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Powiem tak, jeżeli to ma wyglądać tak jak teraz wygląda... to niech nikt nic nie kombinuje i niech tak zostanie! Jestem bardzo zadowolony. O ile sam świat Ameryki to nowość, która jest bardzo ciekawa to i sam fakt Multiplayer'a też jest fascynujący. Obecna mapa jest IDEALNA dla 2000 graczy. O ile w Europie były momenty, że ciężko było kogoś znaleźć, to w Ameryce przy tych 2000 graczy każde miasto było fajnie zapełnione, a na drogach i autostradach był przyzwoity ruch co bardzo mi się podoba. Co prawda sądziłem, że będzie trochę mniej trollowania itp. ale i tak jest znośnie i nie trzeba się bać, że co minutę znajdziemy jakiegoś rammera (póki co). Według mnie na tą chwilę jest bajka!5 points
Dobra zrobilem jak nalezy nie ma sensu ciaganc tego tematu(stosowania sie do formy) dalej moze nie potrafi, weedytowane i wyczyszczony temat.4 points
With the upcoming release of ATS (woo woo hype train) I've put together this guide: The Essential Survival Guide To: http://www.americantrucksimulator.com/images/ats_logo.png 1. On the Topic of Red Lights With red lights, right turns are legal unless there is a sign that says "no right turn on red" usually there is a separate turning signal. Turning left on red is also legal ONLY if the street you are turning on to is a one-way street going from right to left. Example of "No Turn on Red" sign: http://mothercopper.com/case_yours/images/NoTurnOnRed_02.jpg 2. On the Topic of Weight Roads (especially residential ones) and bridges can be weight restricted, which will be designated on signs. Trucks making local deliveries (meaning somewhere on the road) on weight restricted roads are exempt. Bridges that are weight restricted are another story, you'll be warned about the weight restriction, and then have another sign directly at the bridge. The weight limit is different depending on how big your truck is. Example: 2a. On the Topic of Weigh Stations In America on major Interstates there are weigh stations, which are usually open during weekdays. When a weigh station is open (which is shown on LED signs) ALL trucks besides pickup trucks must pull off at the weigh station. When on the off-ramp for the weigh station you will be given one of two signals. A weigh signal which means you must proceed to the scales, or you may receive a bypass signal, which means you can continue along the slip-road (set up similar to how some large fuel stations in ETS2 are setup) and merge back onto the Interstate without being weighed. Example of weigh station sign: http://cbsboston.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/weigh.jpg DISCLAIMER: How the weigh stations are set up in ATS is not identically reflective of the real world! 3. On the Topic of Road Signs: 3a. General Road Signs http://cdn.prochan.com/80281E/pc_u/u/other/2012/Oct/25/e53_1351184775_sf_1.jpg Clearance signs are similar to the EU ones, except they are yellow and are larger and usually there are more of them. the left number is feet and the right number is inches. (this sign reads that the clearance of the obstacle ahead is 11 feet 8 inches) http://us.123rf.com/450wm/captainvector/captainvector1508/captainvector150804561/43309835-right-curve-with-advisory-speed-sign.jpg Advisory speed sign, shows a description of what to expect ahead, and the number designates the advisory speed for the curve(in miles per hour obv) the advisory speed can also be on a separate sign below the sign. (THIS IS ADVISORY AND NOT A SET SPEED LIMIT) http://www.trafficsign.us/650/warn/w4-2.gif Lane ends sign, varies to reflect which lane ends and what lane it merges into http://us.123rf.com/450wm/jojoo64/jojoo641503/jojoo64150300272/37324861-us-road-warning-sign-merge-ahead.jpg Lane merge sign. warns you that whichever lane is shown on the sign merges into a lane (either right or left) commonly used on freeway entrances. http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/0e/Understand-Traffic-Signs-Step-2.jpg/728px-Understand-Traffic-Signs-Step-2.jpg Stop signs, pretty self explanatory, except that the sign underneath designates which traffic of the intersection ALSO has a stop sign (two-way means oncoming traffic also has a stop sign but cross traffic does not, 3-way is usually used