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If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

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  1. Of course the current Punishment System needs an Overhaul! Why not creating a more Progressive System? As Example: - 1 bannable Incident under §2, §2.2 - §2.6 = 3 Days, regardless if it happen by Accident or if it happen on Purpose! But, now here´s the Trick, every Additional New Evidence which proof that a Player did multiple Violations on Purpose to different Players, increase the current Ban Duration *2 for each different Incident! This would mean, that a obvious reckless driving Troll who have intentional wrecked +6 different Players, cause this is his meaning of life, would get a Ban Duration of 192 Days. The normal Player who did only Once a Mistake by Accident would get a 3 Day Ban only! - §2.1 Violations = Permanent Ban - Ban Evading = Ban Duration of already banned Account *2 for Each Account or minimum 90 Days for each Account! - §1.5 - §1.7 Violations = Minimum 7 Days for each Single Incident and/or staff member descretion! Any kind of Racism minimum 90 Days! After the Ban expired, the Player get a Probation Period of 1 Month, if the Player Violate again the Rules within this Period and get banned, the Duration will be minimum the Double Time of his Last Ban! This might sound a bit harsh, but only for Trolls! The normal Player, who change his Mind,Grow up and learn from his Mistakes, have every Chance to play the Game again!
  2. You can check the Profile, how many active Bans the Perpetrator have on his Profile, even if the Ban History is set to Private! Compare this with Rule §2.8 and you have a hunch, how long the Perpetrator will be banned from your Report!
  3. From my Experience in the Past! very low = Few Minutes - few Hours low = 0 - 1 Day normal = 2 - 4 Days high = 3 - 12 Days very high 9 - 20 Days Your Report can be claimed much Faster, if the Perpetrator got already banned In-Game by an Staff Member with Moderator Rights! But, as long this not happen, it can take the amount of Time that i posted above!
  4. There are less Players on the ATS Servers, this is true. But, despite the ETS Servers, the Players there are much more chilled and polite and a major Funfact, THEY ARE DRIVING AROUND ON THE WHOLE MAP, regardless how many Players are Online. Best Server to play ATS, is the US Server, and dont be afraid of a ping around 100 - 150 ms, due to less Traffic, there will be not much Problems. Most Players can be found around California Area, along the West Coast Area and or within the Promod Map Extension Area! And with the Release of a new Map DLC, there will be, due to a WOT Event an Area of Play, where you can find many Players, as long the Event is running.
  5. If you are complaining that it is unrealistic, why not restrict Trucks to 90 kph and let cars drive with max. 110 kph? More realistic than the Current Situation and your Request!
  6. As i said above, the Ping alone is not the Problem in this Game! TruckersMP is not a First Person PvP Egoshooter, where a good Ping is important, even if many are convinced they need to play PvP! Just drive calm, keep enough Distance and do not Overtake other Players when it is not Safe! Then you have less Problems with "Highping" Players!
  7. A clear "No" from me, because there was in the past an Asian Server and it was Most Times Empty. The majority of the Players join the Server with the most Poüulation, regardless of the Ping. In General, the "Ping" is not the Problem, it is the Potato PC of the Player who caused the most Problems. Also the Area where you are driving, less People around you, less Performance Issues. The Secondary Problem are the amount of Excessive Save Editings by the many Players, which cause more than needed Data-Traffic and broken Physics of the Trailers!
  8. As retired real Truck Driver ( 45 Years) i can say, TruckersMP have absolute nothing, except of Human Stupidity, in common with Reality!
  9. Better Question would be: Are there Players with more than 6 Bans, within a Year, who have learned from the Mistakes they made, without buying new Accounts to evade their active Bans?
  10. People dont Drive in the DLC Area, specially Switzerland, cause TruckersMP kept the Secret, about the Toblerone Chocolate Bar, hidden! Once You find the Chocolate and Manage to break a Piece of it, you are unlock the Hidden and Secret Tunnel in Finland, where you can find the Treasure Map that lead you to the almighty Rocket Launcher, which come very Handy in crowded Areas like the D-C Road!
  11. Wenn es nur Anbauten an den Standardpunkten sind, ohne das Du mehrere Anbauteile an einem Punkt übereinander legst, wie es beim Save Editing unter anderem gemacht wird, wird Dein LKW kaum Einfluss auf die Performance Anderer haben. Die Anzahl der Lichter ist zum Einen durch die Anbaupunkte festgelegt und es gibt eine maximale Anzahl an Anbauteilen die Du an Deinen LKW per Save Editing bauen kannst. Die Regel sagt klar, solange Dein LKW, nach Meinung der Game Moderation, keinen massiven Einfluss auf die Performance hat, alle Lichter Ordnungsgemäß funktionieren und Dein LKW phyisch keinen Einfluss auf Andere Spieler hat ( Verschiebung der Hitboxen) kannst Du machen was Du möchtest!
  12. Zum Einen gibt es die Regeln und eine Auto-Kick Funktion, wenn die Anzahl der erlaubten verbauten Teile überschritten wird, zum Anderen gibt es den "gesunden" Menschenverstand. Ein paar mehr Blinkleuchten ist generell nicht verwerflich, es sollte aber im Rahmen bleiben. Das ist immer noch ein Multiplayer Spiel und jede Lampe mehr am eigenen LKW, bedeutet weniger Performance für den Anderen. Solltest Du zuviele Lampen verbaut haben und es gibt einen Nachweis das Dein LKW starke FPS Drops oder Lags verursacht, wird man sich mit Dir entsprechend in Verbindung setzen!
  13. So, why not remove the Rules then? No Rule Breaking, No Bans, Problem solved!
  14. In my Opinion, the Jack of all Trades at the Beginning is the Renault Magnum! Descent Power, best Sound (realism), overall good Balance between Handling and Driving Stability, excellent Mirror Angles and Surround Visibility in First Person!
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