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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/17 in all areas

  1. [SUPPORT] @Benjamin88 is in the process of coming back as support [ADMIN][SUPPORT] @bluesbass is leaving support team, he will continue as ADMIN
    5 points
  2. Teraz każdy zmienia tapete i robi porządek na pulpicie... xD Ja nie wstawiam, nie widzę w tym sensu.
    5 points
  3. TruckersMP Traffic https://traffic.krashnz.com TruckersMP Traffic is a simple tool that tells you how busy a location is in TruckersMP. Note: If you want access to the traffic API just send me a PM. I've added a game status image that you can use in your signatures or wherever you want. Just replace <id> with your TruckersMP ID in the following link: https://traffic.krashnz.com/api/v2/user/<id>/status.png For example, my TruckersMP ID is 6818 so my link would be https://traffic.krashnz.com/api/v2/user/6818/status.png Note: Data is collected from ETS2Map so if the map is down it will say you are offline.
    4 points
  4. Advice for all the players who will participate on the anniversary races on the 13th and 14th: Be aware of the train tracks. If it is already flashing red when you approach it, do not think you can make it and try to race through.
    4 points
  5. Marzec 2017 Zwycięzcy Konkursu Zdjęcie Miesiąca Marzec 2017: 1 Miejsce: Wykonane przez: @Gooral [PL] 2 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @BTS Duch 3 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @TheHell [PL] Chcielibyśmy podziękować wszystkim uczestnikom za udział w konkursie na zdjęcie miesiąca Kwiecień. Do zobaczenia w przyszłym miesiącu z waszymi fotkami! TruckersMP Media Team
    3 points
  6. Hello Truckers! The long awaited information on the TruckersMP 3 Year Anniversary Events is here! We are hosting a variety of events over the weekend of 06/05/2017 + 07/05/2017 so take a look below for the important details! This is a great Accomplishment for our community and us as the Staff Team, especially @mwl4 I highly doubt he thought he would be in the position he is today with the Multiplayer Mod. A big thanks goes out to you for putting the dedication and time into this and all free of charge. Your work doesn't go unnoticed and we still love every update that comes out with new content! Here's to another 3 Years and Hopefully more! Also a big thanks goes to all the other Devs and Staff Members, and not to mention, you as the community, big thanks to you for sticking around! Staff Race We will be hosting a Staff Race in that will be taking place at 15:00 UTC on 06/05/2017 on ATS. This race will be streamed live on our Twitch Channel (http://twitch.tv/truckersmp/) by one of our Media Team Members, the Stream will be live around 14:45 UTC. ATS Convoy We will be hosting a convoy on ATS from Nogales (AZ) and finishing South of Redding (CA). The Convoy will take place at 17:00 UTC on 06/05/2017. You are expected to follow the TruckersMP Convoy Rules that can be found here: The convoy will be following this route and we ask you to set your GPS's before we set off so that you don't get lost: There will be Convoy Control at this Event and they will be identifiable by the Red Tags that say "TMP Convoy Control" and their Police Cars. ETS2 Convoy We will be hosting a convoy on ETS2 from Mannheim Quarry and finishing in Montpellier Quarry (Vive La France). The Convoy will take place at 15:00 UTC on 07/05/2017. You are expected to follow the TruckersMP Convoy Rules that can be found here: The convoy will be following this route and we ask you to set your GPS's before we set off so that you don't get lost: There will be Convoy Control at this Event and they will be identifiable by the Red Tags that say "TMP Convoy Control" and their Police Cars. Truckfest We will be hosting a Truckfest in a Gas Station East of Montpellier (Vive La France) and will be taking place at 18:00 UTC on 07/05/2017. We have a Structured Layout that we would like you to follow if you or your company are participating: We ask that if you are parking in the Public area on the Highway, that you face your trucks towards the center of the lane. If you have been given a VTC Spot, you must fit your company within the set area, if you need more space please let a member of the Media Team know. More VTC Spaces may appear over time if they are required. The Truckfest is hosted in a rather unusual place because we are expecting a lot of people and this will also be the largest location used for a Truckfest within TruckersMP! There may be prizes for the Best Looking Truck / VTC. Large VTC's: 1) VTC Интегра 2) ATL-Alfa Trans Logistic 3) ConSecGroup 4) Fast Cargo VTC Medium VTC's: 1) Haulmaster Freight Logistics 2) Apollo Logistics 3) LKW Transport 4) Niğde Gazozu Lojistik Small VTC's: 1) TransWorks 2) W&N Logistics 3) Delivery Express 4) TransporteGlobalExpress To book a place for our Truckfest, a Manager / Events Coordinator must fill out this application form: https://goo.gl/forms/r8gsIcjxWi7cH4rg2 Public Race The information for the Public Race on the Weekend of 13/05/2017 & 14/05/2017 can be found here: We hope you appreciate the amount of planning that has gone into organizing these events and we hope that you will enjoy them when the dates come around! These events will be streamed live by various members of our Media Team on http://twitch.tv/truckersmp/ so be sure to give that channel a follow. Regards, TruckersMP Media Team
    3 points
  7. Unfortunately I was not able to stream today, so the next stream I do will be on Tuesday at the earliest. However here are some pics to preview that stream: *Note that the trailer paint is NOT multiplayer usable.