on intersections with more than two directions of travel. All-Way means every direction of travel has a stop sign) http://www.painetworks.com/photos/iy/iy7118.JPG Grade sign, means that there is a steep grade ahead (will usually say the percentage on the sign or on a separate sign below it) Ingame there is a sign below that says "trucks use low gear" 3b. Interstate and Highway Signs http://www.trafficsign.us/media/m1-1a.gif interstate sign, similar to motorway signs in europe, it tells you what interstate you are on and usually has a sign above or below that says what direction you are travelling (northbound, southbound, etc.) http://www.pd4pic.com/images/sign-road-route-highway-u-s-route-101.png US Highway Sign. Unlike interstates state highways are usually smaller, but can travel at a faster speed, and can go out of state just like interstates. State Highway signs vary from state to state. These highways usually do not go outside of their state. California: Nevada: (This area will be updated as more states are released.) As for Interstate destination/exit signs I made this diagram: http://i.imgur.com/Iqq3Z4X.jpg 4. Right of Way In America turning traffic does not have right of way. Traffic continuing straight should NOT stop for them. On interstates and highways traffic merging onto the interstate does not have right of way. You must stop for any traffic that is already on the interstate. ALSO: Hazardous materials are not allowed on some county/state highways! There will usually be a sign before any on-ramps onto the highway that will say "no hazardous materials on US (or state route) XX" (this probably isnt simulated in ATS) DOUBLE ALSO: there is a trick with exit numbers, they usually are how many miles away from the next/last state border the interstate crosses This Guide will be updated with any info that I feel is necessary. Happy Trucking! Changelog (does anyone even read these): 03/02/2016: 1.US highway sign was mislabeled. Corrected. 2.Added section on specific state highway signs. 3.Changed some wording in the weigh station section 4.Added ingame info on grade signs 07/02/2016: 1. Added section on right of way2 points
Hello, new update is here. Changelog: Support for x64 platform; Support for American Truck Simulator. Happy trucking! mwl42 points
Salut Octavius, Vorbim de Euro Truck Simulator sau American Truck Simulator ? Ca idee, mi se pare o idee buna , insa nu stiu cati jucatori romani mai joaca fara a face parte dintr-o firma. Dintr-un motiv sau altul, cei care nu sunt afiliati firmelor, conduc singuri pentru ca nu suporta ideea asta de subordonare, sau de impunere a unor reguli "inutile" dupa cum ai spus. E interesant de vazut unde o sa duca ideea ta , eu unul sunt dispus sa particip la un convoi independent Vorbim mai multe pe subiectul asta, nu vreau sa imi las contul de steam aici. Ca si sugestie : Daca este vorba de ETS2 , convoiul sa fie pe #EU1 , undeva in zona Scandinaviei , iar daca e vorba de ATS ...Dumnezeu cu mila, oricum ai da-o, e aglomerat ca in Piata Victoriei luni dimineata.2 points
Эта "проблема" в топе последние сутки... Зачем спешить? Успеете в МП поиграть! Мне кажется, что ради шутки нужно сделать там ещё одну строку "Установить вирус" - сколько человек пропустят мимо глаз? Не спешите, читайте что нажимаете.2 points
Nazwa Sugestii: Drobna modyfikacja działu "Dyskusje na temat kierowców" wraz ze znalezieniem kogoś na miejsce "opekuna" Opis Sugestii: Od kilku miesięcy chodził mi pomysł żeby zrobić coś na kształt listy z firmami autorstwa WASYLA. Polegało by to na znalezieniu jednego miłego moderatora (Od biedy kilku jak ktoś znajdzie chęci) który by edytował pierwszy tego tematu o listę z nazwami użytkowników. Pod tymi nazwami były by adnotacje do odpowiednich postów gdzie dany użytkownik został polecony bądź też nie. Jeżeli ktoś ma smykałkę można było by to "oprawić" w tabelkę. Przykładowe obrazki: Brak Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Ułatwiło by to buszowanie po temacie w celu dowiedzenia się czegoś na temat danego kierowcy (Można było by w nieco prostszy sposób zobaczyć czy ktoś jest "notowany" a co ważne czy raczej pozytywnie czy negatywnie). Pomijając problem znalezienia kogoś do tej "fuchy" proponowałbym zrobienie takiej listy dopiero od nowszych postów. Jeśli "opiekun" miałby chęci mógłby sukcesywnie przecierać starsze strony i sukcesywnie uzupełniać stronę o te starsze opinie.1 point
