. So.… next time I came across one I did the same and drove straight at it.... guess what..... you cant drive straight through them. It stopped me dead and wrecked my truck. Im guessing these are locally spawned on your own screen/client but not necessarily on other players? and they are in fact real obstacles that you cant drive through..Is that right? Seems like an accident waiting to happen if so.. Ie I move over to avoid the obstacle that another player cant actually see on their screen. It will look like im trying to block.
Question - Seeing others paintjobs if you dont have the pack
andy Suter posted a question in Unsolved Topics
If I have say UK paint job pack and playing on MP, do others need the same paintjob pack to be able to see it? Does it just show as a plain white truck if you do? -
I think for this to happen it needs to involve as little work for the admin/project teams as possible. The more things they would have to do for it to be functional then the less likely we would be of seeing it in game. The reason I suggested Eu4 was because if I did what I did when I got banned after just a few days in game, if I did that on Eu4, it wouldn't have resulted in a ban. I would still have seen the potential accident but no real harm would have happened. As a genuine player and not a troll, I had learnt from that and drive much more defensively now. My view is that just because there's no collision, genuine drivers will still play as if there is. The trolls wont be interested as they can cause harm to others. The trolls are also the reason I can only see Eu4 being appropriate. Don't forget a typical troll will have very few hours, and their sole purpose is to cause upset to others. That's what they find funny. After a while they log off and go back to their usual games or troll another game. The last thing we want to do is send all the trolls to Eu1 full simulation server! They'd have a field day with the hardcode players that take it the most seriously.
That’s a fair comment but….If they are prepared to sit idle somewhere, after a certain small amount of time they get AFK kicked anyway, just like we all do. If they are then prepared to sit idle, nudging the mouse every so often so not afk then they are pretty desperate! They may as well just be driving around in that time getting to know the game. If they do go the ‘sit idle nudging mouse’ route then with no experience they will soon run into trouble and find themselves back on Eu4 again.
Exactly that. A troll couldn't cause any damage as they would be on the free roam server. Once they get onto the normal servers, the first time they get banned, they are back over to EU4. They cant ban evade as the new profile would eu4. If it works correctly, it should create 3 servers that are troll free. In terms of new players, they don't need to panic about hitting anyone and the toxic aftermath/potential bans from simply not being used to driving a truck etc. A genuine player would understand they need the training wheels on for a set amount of time to climatise to the way tmp works. Any existing players that get banned, could be moved onto Eu4 rather than turned away totally for 3 days/a month etc