    3 points
  8. Je ne comprends pas, pourquoi le sujet ne m'intéresserait pas, sachant que je suis toujours à l'écoute des joueurs français, et présent pour les aider, je ne vois aucunement pourquoi, tu te défoules dans un sujet comme tel, parce qu'en réalité, le sujet ne concerne que toi, et l'administrateur in-game en question? Je ne suis pas pour ce débat publique, où tu présentes des arguments pas crédibles et qui ne tiennent pas la route. Au passage, rappelle toi bien que l'équipe TruckersMP essaye de founir un maximum de travail pour offrir un espace multijoueur de jeux, à des joueurs qui en majorité sont contents, mais aussi à des joueurs qui ne sont jamais content, rappelle toi une belle chose, c'est que ce multijoueur étant gratuit et étant fait bénévolement de la part de tous les membres de l'équipe TruckersMP, tu devrais peut-être te présenter aux candidatures de l'équipe si tu trouves que tu peux faire mieux que l'équipe actuelle qui t'aide, t'offre un bel espace de jeux.. Si chatyo te "Traque", il ne te traque pas, il te demande seulement pourquoi tu ne règles pas ce problème en privé, comme je te l'ai demandé plus haut. Il est tout à fait en droit de répondre à ton sujet, car, un sujet sur un forum n'a jamais été privé, sachant que le forum de discussions françaises est publique, ainsi que tous les sujets s'y trouvant. Au passage, s'il faut qu'un modérateur ferme ton sujet, pour que tu en rouvres un autre par derrière pour que tu balances des arguments ne tenant pas debout dans un nouveau sujet, ca n'a aucune utilité. Ca ne sert strictement à rien, hormis le fait de montrer que tu es "Monsieur je sais tout faire mieux que les autres" ou "Monsieur Jamais content". Bonne soirée, et bon jeux.
    3 points
  9. cleaning the forum a bit xd don't mind me
    3 points
  10. @Szymon035, a Ty w ogóle jeździłeś po miastach kiedykolwiek? Bo przystanki są, "dworce" również A autobusy mają podobno być jako DLC.
    3 points
  11. Hello, Truckers. We have decided to let you choose the winners for April's' "Picture of the month". Simply vote in the poll of the images chosen by us to be the most creative and detailed and the Media Team will total up all the results and award 1st, 2nd and 3rd position to the top 3 with the most votes. If it's a draw it will be decided by the TMP Media Team. Images: The voting will end on Monday 1st May 16:00 GMT. We would like to thank everyone who entered this month and we look forward to seeing the winners. TruckersMP Media Team.
    2 points
  12. The speech key was changed to X key
    2 points
  13. Bonjour, Je ne comprends pas ta démarche d'énervement sur un topic. Comme on dit, si tu as un soucis à régler, règle le avec la personne directement en privé, pourquoi mêler toute la communauté avec tes soucis? On s'en tape un petit peu non? "Je me souviens aussi qu'un joueur c'est permis de me critiquer car je roulais à 70 au lieu de 60 sur un précédant topic. Dans la première vidéo c'est du 120 au lieu de 80." Tu nous cite des passages de vidéo, d'accord, mais tu as soucis avec les vidéos reports, sache qu'il y à toujours eu, et elle y sera toujours, la fonction report du site, et, si dans le pire des cas, tu es la "victime" des administrateurs du jeux, car tu as été banni, donc, il y a la fonction ban appeal, ça ne sert à rien de vouloir créer un débat sur un forum. Avec un bon jeux. Benjamin.