As vrea sa organizam un convoi (pe parcurs poate mai multe) toti care nu fac parte dintr-o firma . Mi se pare destul de nasol sa schimb numele de la steam si poza doar pentru ca vrea firma respectiva, reguli inutile dupa parerea mea. Daca cineva este interesat si vrea sa participe il astept aici cu un reply in care isi specifica contul de steam si eventual o sugestie . Daca ne strangem cativa o sa discutam si despre culoarea camionului , drumul pe care o sa-l parcurgem si marfa . Daca cineva are ceva de zis e liber sa o faca . Stima !1 point
Ich wollte einfach mal ein großes Lob an die Progger des MP-Teams los werden! Wir haben mit Freunden aufm TS schon gemunkelt wann der MP für ATS wohl kommen könnte....zwischen "Dieses WE" was mehr spassig gemeint war und "in 2 Monaten" war alles dabei Das er aber noch diese Nacht erscheint... hatte keiner von uns so wirklich mit gerechnet Daher einfach mal ein: Danke für die tolle Arbeit und macht weiter so mit eurem Mod!1 point
Hello. I wanna play for the first time ATSMP but this game don't start when i select the ATSMP button. I launch the MP with administrator mod but don't start ETS2MP have no problem :/ Please can you help me please Thx a lot for your help. Sorry for my bad english :s1 point
Existe una VTC (Virtual Trucking Company) española, la lleva Gorkal1ty, te pongo el enlace http://transiberica-vtc.weebly.com/. Yo no estoy en ella, la verdad es que soy más de jugar por mi cuenta, pero por lo que he leido y visto de ellos, son gente seria y si lo que te gusta es jugar en serio, lo que llaman "hardcore simulation", creo que encajarás perfectamente allí. Además, sacaron una web https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/21800-ets2sync-synchronize-jobs-with-other-players/ en la que varios jugadores pueden conseguir una lista de trabajos idéntica, con lo que para montar convoys desde un mismo origen hacia un mismo destino y con trailers idénticos, va fenomenal. No sé si funciona con ATS, pero en ETS2 parece que la usa un montón de gente. En cuanto hagas unos cuantos amigos, esta herramienta es ideal. Solo un par de consejos que olvidé darte en mi respuesta anterior: Asegúrate de no hacer barrabasadas, los admin se han puesto también muy serios en el tema de eliminar a los trolls del MP. Y como imagino que no estás en esa categoría (por aquello de "... estar mal de la cabeza e intentar estamparme...", el segundo consejo: Hazte con algún software de captura de video que te permita grabar las sesiones de juego. Es super útil cuando te encuentras a algún chalado, lo grabas en vídeo y puedes denunciarlo en la web para que lo baneen. Yo uso el Shadowplay de nVidia y me ha servido para que algunos payasos se tomaran vacaciones...1 point
Installing SP1 seems to have solved the problem. Thanks a lot, SARAJ. =)1 point
You're here for nearly a year and still don't know that fatigue is disabled in MP? xD1 point
Hi and welcome to the forums! There are a lot of people who submit tickets every day, so the answer to this is patience. You could PM a support member I suppose, but I don't think they'd appreciate it and come back with the same answer as me. EDIT: Sorry if it sounded patronising, I just noticed that you had a smaller number of posts. It's how I determine people's forum activity.1 point
1 point
Hi, Are you sure you have kenworth installed as scs put it in as dlc content To check go to steam>> Library>> American truck sim>>>properties>> Dlc. There you should see this1 point
Hello, From uptade MP doesn't support 32 bit systems. For more information visit https://forum.ets2mp...ormation-64bit/ If this doesn't work, create a ticket at: http://truckersmp.com/support/1 point
Sayın Yönetici. Haklı olduğuma rağmen report eden ben olduğuma rağmen banı ben yedim. ben buna ırk ve ayrımcılık adı altında düşünmekteyim. böyle bir ban nasıl atılabilir ki ters yönden geldiğini gördüm. en sol şeride geçtim önüme kırdı ve bana kafadan çarptı. report etmeme rağmen benim yapmış olduğum report geçersiz sayıldı. sizce bu hak mıdır ?1 point
