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Veteran Driver VIII
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About sko0923

  • Birthday September 23

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Vehicles, photography, travelling, video games.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    English, Russian

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday ??

  2. Happy Birthday 
    Enjoy your day:D

  3. That makes a happy birthday to both of us. :) 

  4. Hey guys,


    I'll be back in the future. Just have to sort out some things in real life. :) 

    1. Nathan


      Good luck and all the best. ❤

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      best of luck to you <3

  5. Hi sko0923

    I was banned im not arguing the fact, however the guy that i had that altercation with has actually  EDITED the video, so you don`t see him ramming me off the road First then  later dropping his traitor  and chasing me down running me off the road. I'm not the only person at fault here and i do'tt feel that i should be the only one singled out.



    1. Positivetrucking168


      Hello there, 


      I would kindly like to remind you that the forum is not the proper place to be discussing your ban.


      If you wish to appeal your ban, please do so using the appeal system at http://truckersmp.com/appeals


      Once your ban has been considered, you can contact Upper Staff using the feedback system if you feel that the Game Moderator has not issued the ban correctly. You can find out more on how to do this here:


      Thank you for your understanding. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

      Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.




      Community Moderator on the Forums



  6. Congrats on the promotion to developer! Best of luck! :) 

    1. ShawnCZek


      Thank you a lot, mate! ;)

  7. Hello sko0923, I was banned at 03 Aug 22:15 and the reason is NCZ Hacking. I've never used any hack in my life, in any game, including, I am in the NL logistics company, which is a company that has already 5 years and never had any occurrence about hack, since in this company is prohibited any type of hack. Please contact me early you can, because I love to play TruckersMP. I'm willing to answer whatever you want, thank you.

    1. DJ Jefferz
    2. Positivetrucking168


      Hello there,


      I would kindly like to remind you that the forum is not the proper place to be discussing your ban.


      If you wish to appeal your ban, please do so through the appeal system at http://truckersmp.com/appeals 

      Once your appeal has been considered, you can contact Upper Staff using the feedback system if you feel that the Game Moderator has not issued the ban correctly. You can find out more on how to do this here:

      Thank you for your understanding. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 




      Community Moderator on the Forums



  8. Hello, I would like to know the real reason of the banning of the player [NL] darkinife ID: 2142042, when looking at the ban '' NCZ Hacking '', we can say: There is no video how to prove this use of hack by this player, and he is a member of a group of friends (a company) that has existed for 5 years and we do not allow any hacking or anything that benefits the player in the online game. Thank you for your attention, thank you in advance  !!


    1. weezy


      if hes your friend then please tell him to Appeal his ban here: https://truckersmp.com/appeals

      After he appealed his ban, please tell him to wait patiently till the Game Moderator reviews his Appeal.



  9. Sad to see you go mate. Hopefully you can return sometime, best of luck in the future for now. ;) 

    1. -VOYVODA-


      thank you so much mate I hope also ♥  

  10. Congrats. Welcome back :)

  11. Congratulations! happy to see that you got TGMO! :)

  12. Thank you for your work for TruckersMP, best of luck to you where the road takes. ;)

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