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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About TheBj03rn

  • Birthday 05/04/2000

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf

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  1. Guest

    Happy Birthday! 

  2. Happy Birthday, stay safe on the roads !!!

  3. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  4. I would buy it if: - It is cheap to buy, but has premium quality. (Contradiction) - The logo is chic but kept simple. (In a T-Shirt) - It is available in Germany. truckersmp could talk to spreadshirt, shirtinator and getshirts. (I think getshirts is for German audience/target fit).
  5. After my G27 got broken and Amazon gave me my money back my G29 is now on the way.
    Delivery July 15 - JULY 18

  6. Hello, I have reproduced it and it is the same error.
  7. Thanks for the Update, I'll test it tomorrow.
  8. Thanks for the Update
  9. Mod Version: Controllers Used: G27 Description of Issue: If you change the brake intensity and restart the game, it resets to the standard intensity (50%). This only happens if you restart the multiplayer, not the singleplayer. How to reproduce: Start ETS2MP or ATSMP -> change the brake intensity (for example to 100%, completely to the right) -> restart the MP -> brake intensity is at 50 % (standard) again. Also the speedlimiter which you can set with the ingame settings (settings -> gameplay settings) is getting reset after you log in and drive a few meters. Screenshots / Videos: ^ easy to reproduce I want to thank Splixz very much for translating the text into english
  10. Suggestion Name: /pinfo ets2mp ID auto clipboard copy Suggestion Description: If you type /pinfo ID, the ets2mp ID is automatically copied to the Windows Clipboard. Any example images: nope Why should it be added?: So needs you no longer look in the logs for the ID, and the ets2mp can insert ID directly in the Web report form.
  11. We have received your response. I wish everyone the best of luck, and hope that I will also accepted with not so good chances.
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