Mod Version: Controllers Used: G27 Description of Issue: If you change the brake intensity and restart the game, it resets to the standard intensity (50%). This only happens if you restart the multiplayer, not the singleplayer. How to reproduce: Start ETS2MP or ATSMP -> change the brake intensity (for example to 100%, completely to the right) -> restart the MP -> brake intensity is at 50 % (standard) again. Also the speedlimiter which you can set with the ingame settings (settings -> gameplay settings) is getting reset after you log in and drive a few meters. Screenshots / Videos: ^ easy to reproduce I want to thank Splixz very much for translating the text into english1 point
^ in my case, i had display link running. With that off, mp works again. might want to make this into a guide, or get it added to the how to install tread? And, thank you for guiding us in the right direction ClumsyZombie1 point
^^ you can play x32 bit in single player but not MP. ^putting your email address into a post breaks the following rule "That contain any personal information of other users, this includes addresses, phone numbers etc." You should probably consider editing your previous post1 point
Este vorba de ETS 2 . Ca sa nu se inteleaga gresit eu nu vreau sa fiu vreun sef de convoi , am venit doar cu o idee in ajutorul celor care nu cauta o firma .Daca o sa se mai adune o sa discutam mai mult , multumesc pentru sustinere.1 point
Bei mir ist's eher umgekehrt. Beim ersten einloggen werden alle Aufträge angezeigt, sobald man dann einen gefahren hat, nicht mehr. Dann sind sie nur noch bei den Firmen direkt abrufbar. Die diesbezüglichen Tricks zur Lösung helfen nur bedingt, manchmal ist die globale Liste aber auch einfach so wieder gefüllt. Und anschließend wieder leer Aber das stört mich nicht sonderlich, fährt man die einzelnen Firmen eben halt alle kurz an und schaut, was es so zu holen gibt. Solltet ihr also mal einen blau-weiß-schwarzen Volvo sehen, der wild durch die Stadt fährt, jeden Firmenhof ansteuert, aber nie einen Auflieger mitnimmt, dann bin ich das1 point
1 point
Trzeba cieszyć się tym co jest teraz, ponieważ za jakiś czas gdy wprowadzą nowe stany, będzie to samo co w ETS2, czyli pustki na drodze.1 point
1 point
Wczoraj była niedziela więc i korki musiały być1 point
Wystarczyło pojechać inna drogą a nie pchać się w najgorszy syf1 point
Короче, вы все усложняете... на этом форуме сидят в основном игроки МП, а все что тут описывается это можно отнести к косякам сингла... для МП не особо важен масштаб территории, графика, колво грузовиков и т.п., для МП больше важно количество игроков и чем их больше на квадратном км - тем интересней. П.С. мое личное мнение.1 point
1 point
Hello and welcome to the forums! This is a somewhat common problem, but here's a few ways to fix it. 1. *Removed about antivirus* 2. Run Steam as administrator (Right click steam and run as administrator) 3. Go to library, right click American Truck Simulator and then click properties 4. Go to betas and opt out of all betas 5. Go to local files and Verify Game Files Try again with MP. If this doesn't work, then continue: 7. Go to control panel, add or remove programs and uninstall TruckersMP 8. Go to C:\Users\username\My Documents and delete TruckersMP folder 9. Go to www.truckersmp.com and download the latest client 10. Go through setup. MP should be installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\TruckersMP 11. Choose your ATS SP directory, which should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\American Truck Simulator 12. Try again with MP, making sure you right click it and click Run as Administrator. If this doesn't work, create a ticket at: http://truckersmp.com/support/1 point
I recently signed up at the truckermp site and downloaded the MP client. I installed it, but when I launch the ATS MP, it just says "unable to verify game version. I have both ETS2 and ATS.... not sure why I am getting this error. Anyone have a fix? thanks1 point
Hi mate, Just uncheck the box of ATS in Setup wizard and continue installation.1 point
1 point
^Hmm...Do you have a folder called "ETS2MP" in My docs. ? Because mwl4 wasn't online at the time it got released (He is the one who posts the dev. announces)1 point
^ Mod works perfectly with current version of ETS2MP, thanks alot! For some reason the current installer (or at least the one I downloaded yesterday) doesn't want to install the winter mod.1 point
