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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/18 in all areas

  1. @Mariotify returns as a Game Moderator.
    16 points
  2. @Nizam Logistics DarkAngel @RequieB ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    8 points
  3. 7 points
  4. Congratulations and good luck with your new position @Akoa @GGF MD @Meitt @SampleX.M.S @David Edson @DanRO @Berk Koc [TR] @K0rnholio @flybel @Merengue4ever & @VagAssLau
    7 points
  5. Dear players, With our latest patch, we included a global speed limiter to all servers. Apart from our simulation servers, all other servers are now limited too. The maximum speed of non-simulation servers is now 150 kph (93 mph). We noticed that many accidents and instances of reckless driving were caused by driving at high speeds, so this is an attempt to reduce that and to improve the in-game experience of all our players. While we know some of our players are true professionals, we feel this decision was necessary. We appreciate the feedback from our players. However, this time we decided not to ask for the feedback and opinions of our players as we sometimes have to decide our own path and future. We want to push simulation to TruckersMP and this decision has been made to be in line with our objective. The speed limiters will remain active for an unknown period and are not intended to be temporary. We apologize for the inconvenience it may cause to you. -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
    6 points
  6. Are you a little bored?? Read More. Atlas Gaming are looking for staff to join the family!! Check out https://agg.fyi/jobs for a range of jobs that need filling! We're constantly growing and developing our team and offer lots of different opportunities. Take a look now to see if you fit the bill.
    5 points
  7. @RequieB @izm07¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    5 points
  8. What are you talking about? The only simulation server is the EU1 and it is clearly stated [SIMULATION] In the real world trucks are limited to 90km/h, the EU1 is limited to 90km/h thus equals SIMULATION, there you can feel like true professional. You can go over 90km/h in the real life but then yo have to hack and bypass speed limiter meaning you are entering in NON SIMULATION zone. What you wannabe simulation drivers want is custom simulation, meaning driving faster (110/120/130 km/h) than in the real world but obeying red lights etc etc.. But no wannabe sim drivers come to non sim server and cry about high speed, chocking the roads, driving 90km/h on the fast lane, abusing reporting system. There are reasons why wannabe sim drivers are not going to EU1, for some of them 90km/h is too slow the other reason is in human nature, we humans like to stay in groups and to drive alone on an empty server is boring as hell and the last reason is there is not that many sim drivers in the community as you want to present and that's a fact, that's the reason why EU1 is empty most of the time. Configure the servers like this EU1 - 90km/h limit, for the true professionals and real sim lovers. EU2 - no speed limit, free for all, no pain/no gain/no complain, respect and be respeted EU3 - 120km/h limit, for wannabe sim drivers who find 90km/h too slow EU4 - 120km/h limit, no coalition zone, make it double safe for wannabe sim drivers I don't care about 3 servers from this list, you shouldn't care about just 1 server. The EU2 will remain the most populated server because of the reasons I have stated above, mark my words. You have 3 options so don't come on EU2 and act like real cry baby.
    5 points
  9. I lost my cows but found a cement mixer
    5 points
  10. [MODERATOR] @Merengue4ever has been transferred to Trial Game moderator. [MODERATOR] @VagAssLau has been transferred to Trial Game moderator.
    5 points
  11. [SUPPORT] @Akoa transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @GGF MD transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @Meitt transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @SampleX.M.S transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @David Edson transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @DanRO transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @Berk Koc [TR] transferred to Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @K0rnholio has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @flybel has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    5 points
  12. 4 points
  13. It works Quality looks bad tho maybe cause my game settings? numberplate was meant to say Killua for some reason only the K shows
    4 points
  14. 150kmh limit is good idea for eu2 but not for other servers... why ? eu3 = no cars so limits is not needed eu1 = 110kmh limit/simulation eu4 = fun Thats my opinion.
