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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/19 in all areas

  1. Taktéž zdravím, ale po dnešní, resp. včerejší jízdě bohužel nesdílím diZZy-ho nadšení. Podotýkám, že jsme vždy s přáteli - pokud to bylo možné - jezdili na původním serveru EU1, kde jsme byli víceméně spokojeni - až na občasné incidenty, kterým se asi nedá 100% zabránit. Po reorganizaci jsme se přesunuli na Simulace2, ale po té, co z sedmi lidí dojelo plánovanou trasu s původním nákladem jen tři, tak zrušení EU1 nepovažuji za dobrý krok. Pokud chce někdo jezdit co nejvíce reálně, tak v současné době má malou šanci dovézt náklad v pořádku do místa vykládky. Návrh na zlepšení: Minimálně pro ETS2 zřídit server SimulaceUS pro americké členy, protože brazilci a pod., jezdí s pingy přes 200ms a to bylo i příčinou dvou havárií našeho konvoje, kdy návěs předjíždějícího lagujícího řidiče vyhodí předjížděné vozidlo na svodidla, které tímto končí :-( nebo úplně nejlepší řešení by bylo zřídit server Hard Simulace, kde by byly zakázány osobní auta, limit by byl 50/95km/h a dlouhodobý ping (třeba 10s) by nepřekročil 100ms, a důvodem pro ban (po reportu) by bylo i hrubé porušování dopravních předpisů, jako je jízda na červenou, nedání přednosti v jízdě, úmyslná jízda v protisměru apod. V případě opakování přestupků udělit doživotní zákaz vstupu na tento server. Samozřejmě, že se tím nevyřeší jednotlivé incidenty, které někteří jedinci úmyslně vyvolávají, ale přiblížilo by to hru blíže simulaci - když už se i tak hra jmenuje. EDIT: samozřejmě, že se so netýká jen ETS2, ale i ATS.
    10 points
  2. Fast Meeting & took a Screenshot with @Krewlex https://prnt.sc/obkbv6
    9 points
  3. Went on a few jobs with @White Wolf., @iHobbit & @Krewlex earlier today, in the middle of the night. Let's hope that before the next time, Hobbit gets a decent truck that isn't slowing down at the slightest hill.
    8 points
  4. Good morning! Thanks @Ali. !
    8 points
  5. Look at this beauties With @Kid Fabi our lovely Polish Support
    7 points
    7 points
  7. Convoy GCEE. Good Night Truckers! Photo By: @VCouto
    7 points
  8. The Blue King Of The Road
    6 points
  9. Black Mafia @EPS!LON Best regards, Dominik TruckersMP Support & Translator
    6 points
  10. [GAME MODERATOR] @RequieB leaves the team due to personal reasons. Thank you for your time and effort. [GAME MODERATOR] @KönigVonAdler leaves the team due to personal reasons. Thank you for your time and effort. [TRANSLATOR] @Mr Yop leaves the team due to personal reasons. Thank you for your time and effort.
    6 points
  11. Meanwhile in Single Player
    5 points
  12. You will see valid reason on player numbers in few weeks
    5 points
  13. Midsummer Madness 2019 Photos with the Event Staff after the convoy: Other pictures around the event:
    5 points
  14. 4 points
  15. I don't have a particular stance on this but how is that not a valid reason? Wanting collisions doesn't mean that you want to go around crashing into people, it means that you want the feeling that the other players are actually there sharing your physical space, and the thrill of having to avoid colliding with them, which I think is fundamental in a multiplayer environment.
    4 points
  16. I have mentioned why before, there is a large amount of middle-ground players who like partly Simulation/realism but like to speed, yes there are people who love to drive recklessly and hit others but they are not the majority, there are many many others who want to have some parts of realistic play like traffic, the challenges of driving with other players and the consequences, avoiding collisions, having to stop when there is traffic and its too many to overtake, waiting for those safe moments when they can quickly get past someone then there are many players who do jobs just like Simulation players do but they like to go at faster speeds, especially on the quite and big motorways all around the map, some like to speed to fit in more jobs and that is why there needs to be a middle ground server, an arcade with collisions. Most don't like NCZ servers as its takes everything away, you may aswell be in SP, its like your playing with phantom players with everyone just being able to drive through each other and is 100% unrealistic, yes speeding too as somewhat unrealistic but alot of players do like to have some realism but not be limited in speed *
    4 points
  17. MIDSUMMER MADNESS 2019! Thank you so much to the lovely @sanamaria, @davidd and @Savage. for such a brilliant and well planned event this evening! And thank you for taking me on as Convoy Control, certainly brought back many happy memories for me! Here are some photos from the start and finish... @G4M3P1X3L @courtzz49 @MattTM @Olioak @VeLociTy XTRoLl @creepergamingboy @willians1002 (Tagged a few, sorry if I missed you out )
    4 points
  18. Witaj! Na tej tabeli jesteś w stanie zobaczyć czas z gry w danej godzinie czasu prawdziwego. Będzie to przydatne jeżeli chciałbyś/chciałabyś jeździć w ciemności bądź w świetle dziennym. W tabeli, na niebiesko jest oznaczony czas nocny i na żółto czas kiedy jest dzień. Informacje te zostały stworzone na podstawie Europy Centralnej co oznacza że dzień i noc może się różnić w zależności od twojej lokalizacji. Możesz użyć kalkulatora strefy czasowej UTC aby sprawdzić czas w twojej strefie czasowej. Kalkulator jest na drugiej stronie. Możesz wybrać go pod spodem. Tabela: https://goo.gl/AAm87R Tabela będzię aktualizowana. Źródło: Tłumaczenie może się lekko różnić od oryginału.