    2 points
  14. Te esta diciendo que le faltan permisos, debes ejecutar el launcher como administrador.
    2 points
  15. @ElectroMusic!, kolejny serwer, kolejne koszta, a wątpię aby specjalnie robili serwer i pisali specjalnie kod aby to DLC było tylko tam @kylo67, Hmm kogo to interesuje czy Ty kupisz ten dodatek czy nie? Na Schwarzmullera czekaliśmy owszem dość długi czas ale jest to dodane Trzeba było specjalnie napisać kod aby ludzie bez DLC wydzieli takie naczepy aby nie kolidowało to ze specjalnymi "malowaniami" na naczepach (chodzi mi tu o logo schwarzmuller i napisy), a to nie jest 5 minut. Co do naczep które mają być w nadchodzącym DLC to obawiam się, że nawet jak będą jakieś ładunki dwa albo coś więcej na tych dwóch naczepach w podstawce to trochę poczekamy na dobrą synchronizację bo nawet teraz są sytuacje, że naczepy dziwnie się zachowują podczas jazdy po łuku/zakręcie. @SlimShady!, temat własnych naczep był poruszony na prezentacji DLC u WujkaBohuna w sumie jako jedyne nagranie obejrzałem u niego z ciekawością co tam jest Tylko niestety odrzuca mnie to jego gadanie, że nie da się mocniej skręcić tylko szkoda, że przy sytuacji pod koniec na tartaku on zahaczył o ścianę budynku, a nie, że nie dało się bardziej złamać.... Trzeba napisać specjalną ekonomie itd. tylko to nie jest 5 minut roboty Trzeba to przemyśleć z głową. @elot360PL, przystanki i "dworce" zostały dodane w jakiejś aktualizacji nie przypominam sobie aby od początku one były. @Trybcio86, w MANie owszem lusterka są dobre, lecz w reszcie ciężarówek są takie sztuczne... Scanie, Volva, DAFy, Renault, Iveco i Mercedesy maja coś nie tak w lusterkach...
    2 points
  16. http://plays.tv/video/590462488dc02ad8b4/i-believe-i-can-fly-
    2 points
  17. Temat zamknięty, wyniki zostaną ogłoszone wkrótce
    2 points
  18. Hello, My old post is put in the trash by the admins which is quite sad as many people appreciated this post. As I see a lot of people who seem to be unable to drive respectful and careful, I wrote this little guide to explain how to drive. I know that the most trolls and idiots won't see this thread and most of you already know what I will write. That's why it's so important that you share this with all the people who need this guide. I still hope that the Admins also notice how important this is for our game experience and that they will include these rules in the in-game rules at least as recommendation to make this more public. General information: Do not use your airhorn for every tiny little ****. It should only be used in dangerous situations for you or others. Of course you can greet your friends, but please not to greet every truck you see. The most stupid thing I have ever seen are people overtaking on the left or right during a traffic jam. Guys, it doesnt make ANY sense! I don't know whats going on in your mind. There is a reason why you get in a traffic jam and when you try to get to the beginning of this jam you still have to wait there. And when you drive on the opposite lane you only endanger the oncoming traffic and it makes everything worse than it already is. This is especially for the traffic jams at Europoort. When a lane ends the in Germany so called zipper procedure applies. It works like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/eb/Hinweiszeichen_23c.svg/220px-Hinweiszeichen_23c.svg.png If possible, only pull out on a T-Junction if you not cause the other drivers to slow down. If they have to slow down because of you, wait for them. If you see somebody wanting to join the road and he can pull out fast enough in front of you flash your high beams or light horn to let him know that you are giving way. This is very useful on country roads and also sometimes in the city, when there are no signs or traffic lights. Thanks to xOceanSpirit for this tip. You should keep a distance to the preceeding vehicle of at least the half of the speed in metres. For example if you are driving with 80km/h you should have a distance of at least 40 metres. But I always recommend to have a higher distance as the synchronization is buggy sometimes and trucks might stop isntantly and then you have no time to react. Behaviour in the city In most cities the speed limit is 50 km/h, sometimes also just 30 km/h. These speed restrictions are not there for fun, so please drive as you are supposed to If there is NO sign indicating priority for YOU, you always have to give way to everybody who comes from the right. Only if there are signs or a traffic light indicating priority, you may drive before the others. But this needs YOU to respect these signs and to drive according to these signs otherwise it doesn't make any sense. When leaving a company it's a bit different. As companies are private grounds everybody who leaves a company must give way to all cars on the street. If you want to enter a company and somebody is about to leave it, it makes sense to give way to him that everybody has enough space to avoid any crashes. This should be clear but also use your indicators to indicate your direction you are driving to. At crossings also try not to cut the way of others Behavior on country