    4 points
  15. Like really putting a speed limiter at 150km.h (93mph) doesn't prove a point at all. It makes all of us fast driving people mad. EU1 is a "realistic driving" server thus those people that like driving the "speed limit" Can enjoy peace at that. I can easily go 160km.h in a Scania. Top speed for me downhill in that truck was like around 170 km/h. So proving a point of putting the speed limit at 150km.h makes no sense in no such way. It's not real life driving and its a game not limiting us gamers at speed limits. And btw the only reason why people play this game is to have fun with people online. Heres another example of something "useless": Like getting / tprk Duisburg by trying to avoid a crash (Kicked For Reckless Driving). In conclusion of this "Speed Limiter" that you think is gonna improve "truckersmp" its probably in the future gonna go downhill. This is why I'm waiting for HGVMP to come out! [-_-] P.S some people don't have money to spend on a game like Forza(do not even start this). Like fixing the car is less than a Stupid limiter! :l https://imgur.com/Sq05SDB [sadness.exe has started working][x] Its better to not have a speed limiter on EU2 because its a bad idea coming off the bat :l
    4 points
  16. MrG721 is absolutelly right, all people who want push all other players to speed limit have server EU1, so why make angry lot of people, who want drive time to time faster but save? If problem is car (yes, I agree), so is server without car, where this problem is gone and no reason for speed limit. If we have 4 servers in ETS2, lets more difference between them and all will be happy. One server without colision, without car and speed limit (for example) is the best solution in my opinion. A small look from my perspective - if I play in daytime on EU2 and many player is around me, of course I will not go so fast, it makes sence. Or if I overtake player who are going 90kmh, I overtake carefully and slower (I afraid of be ashamed if crash happend), again - it is matter of course. But if I play in nighttime and I am going 15-20 minut completely alone somewhere in France or Scandi, long straight highway, I wont go fast, because I do not want to fall asleep in front of the keyboard...and one thing - troll are mostly in Germany, if I am going in any other country I havent problem with this people more like 1-2x per month. So what is going on. For someone simulation mean play strict and completely as real world, for other simulation mean play different...and we are back at different servers... We have singleplayer of course, but sometimes is more fun play with lot of people, than alone. But it is a shame, TPM is very great game or mod of the game :-) anyway, I am disappointed, because of a few individuals (moreover they are in 90-95% around C-D road or in Germany) all polite people have worse game.
    4 points
  17. 3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. Another example of a trailer "shell":
    3 points
  20. A few days ago in Scandinavia on this beautiful place. It is very nice here and I like this place.
    3 points
  21. I would like to point your attention to the European Commissions Speed and accident risk, which basically states that "a higher speed increases the likelihood of an accident". It claims that an 1 km/h increase in speed leads to an 3% increase in accidents. I think, this gives a very good idea of the TruckersMP team objective. Now one might want to argue that real life traffic is completely different from a simulator. But you have to remember that the connection between both is the weak link in the chain: the human being. Do you not agree that it is worth trying to find out for the sake of a better game experience for all of us, if eventually the number of accidents will drop?
    3 points
  22. ! Good Night TruckersMP ! ! Sweet Dreams !
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. If the majority of the community is all about simulation, constantly complaining about high speed, explain to me why they do not play on EU1 where speed is limited? Do they just pretend to love simulation? To me they look more pathetic to come on non simulation server and whine about high speed and abuse reporting system. Look at the attached snip, to me seems like majority of the community avoid simulation server. Snip taken seconds ago. For us who enjoyed driving on EU2 with friends after day on the work, the fun is reduced. For those obsessed with simulation go to EU1for the Christ sake, there is a plenty of the space for you and leave EU2 as it was.
