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  1. Past hour
  2. I'll give you a personal hand crafted grandfather's clock
  3. beef liver burger Never need to eat again or never need to drink again?
  4. Проблема решена установкой старого лаунчера. На новом не хочет и всё.
  5. Проблема вирішана встановленням старого лаунчера. на новому не як не хоче
  6. Today
  7. Awesome, I love being involved in the community and even more so the official events because I get to see a lot of my friends and it brings us together to drive. Thank you! Thanks TruckersMP.
  8. Happy birthday,

    1. Acer_TMP


      Thank you! 

    2. Emirhan kurt 29

      Emirhan kurt 29

      You're welcome

  9. Happy Birthday :HaulieLove:

  10. That's great to hear, I am glad we are able to make that possible! See you at our events!
  11. Happy Birthday 🎂

  12. Anything. If you're a new player, you wanna be learning about the game and how to drive first. The truck you use isn't of importance just yet.
  13. Fuel Chicken curry-flavoured ice cream or beef liver burger?
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