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Status Updates posted by Folriden

  1. Hello guys! I decided to return. I missed you all, and I missed you @KacaKTV)))

  2. In Dusseldorf with @[GökBörü] Umut @issam0707 and @Andreas A.H

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      nice photo adminnn

    3. Folriden


      Thank you!


    4. Andreas


      I really need to get more into save editing ?

      Awesome photo tho ❤️

  3. My amateur football team

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nightmaree.
    3. "RICKY"


      Suddenly it looked like the BATE Borisov team ?

  4. I like the MP because of such moments in the game. And I'm ready to forgive everything and everyone to make people respect each other on the road as we can see on the video.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smooth Dog

      Smooth Dog

      I used to be in the camp that I didn't care because I don't think the light affects you. But I'll gladly just do it for the simulation now. ;)

    3. Mirko9


      I turn off beans too if somebody come to me by other side  #respect for you and that guy

    4. Trucker Hudson

      Trucker Hudson

      I do that as well to respect the other drivers :) 

  5. We vote for the best IGA. Can I call the three?)))
    In my opinion:
    1. scarface0359
    2. Aragon0450
    3.  RayRay5

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Folriden


      Based on the fact that I play and see how the admins do their job.

    3. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      @uuu100145j that is pretty simple actually, the most helpful and dedicated one who also do his job the correct way,

      i'm sure you encounter 1 admin that you liked ;) 

  6. Fatality :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IpilkAlaus


      Truck vs gravity +another truck...gravity wins... FATALITY!

    3. Lonelychild
    4. Petrova
  7. I'm flying to Turkey today, hope that the rest will be pleasant. Good days to everyone!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Safe journey bro have fun :D

    3. haski_hask


      Хорошо отдохнуть;)

  8. Happy weekend to everyone!

    1. FernandoCR [ESP]

      FernandoCR [ESP]

      Thanks, and same to you!

    2. Yoyo_ManSg


      Thanks a lot, you too @Fallen and enjoy your weekend. ;) 

  9. Insufficient evidence? Oh well...

    1. DerAmpelmann


      Make the report again and ask @MrHarv  to take care of it. He knows what he is doing.

    2. MrHarv98


      no need to make report again, found the declined report got perp id and banned with evidence https://truckersmp.com/en_US/user/894298

    3. Folriden


      Thank you, MrHarv! 

  10. Happy Birthday mate!

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Happy birthday @[???????] Fallen [BY] and @Lukavsky TMP. Enjoy your day and big health to all you :) 

    2. Lukavsky TMP

      Lukavsky TMP

      You too Fallen,happy birthday❤

      And Thanks @[ETS2MCG] Kien Giang

    3. Praymus


      happy birthday

  11. Each new day brings us closer to the Vive la France release!

  12. Congratulations Fire!!! You deserve it!

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Congrats and good luck :) (comment here save a post)  

    2. novice


      there you go, now your rank is correct @FirestarteR93
      congratulations :) 

    3. FirestarteR93


      Thank you guys <3

  13. I believe he can fly)))


    1. derpatrick9



    2. Mirko9


      Its crazy,he didnt stopped on  rail crossing

    3. stilldre1976


      Needs to work on his landings lol crazy must of been flatout to get that far too :lol:

  14. I wonder: how long Turkish players will put razors to normal comments ???
    Is it really incomprehensible to some that people help each other regardless of nationality?
    Appreciate this, maybe I don't understand something ...


    1. JeKnYan


      Downvotes? I noticed they've all been downvoted

      EDIT: Disregard that, I don't really get anything 

    2. Prototype


      A Greek saying: On the deaf man's door, knock as much as you want!

  15. I'm glad you're back with us! We missed you)))

    1. H&V I Patrycja.

      H&V I Patrycja.

      was nice to see you on road again! :D

    2. User_9806
  16. С Днём рождения!

    1. [Интегра] DT ML [RU]

      [Интегра] DT ML [RU]

      Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям. Всех благ! B)

    2. KLAS [KG]

      KLAS [KG]

      Спасибо! :)

  17. I didn't play MP for more than a month. Over the last couple of days I have been rammed and smashed as many times as I have not seen in the last six months. What happened? Has the number of fools been added? Or am I too demanding on this game?

    1. Prototype


      Bit of both? The only way to avoid all these a bit is by playing EU1,3 or if you play on 2 avoid Calais-Duisburg and any other high populated area.


      ex. If you have France DLC the area there is smooth since not many own it.

    2. lxl Semper lxl

      lxl Semper lxl

      Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Calais, C-D road keep clear of that busy areas you will have a good time trust me :) 

  18. Excellent work by @Glanshon on the road from Calais to Duisburg today. My respect!

    1. Glanshon


      Thank you for your kind words <3

    2. Folriden


      you're welcome)

  19. Order in Duisburg. Thank you, @bluesbass!

    1. bluesbass


      What did I do? :rolleyes:

    2. Folriden


      You kicked 8-10 guys who urgently needed to rest from the game))) 

  20. "We don't ban players for spawning on the road"...What about other players who haven't done anything wrong? Let them suffer...


    1. Smalley


      I think they would get banned for that. 

    2. _Pingu_


      i made a suggestion a while back to get "spawning on the road" a bannable offence they haven't yet declined it or approved it, so who knows 

  21. Will you buy France DLC? I'm just afraid you get lost on the forest road...

    2. Folriden


      Ok, I'll show you the power of Scania!

  22. Preparing my truck for the trip. See you, folks)

  23. Dogum gunun kutlu olsun!

    1. User_9806


      Teşekkürler ?

    2. Folriden


      Rica ederim kardesim!

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