roads Drive according to the speed limit! This should make sense... Many people just fall over because they think they can drive with 110 km/h on a country road. Do NOT overtake when it is not allowed. When overtaking is not allowed it is mostly because you cant look far enough to see the way you need to overtake. If overtaking is not allowed you see that on a sign (see section "Traffic signs", second picture) or when the lane markings are continuous like below: http://www.fahrtipps.de/img/vz/40p/295.gif When you see somebody overtaking you, i recommend to use the light horn to indicate that he may turn right on your lane. As the connection might be buggy sometimes this is really helpful for the overtaking driver to notice when the distance is enough. You may also use your normal air horn. If you see somebody parking on the side of the road, use your horn when your passing the truck. Sometimes these people do not look and they just start driving and you crash into them. Thats really annoying, so warn them before it is too late. When somebody takes over and you see oncoming traffic, slow down and drive as right on the street as possible. Then he can go back on the right lane much earlier. Turn off your highbeams when there is oncoming traffic Behaviour on Motorways: Remember the obligation to drive on the right (different in UK). Sometimes there are idiots who think they have to block the left lane. This is illegal and you may only use the left lane to take over. When you see somebody overtaking you, i recommend using the light horn to indicate that he may turn right on your lane. As the connection might be buggy sometimes this is really helpful for the overtaking driver to notice when the distance is great enough. You may also use your normal air horn. If you see somebody parking on the side of the road, use your horn when your passing the truck. Sometimes these people do not look and they just start driving and you crash into them. Thats really annoying, so warn them before it is too late. Remember the speed limits! If you are approaching a traffic jam or a crash turn your warning lights on and brake as smooth as possible. Then the traffic behind you can react appropriately. If you see that he noticed the situation you may turn off your warning lights. Traffic signs: http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/verbot_geschwindigkeit.gif - Speed limit, in this case 60km/h - ATTENTION: These signs indicate the speed limit for cars and not for trucks. The speed limits for trucks are explained in the table below. Always drive according to the speed limit on the sign or the table below, WHICHEVER IS LOWER. http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/11202/Vorgeschriebene-Mindestgeschwindigkeit-Verkehrsschild-Nr-275-.jpg - Minimum speed http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/verbot_ueberholverbot.gif - Do NOT overtake. Very important on ETS2MP!!! http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/bake_bahnuebergang_ohne.gif - Crossing railways 240 metres ahead (1 red line means 80m) http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/vorfahrt_306.gif - You have priority http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/vorfahrtgewaehren_205.gif - Give way http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/stop.gif - The meaning is written on the sign, but there are still people who can't really read it. It says "STOP" and you should stop in front of the sign or the white line on the street http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/rechts.gif - You are only allowed to turn right http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/gerade_rechts.gif - You may only turn right or drive straight ahead http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/rechts_vorbei.gif - Pass a obstacle on the right http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/ampel.gif - Traffic lights ahead http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/vorfahrt_kreuzung.gif - Priority at the next crossing http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2851/Allgemeine-Gefahrenstelle-Verkehrsschild-Nr-101.jpg - Something dangerous http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2869/Stau-Verkehrsschild-Nr-124.jpg - traffic jam http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2868/Arbeitsstelle-Verkehrsschild-Nr-123.jpg - construction site http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2867/Einseitig-verengte-Fahrbahn,-Verengung-links-Verkehrsschild-Nr-121-20.jpg - ending lane or decrasing width (left) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2866/Einseitig-verengte-Fahrbahn,-Verengung-rechts-Verkehrsschild-Nr-121-10.jpg - ending lane or decrasing width (right) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2865/Verengte-Fahrbahn-Verkehrsschild-Nr-120.jpg - ending lane or decrasing width (both sides) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2870/Gegenverkehr-Verkehrsschild-Nr-125.jpg - oncoming traffic http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2854/Kurve-rechts-Verkehrsschild-Nr-103-20.jpg - sharp curve