    3 points
  25. The Power of Turk. Good Night
    2 points
  26. with my friends @Carrera18 @BurakAKSAKAL
    2 points
  27. ^^It is broken because you are telling me to go to EU4 because I can't crash into anyone and damage anyone's cargo, not that I'm doing that, I drive perfectly safe at higher speed and deliver undamaged cargo in custom routes that are longer than 6000 km in total. That is the way I play the game. Why are you forcing me to go to EU4? You can go to EU4 and avoid every accidents if you have problem with that. I don't have a problem when someone hit my truck either low or high speed, so I'm perfectly fine to drive on EU2. I do have problem driving 110 km/h max on EU1 because it is boring to me and it is not suiting my play style thus I don't play on EU1. You do have problem with players driving above 110 km/h, why you don't go to EU1 then? There are no such players there. You should be perfectly happy there. Facts are wannabe sim players abuse reporting system and not visiting server specifically created for them. We are not GTA racers, we are the truckers the same way every ETS2 player is, we play the exact same game but with different play style, so stop comparing us with GTA racers, otherwise I could call you GTA BMX riders.
    2 points
  28. HISTORY LESSON. PLEASE READ IT Again the same infinite loop. Guys, we've already passed that period and now again. Why are u so dumb to undestand that your problem are people who are playing not the speed they are going? Their motivation and responsibility. Some history. From the start there was server without any speedlimit (now it is known as EU1). Then rootkiller decided to add speedlimiter (first it was 90km\h, then 120km\h on highways) on all existing servers (at that moment there was already a bunch of servers where people were playing). Please take in mind that EU1 was the main server of the mod and it was full almost all the time (while other server were only at 10% of their full capacity). Then people started to create polls to remove the speedlimiter completely. RootKiller then created a final official poll to decide remove it or not. People decided to remove it completely, but rootkiller was so dumb and he did not change in mind even after an official poll which he created by his own. And speedlimiter also was not removed. Then after hard pressure (near the same time rootkiller also left this project) from the community they decided to make two servers: EU1 with speedlimiter and EU2 without speedlimiter. At the beginning EU1 of course was full as always (cause it was server people used to play) and EU2 was full at 10-20% of it's size. They thought that most part of the community want to play hard simulation mode with near real life rule. So they thought that on EU2 will play only badass rule violaters, trolls and other garbage (as they thought) who will play for fun and do all they wanted while normal people will play on the main EU2. FIY to clarify their attitude to that server i want to let you know that there were almost no admins at the beginning there at all. For almost a years no admins at all. Nobody punish you for ramming etc. So it was a complete chaos. And even with such attitude to that server and even despite the fact that it was almost unreal to play normal there people started to move there. And after almost a year or more EU2 became the main server of the project with the largest online. And ofc after they saw what happened they started to control it again, added admins and EU2 have turned into what you have got used to see nowodays. And now again the same situation from the beginning. Why u did not learn from you own history? Whats wrong with you? Why are u so dumb and cant understand that people do not like restrictions. At all. Do you know why? Do you know what is the most real simulation of the real world? No restrictions. At all. Cause in real life technically you have no restrictions at all. You have consequences of your actions and the main restrictor for you is your mind only. You know that you after your actions you will have good or bad consequences and you weight your decisions before doing smth. And thats all. Even integrated truck limiters in the real life. You can remove it and go faster than 90km\h but you know that for doing so you will get punished hard by removing your licencse or paying a huge fee. So you do not do it. And to be honest in a lot of countries people remove them from the truck and drive happy on high speeds. You again turned into the wrong direction. The main problem of your accidents are people and their motivation and responisbility. No matter what is their speed now. They know that for ramming or smth like that they will go to the repair station (or now just use /fix) and all be ok. Maximum they will get a kick or in a rare case ban for 1-2 days. They continue to drive as always without thinking about their actions and their consequences. Increase the cost of accidents and crashes for you players. Increase the cost of rule violation. So your players will drive more carefully and think about