Hello, there may be a possible solution to this issue, navigate to steam, and select "Library", then right click on American Truck Sim or Ets2, and then go to "Properties", then click on "Local Files", once there, you'd finally click on "Verify Integrity of Game Cache..." Be sure to do this with both games and tell me whether if it works or not.1 point
Pragniemy powitać nowego pracownika "DreamTeamHeroin" oraz "roxor 990"1 point
Też chciałem wyrazić swoją opinię o nowej wersji. Dziękuję po pierwsze za to, że w końcu jest wsparcie na x64, chociaż nie widzę specjalnie różnicy gdy miałem MP w x32. A po drugie i tutaj już minus - czy naprawdę trzeba było wprowadzać te 110km/h na włączonym w opcjach ograniczniku? Wg mnie jest to jak danie małpie brzytwy, żeby nas ogoliła. Wiem, że można ustawić sobie ogranicznik w ciężarówce na 90km/h i napisać "w czym problem", ale to raczej nie o to w tym chodzi. Bo weźmy na przykład takie coś, że ktoś wyjeżdża z jakiegoś miasta np. Rotterdam albo Amsterdam, i przed nosem przelatuje taki delikwent, który ma na liczniku 110km/h (a MP nie wyhamuje go od razu do 50km/h). Wobec tego bez sensu jest w ogóle dawanie jakiegokolwiek ograniczenia. Bo skoro jest 110 to czemu nie 120? Albo 160... To jedynie tylko moja opinia i nie musicie się z tym zgadzać.1 point
Just uncheck ATS and continue with the installer. If you check ATS and continue but go back and uncheck and continue again, the installer will keep asking for ATS directory. Just relaunch installer and uncheck ATS before moving on.1 point
1 point
@ Grabarz85 It's been known for some time now, that 32bit support was ending, due to the fact that ats is only supporting 64bit systems. Having to support both 32bit and 64bit systems for ets2 would make the work ammount higher, and would push back the releases of updates, espescialy afther scs have released their updates for the games.....1 point
Hi. Unfortunately you have to move. The best way will be to also detect any mouse movements and send some information to the server in case you are interacting with UI.1 point
Ciao, con la versione attuale del gioco (oggi è il 27/1/16) puoi dormire anche in MP, senza dover uscire. Se ti dice che non sei abbastanza stanco, in alternativa puoi effettuare uno spostamento rapido in un garage di tua proprietà (se ne hai, altrimenti l'unico disponibile è quello scelto come casa). In questo caso ti consiglio di sceglierne uno vicino al luogo in cui già ti trovi, perché se fai spostamenti lunghi rischi di incasinare altri parametri del gioco (specie per quello che riguarda i dipendenti, se ne hai, ma non solo. Questo perché il gioco ricalcola i tempi di consegna e li riposiziona, ma poi l'orologio viene allineato a quello del server e il risultato è imprevedibile). Fatta una di queste due operazioni, la lista di lavori dovrebbe comparire di nuovo popolata. Dico dovrebbe perché a me ha sempre funzionato, ma non ci posso mettere la mano sul fuoco... :-)1 point
a mon tour : Je suis Ichigo03HD , je joue beaucoup au jeux vidéos , j'ai pas peur d'avoir les mains dans le PC pour réparer (si quelle qu'un a un problème technique avec son ordinateur je peut être apte a aider) / améliorer quelque chose ou juste pour le dèpoussiérer. J'ai joué a beaucoup de jeux-vidéos : des S.T.R. : supreme commander / forged aliance ; solar empire / rebelion ; star wars empire at wars / force of corruption ; starchaft 2 ; ... , des F.P.S. : portal 1 / 2 ; T.e.s. skyrim ; minecraft ; crysis 3 ; ... , Course automobile : Grid race-driver 1 / 2 / autosport ; Trackmania united / surnise / stadium ² ; outrun 2006 coast 2 coast ; quellques colin mcrae rallye (plus les années en tête ) ; un M.O.B.A. bien connu : league of legend , et Euro truck simulator 2 evidament, ... (liste non exhaustive ^^ ) j'ai une chaîne youtube avec 4/5 vidéos qui traine I.R.L. : Je m'apelle Johan J'ai 17 ans et des poussières , je suis pas très sportif , je suis plutôt gentil , j'aime rester tranquille dans mon coin pour jouer ( je suis quand même amical , si un joueur décide de me rejoindre I.G. aucun problème ) voila je pense en avoir dit assez sur moi , si vous avez des questions sur moi n'hésiter pas A+ In-Game1 point