http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2855/Doppelkurve,-zunaechst-links-Verkehrsschild-Nr-105-10.jpg - sharp curves, first left then right http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2864/Seitenwind-von-links-Verkehrsschild-Nr-117-20.jpg - Crosswind http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4565/Ende-saemtlicher-streckenbezogener-Geschwindigkeitsbeschraenkungen-und-Ueberholverbote-Verkehrsschild-Nr-282.jpg - No speed and overtaking resctrictions http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2803/Ende-der-zulaessigen-Hoechstgeschwindigkeit-Verkehrsschild-Nr-278-.jpg - No speed restrictions (but speeds in the table below are always the maximum speed) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2800/Ende-des-Ueberholverbotes-fuer-Kraftfahrzeuge-aller-Art-Verkehrsschild-Nr-280.jpg - No overtaking restriction http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4226/Kreisverkehr-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-215.jpg - Roundabout http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2821/Verbot-der-Einfahrt-Verkehrsschild-Nr-267.jpg - One way road; Do NOT enter on this side http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2804/Verbot-fuer-Fahrzeuge-aller-Art-Verkehrsschild-Nr-250.jpg - Do not enter this street http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2816/Verbot-fuer-Fahrzeuge-ueber-angegebene-tatsaechliche-Breite-Verkehrsschild-Nr-264-.jpg - Maximum width http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2817/Verbot-fuer-Fahrzeuge-ueber-angegebene-tatsaechliche-Hoehe-Verkehrsschild-Nr-265-.jpg - Maximum height http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2818/Verbot-fuer-Fahrzeuge-und-Zuege-ueber-angegebene-tatsaechliche-Laenge-Verkehrsschild-Nr-266-.jpg - Maximum length http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2819/Verbot-des-des-Unterschreitens-des-angegebenen-Mindestabstands-Verkehrsschild-Nr-273-.jpg . Minimum distance (these signs should be everywhere in ETS2MP though ) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/2820/Verbot-des-Wendens-Verkehrsschild-Nr-272.jpg - No U-Turn http://verkehrszeichen.kfz-auskunft.de/bilder/ort_anfang.gif - This marks a city beginning here. This is from Germany and may look different in other countries. The only important thing is that the speed limit is now 50 km/h. http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4448/Autobahn-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-3301.jpg - Motorway http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4449/Ende-der-Autobahn-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-3302.jpg - Motorway ends http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4450/Kraftfahrtstrasse-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-3311.jpg - Express road/Highway http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4451/Ende-der-Kraftfahrtstrasse-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-3312.jpg - Express road/Highway ends http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/11666/Informationstafel-an-Grenzuebergangsstellen-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-393.jpg - These signs are found at every country border. The top section says the in-city speedlimit, the middle section outlines the out-of-city speed limit and the third section outlines the motorway speedlimit for the country (In this case 130km/h for motorways is just a recommendation as it is in a blue square and not a red circle) http://www.drivingtesttips.biz/images/motorway-countdown-marker-sign.jpg - motorway exit approaching-similar to the level crossing signs, except each line means 100m. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Italian_traffic_signs_-_fine_del_diritto_di_precedenza.svg/120px-Italian_traffic_signs_-_fine_del_diritto_di_precedenza.svg.png - means you no longer have priority http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Ukraine_road_sign_1.6.gif/120px-Ukraine_road_sign_1.6.gif - gradient ahead (sign notates the grade i.e 6%, 10%) (usually has a sign below saying for the next # of KM) http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/11647/Tankstelle-Verkehrsschild-Nr-365-52.jpg - Fuel station ahead http://www.verkehrsschilder.de/produktbilder/s/4229/Tunnel-Verkehrszeichen-Nr-327.jpg - Tunnel ahead Last, but not least something about the speed limits in European countries. Additional to that, in the bolt countries lights are mandatory also during daytime. http://i.gyazo.com/7baccfd4736344e470a0c8ca92e08e05.png This is my second version of this guide. If I missed something or if you want more pictures to make it clear just let me know. As I mentioned above most people wont see this and thats why you have to share it everybody who needs this guide! Thanks for reading and drive safely! Changelog: 27/05/2015: Added sign: ending motorway and highway (Thanks to Takumi Fujiwara) Added sign: speed information in the following country (Thanks to Takumi Fujiwara) Added sign: motorway exit (Thanks to Takumi Fujiwara) Added sign: ending priority road (Thanks to Takumi Fujiwara) Added sign: gradient ahead (Thanks to Takumi Fujiwara) Added sign: fuel station ahead Added sign: Tunnel ahead Added sign: Minimum speed Added sign: Maximum length Added sign: Minimum distance Added sign: No U-Turn Added information about distance between vehicles 01/06/2015 Added information to the speed limit sign (Thanks to alexxkid62)
