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About 013marseillais

  • Birthday 05/05/1980

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    french , english , spanish

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  1. i play truckers MP for like 7 months , never saw a car doing normal driving , some may use them to do their stuff correctly , but i must be out of luck , they always do shenanigans with me , i don t provoke them , i respect them as if they were trucks , but it always end up giving me damages and ruining the experience , i hope one day i ll see cars respecting other vehicles , but it never happened to me , thanks for your answer guys , hope to see you on the roads if truckers mp would have some AI traffic it would be perfect ! thank you again for taking the time to answer to me !
  2. why does all the cars are trolling and nothing else ? i ve never seen a car drive correctly , they are always trolling and crashing into me , i ve never seen a car doing their stuff , they re always swerving on the road , doing zig zags , rolling on the bad side of the road or driving against trafic , how is that possible ? at this point , if i see a car , even from very far , i just stop the truck and wait that they re gonne .... are you sure adding cars in the game was a good idea ?
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