what they are doing. Do not restrict them instead. You are missing the main point by doing so. People like freedom and in the real world they have it. They are not restricted by virtual limits. They are resticted by consequences of their actions. You will think ok, nice theory and explanation but this all is abstract. What can we do in real life to make it wokr? The most right solution from my point of view is to remove offline saves and to remove ability to load them. Store them on your servers and allow players to earn money and make career only online. If you cant increase the cost then leave it as it was. Dont make it worse. Make so that your player will have to earn money to buy or upgrade their truck. Make in-game money valuable. So a player will know that if he will crash or get some damage he will have to pay a high cost for that. So he will be the most accurate player in the world. He wont speed up on the corners, he want cust smb or ram, he will try to avoid the crash in any way. Not as now when people move to the division line on purpose when see an overtaking truck on their lane to get him crash and then report or when crash you on purpose to block or stop something wrong from their point of view even by the cost of their truck damage. And now about speed limiter's purpose in the real life. We've discussed alreary that sl in the real life can be removed and actually you do not have such restriction in the real life. Tehcnically you can remove it. But now why it iwas introduced? It was done cause in the real life there a people and heavy traffic. So it was made to save lifes and to prevent hard accidents. In ETS when we have almost empty roads (except some special areas) all the time and there are no pedestrians and a lot of cars there is almost no need in speed limiter. It is another environment and it will always be so. You cant change it no matter how hard you try. Please understand it. Please study on your history and stop making the same mistakes again and again. I do not know who decided to introduce a decision with speedlimiter again but it was absolutely wrong. And by adding another server without the speedlimiter after 2-3 years when all the staff will change again you will have to add another one cause smb will decide to add speedlimiter on that one. Deadlock again) And please ALWAYS remember that the only reason why you are still alive is your players. All you are doing is for them. You have your own path and furure? Ok. You can show people the idea, give them a try of it and only after their feedback you can decide was it right or it should be corrected or removed completely. You are completely dependent of your players so do not ignore them. We've alreade passed that stage and i dont understand why this happened again.
    2 points
  29. Scout car flipping over me...
    2 points
  30. Selamun Aleyküm @RequieB @izm07
    2 points
  31. For those wondering what Game Moderators do behind the scenes, this is what they do...
    2 points
  32. Polis arabası yerine de atlarla süvarilerle gezersin abi
    2 points
  33. Lets not forget why this whole drama started. It wasnt the sim drivers complaining.... it was the GTA drivers who now are restricted to 150kph..... but lets take your logic forward for a second... before the restriction, why don't the speeders want to play on Eu4 where they cant hurt anyone? Is it because no-one goes there? Its the same reason people don't play on Eu1, population. If the devs introduce Eu4 with no speed restriction will you go play there instead? As for cry baby.... the only people I see whinging are the ones who want to drive a truck at 182kph and now cant..... Strangely, as one of the game mods said these are also the people with the most ban records.....strange that. But above all, if someone gives you something for free, are you entitled to whinge on and on about it?
    2 points
  34. We can see any proof of this?
    2 points
  35. You guys should have limit only the cars usually the cars are doing much of the accidents and not the trucks... and if u look in the morning or even the afternoon when the server is not full you will see that your are alone in the map .. usually driving alone and u took us the only thing that makes us a little relaxed because we usually take long distances race. Ionut[RO] is right this is a bad rule and you all will see this in time .. time fix all problems.
    2 points
  36. Good Morning 4th time decliend, 5th coming
    2 points
  37. What's more, if you limit all servers, it will not improve the chance of accidents. Reduce the number of cars that won't drive. Which may control your own car. TMP Accidents in an accidental drive will not catch you. Why don't you go slower? Why not go to Europe1 server yourself?
    2 points
  38. So after finishing Far Cry 5 I sure gotta say they did quite a good job on the game over all, one thing that I also find quite amazing is the soundtrack as it contains some pretty sweet and chill songs and an amazing singer and choir. I find these 2 songs above all to be quite good and beautiful in the end.