    1 point
  19. Hello Truckers! The long awaited post for the TruckersMP 3 Year Anniversary Races has finally come around! Just as a reminder, the dates these events are happening is the weekend of 13/05/2017 + 14/05/2017. At first, we had 20 People per group but unfortunately some people have already dropped out but there is nothing we can do about that. However this isn't very many people and won't affect us very much. We have formed a structure for the Races and how each different race will plan out to finally get our 3 winners! The information on the Google Sheet explains rather well how this will work and if you have any questions about this, you should let me know. There are set times for each of the Races and we will have to stick to this schedule (the times on the sheet are in UTC), if you are late or don't turn up, we cannot accept you into the race. You will need to arrive at the start location of the race on the Events Server around 10 minutes before your allocated time. The winners from each race will be notified at the end of their race and will be told when to come back for their next race and where the start location is. There will be Staff Members watching over the races and making sure there is no foul play such as Teleporting, F7+Entering, Loading Autosaves or anything similar. There will be Staff at the end location of the race who will take note of the time it took for you to complete the race and the position you achieved. The races will be Point to Point (One City to another City) and will not follow a set route, you will need to make your own route. The first race (for all the groups) is the Gas Station West of Edinburgh to Cardiff Service Station. Locations and Times for other races will be sent to the winners as required on the day. Participants will be able to drive on the incorrect side of the road as it will be a Non-Collisions Server however drastically cutting corners is not allowed! The only people who should be on the Events Server at any time should be the Racers and / or the Participants of the Next Race, anyone else may be kicked from the server, the only people who will have permissions to access this server will be Staff Members and the selected 120 people who are taking part. We hope you enjoy this event and we hope to see all you racers there! If you are not participating, you can still watch the events on the TruckersMP Twitch Channel: http://twitch.tv/truckersmp/ Google Sheet with information (there are 2 pages): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kqUL5O9E38Pk6dKjfg-Dmd_8DKZ2uoLDMmb1eL9u8dc/ If you have any questions or queries please send me a PM or @mention (@El1teZombiezHD) me in this topic. Regards, TruckersMP Media Team
    1 point
  20. Our work on the announced models of SCANIA Next Generation trucks for Euro Truck Simulator 2 continues successfully. We're excited about reaching an internal milestone and want to share a couple of screenshots with you. Despite some resistance from the vehicle department (they prefer to show off their creations when they are fully complete), we were able to get fresh Scania S 4x2 High Cab shots. This model is in a development phase when it can already be presented in the game environment to review and assess the implementation of its characteristic features. First look at the details of the cab interior is also possible now. Keep in mind that the presented model is incomplete and subject to further tweaks. Both Scania S and R models are under development in parallel. There is still a ton of work left and many details to polish before we reach the finish line, but as you can see, we are giving them a lot of care! Related articles: 3D Scanning - The Next Generation Scania, Sound recording - SCANIA S and R View the full article
    1 point
  21. Right i'm off now until Monday evening or Tuesday. Going to Peterborough Truckfest tomorrow so I may end up posting some photos when I get back.
    1 point
  22. jeśli bardzo Ci zależy zrób na to SP za pomocą włączonego moda na XP
    1 point
  23. On a bien compris monsieur je répond à tout les topics ... ça fait 100x quoi tu le dis et de partout.. c'est pas croyable ça tu le traque ou quoi ?
    1 point
  24. Legend-Trans Spedition potwierdza udział w konwoju
    1 point
  25. HAULAGE64 is back once again! Join us as we truck through the roads of ETS2 for 64hours, supporting the Make-A-Wish charity, and helping to grant the wishes the children so greatly deserve. Hope to see you there!
    1 point
  26. Nigdy nie miałem porządku na pulpicie ponieważ tam wszystko jest potrzebne xDD
    1 point
  27. Hello, @LorenitaHave said the all elements to help you. I think of Escort Service was allowed, but it's not recomanded. I prefer to say to you of you use for example : [E.S] or others tag. (Escort was similar of Security....)
    1 point
  28. Mam obsesję na temat porządku. (BTW, 2 monitorki)
    1 point
  29. Live on Twitch with a TruckersMP Admin Troll Patrol! Come say hi! http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/
    1 point
  30. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=915564536 trump needs a great wall? there's one on C-D road.
    1 point
  31. C'est typiquement une phrase de kikoo <3
    1 point
  32. So how do I get started in MP?
    1 point
  33. C/program data/truckersmp klasöründen core_ets2mp.dll dosyasını silip tekrar deneyin. Dahada olmazsa launcher'i açıp F1 tuşuna bir kere basın dosyalar tekrar yüklensin. Dahada olmazsa ets2'nin konumuna dikkat edin.
    1 point
  34. У них стабилизация прицепа в минус 50. Обычная стабилизация у меня на нуле и они для меня более чем стабильные, но с внешними приходится ехать вдвойне аккуратно. П.С. я чесно гря удивляюсь как их возят игроки у которых обычная стабилизация выкручена в 100%... они должны вообще на каждом повороте ложиться ) +1 П.С. я предполагал, может он вышел из компании и вопросики значат что это "место" вакантно.
    1 point
  35. I never knew the human body could bend and twist like THAT!! Holy cow!!! 0___o
    1 point
  36. Por eso mismo, no tiene sentido hacer "upgrade" al pc si no tienes dinero para una nueva fuente de poder y sabes que las nuevas piezas no van a correr.
    1 point
  37. I always remember my dad saying, what goes up must come down. Great dad, terrible construction worker.
    1 point
  38. Swego czasu już była taka sugestia, i pewnie miało by to wyglądać jak w League of legends, gdzie dana osoba może grać ale nie może używać czatu/cb. Takowa sugestia została odrzucona, ponieważ jeżeli gracz przeklina wyzywa na czacie/cb to dalej łamie regulamin i niszczy innym grę, tak samo może chcieć się mścić na kimś i dodatkowo rammować, a tak, dostaje bana na parę dni i jest spokój. Więc myślę że ta sugestia po prostu pójdzie w odstawkę jak i poprzednia.
    1 point
  39. I die little bit inside every time I see something like this
    1 point
  40. Yes, one steam account per Truckers MP account. Not sure why you would want 2 steam accounts to be linked though.
    1 point
  41. Sorry, you need to create a separate truckersmp account.
    1 point
  42. A new blog post came from Scs Software! http://blog.scssoft.com/2017/04/scania-s-and-r-truck-models-development.html
    1 point
  43. Look like we have a problrem... Can someone move this tractor ?
    1 point
  44. Я уделяю этому время практически каждый день, часть уже была готова, однако я не могу перенести сделанное в наш раздел из-за функционала форума: при копировании материала "слетает" всё редактирование (спойлеры, форматирование, скриншоты, списки и т.д). Так же огромная проблема форума - отсутствие в редакторе редактирование исходного кода, что делает создание списка в списке большой проблемой, как и предпросмотр перед публикацией, например попробуйте сделать вот это хотя бы с третьего раза: теперь представьте объём информации в одном сообщении, где каждый символ или лишний BB-код, или же отсутствие "/" может просто свести на нет весь труд, поэтому приходиться заниматься сохранением текста после каждого изменения, после чего продолжать редактирование и упаси вас если что-то где-то пропустили - всё заново! Я работаю над FAQ, но сколько займёт это времени - я не могу сказать, делать тему с отдельным ответом на вопрос - сомнительное мероприятие...Но я ещё думаю об этом.
    1 point
  45. [MOD] @PrototypeGR joins the TruckersMP Team as a Forum Moderator.
    1 point
  46. i always respect everyone. Have a nice day everyone
    1 point
  47. Would be amazing if there was a guide with the MP Download as in a ZIP file so people both had the Traffic Laws written in a simple manner and also in a short version so they could get a brief rundown about it; Also with the traffic signs, who has priority and such Maybe it would enlighten "some" people to read it before heading straight in as the (Game Rules) are in the Information section on the main page, most likely they will miss it. Just an idea though Could always be handy to have that .pdf file (as an example) open on my other monitor so I could check for anything I would be unsurten about!
    1 point
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