    2 points
  39. Thank you for leaving MP, road will be a little bit safer from now, who's next?
    2 points
  40. tbh 150km/h (93mph) is still a very fast speed and you can still enjoy speeding safely at that speed Sure for the cars its alot slower then their top speed but for the trucks its not much slower then their top speed, sure it would be nice to be able to reach full speed in the trucks and go a bit faster in the cars on the big empty roads around the map but the fact is that its no longer possible, have made it clear more then once that they are not gonna be changing it and that atm its planned to stay. Its not the end of the world that you can no longer go faster then 150km/h Like many of you here I also don't agree with it however I do understand their reasons and they are valid. Someone mentioned above that Unfortunately it's the few that ruin it for the many and that is very true in this situation, too many trolls and people who can't control the speed have been causing alot of crashes due to their high speeds and they make the rest of us who can handle the speed look bad Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the betterment of everyone and this is just one of those times. I'm sure the TMP team are well and truly aware of the upset about this - its been made perfectly clear by alot of people
    1 point
  41. probs gonna regret it but why do people have some thing over me smh
    1 point
  42. Это вы круто зашли, повеселили. Не будут они одновременно работать, это вам не слай Тут или 650 с 1 гигом или 1050 с 4, но вот вместе ну даже под расстрелом.
    1 point
  43. Many of us are upset with the decision, on the part of the TruckersMP administration regarding the speed limit currently established. During my stay in the multiplayer I can clearly say that the speed is the cause of accidents by 10%. Among my reports are mostly: 1. Players blocking the pass. 2. Players with cars / trucks without towing. 3. New players who only want to enter populated areas to bother. 4. Players who filter inside the events of internal companies to crash and damage the gaming experience. 5. Players who, even if they are driving in a range of 80-130 do not know how to control a truck and they collide. 6. Players who occupy a distance by lag or a prudent space to pass. Most players do not want administrators to pass it only in "C / D" to show that they are administrators and that everyone sees them. (They are not all). They could assign administrators who oversee monitoring the DLC maps (France, Scandinavia, East, Italy). Many players make reports and are not seen. I am a player who makes end-to-end trips up to twice when I go out on work nights almost 8500 kilometers. And I would like to challenge you to do these laps at 150km (not bad, for short trips or if you go with 5 friends), but when you go alone, the only thing you visualize is pavement and no player. In these motorway zones one speeds up and rises to 165/170 and we do not notice the speed. One can drive in a responsible manner and it is boring when you have some steering wheel or steering wheel, you have to place the cruise to 150 and you will step on the pedal in vain and maybe sleep. Finally, I know that you will not take any suggestion with the issue of limitation, but I think that you would have to carry out some tests for the future. 1. Increase the speed limit for vehicles with charge: No more than 175 and it can be on the freeways. In addition, players with speed hacks would be controlled and detected more easily. (There is a simulation server at 90) The one that you like to enter that server) There are players who, although they mention that a maximum is 90 is the correct thing, I do not explain what they do in the EU2. At a higher speed. 2. Cars and trucks without a trailer limit them to 140: These are used mostly to be crashing, taking advantage of their weight advantage. And the cars are very unstable and lose control quickly. 3. In the cities put the speed limit to 60: This seemed excellent and once I was in the EU2. 4. Analyze the areas of greatest congestion and place a speed limit of 150 or 130 in which it is easier to stop or avoid collision with another player. Sorry for extending me, but with a dialogue and analysis of the problem together we can reach a solution. This text was translated by Google Translator
    1 point
  44. A long day work after this My country flag with my vtc logo Thanks to my brother @Forz. for helping me
    1 point
  45. Information/Guide updated to include information on trailer "shells" such as these:
    1 point
  46. Imo limiting the speed will not solve much. It's the attitude from the players, not the speed. The MP experience itself is very laggy and just is a recipe for incidents. Just seeing all the lag from any driver as soon as they hit the brake or gas is just so triggering for anyone (even if you don't acknowledge it). I'm not sure if it's even possible to address the lag issue within MP but yeah..should solve the foundation first and then worry about something that clearly has little to no effect.
    1 point
  47. Вот потому мне нравится катать в основном на первом сервере, где есть ограничение, люди более адекватны и как следствие реально ехать без всяких игровых окон типа TAB, эдвайзера и виртуальных зеркал. Кайф
    1 point
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