    3 points
  19. I have been playing the mod since 2015 and I stopped playing it with the last update and not gonna turn back to the mod till I find another one with reasonable restrictions or they revert the changes. I have always played on Europe #2, sometimes reached speeds up to 170 km/h but I have always been careful and tried to be considerate of others. I don't understand why there can't be a middle way but two extremes which are the simulation server and the joke arcade server. Why can not we have an EU#2 like the old days such as back in 2017 when there were no limitations and the server had more variety regarding speeds and people were having fun. What is the reason for both the simulation server and the free server not coexisting? It was up to the freewill to drive however you want; just like in real life. To me, that was more realistic than the limit we have now. And I highly doubt the speed limits will cut down the trolling or any other toxic behaviour. They are likely to increase considering most of the people who play the mod are casuals and these people will eventually get really bored. I think such a radical change was a mistake on Truckersmp's side. Why is this decision forced on casual players like myself who logged in for 1-2 hours every day and enjoyed driving around C-D freely? Goodbye ETS2mp after 4 years and 600+ hours.
    3 points
  20. Apparently, a some players are simply not capable of making a choice between two options. Instead, they demand a third option (or change one of the two given options). To me, this behavior seems selfish and spoiled and the opposite of the idea and spirit of this community. Also, I think all substantial and important points and arguments have been discussed long enough by now. This is why I will not participate in this discussion anymore from this point on.
    3 points
  21. MIDSUMMER MADNESS 2019 We thank everyone who attended our event and who helped out. It was great and I enjoyed taking part in making it. @davidd & @sanamaria, it was amazing working with you two on creating the event Thank you to our amazing Media Team for the fantastic photos they took Our amazing Convoy Control Team, the Game Moderators who helped make the convoy run smoothly
    3 points
  22. @Arda. , @Albatros C.III , @DarkScream38
    3 points
  23. Suggestion Name: Choose your Language on the Website Suggestion Description: Option to change the language on the website. (All menus translated) Any example images: Why should it be added?: Easier access to menus. It´s true that exist translated guides that explain how to ... but until you get to them anyone has to select options on the website. This way, for those who have more difficulties or even want to have their mother tongue when entering would be an added value!
    2 points
  24. Mit dem Update 0.1.4 haben die TMP Entwickler Einstellungen hinzugefügt, welche man im Multiplayer in der geöffneten Tab-Liste aufrufen kann (zum Aufrufen des Einstellungs-Fensters, bei der geöffneten Tab-Liste einmal Rechtsklick, damit der Mauszeiger erscheint und dann auf das Zahnrad klicken) General Tab (Allgemein): Development logging | Entwickler Berichte - Ausschalten / Normal / Erweitert. Lass es eingeschaltet wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, dass du Fehlerberichte oder Meldungen von Spielern, die gegen die Regeln verstoßen, verschicken wirst. Drivers animation | Fahrer Animation - An / Aus. Animation der Fahrer im Fahrerhaus. Beeinträchtigt die Spielleistung etwas. Smoothing distance | Entfernungsglättung - Die Entfernung in der LKWs und Anhänger von anderen Spielern geladen und angezeigt werden. Funktioniert nicht wenn die "Modelle mit niedrigen Details" Einstellung aktiviert ist. Season effects | Jahreszeiten Effekte - An / Aus. Schnee Effekte im Multiplayer. Ausschalten wenn du nicht die Winter Mod nutzt. Steam notifications position | Position der Steam Benachrichtigungen - Die Position der Steam Benachrichtigungen im Spiel einstellen. Discord rich presence | TruckersMP in Discord anzeigen - An / Aus. Aktiviert die Meldung "Spielt TruckersMP" auf Discord. Player tag | Spieler tag - Den tag vor dem Spielernamen einstellen (tags, die kyrillische Schriftzeichen enthalten, können Fehler beim Starten des Spiels verursachen!) Load cabin accessories | Fahrerhaus Zubehör laden - An / Aus. Anzeigen der Kabinen Ausrüstung von anderen Spielern (Neustart des Spiels nötig!) Load flags | Fahnen laden - An / Aus. Anzeigen der Fahnen von DLC Spielern (funktioniert nur wenn du das DLC auch besitzt) beeinträchtigt die FPS! Scale nametags | Größe der Spielernamen anpassen - Tags und Spielernamen werden je nach Entfernung der Spieler angepasst - Je näher der Spieler ist, umso größer die Schrift Players on the world map | Spieler auf der Karte - An / Aus. Wahl der Farbe, in welcher Spieler und Steam-Freunde auf der Karte angezeigt werden. Speed limiter | Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer - An / Aus. Setzt eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 90 km/h (außer in Städten). Default CB radio channel | Standard CB Funk Kanal - legt den Standard CB Funk Kanal fest Extended CB Radio sounds | Erweiterte CB Funk Geräusche - An / Aus. Erweiterte Funk Geräusche Sound tab (Audio) bezieht sich auf die Sounds von anderen Spielern: Speaker device | Lautsprecher - Ausgabegerät auswählen Sound effects | Soundeffekte - An / Aus. Beinhaltet sychronisierte Soundeffekte von anderen Spielern Master volume | Gesamtlautstärke - Die Lautstärke aller synchronisierter Sounds von anderen Spielern Sound effect volume | Soundeffekt Lautstärke - Die Lautstärke aller Soundeffekte Music volume | Musiklautstärke - Die Lautstärke der Musik Voice volume | Sprachlautstärke - Die Lautstärke des CB Funks Engine sounds | Motorengeräusche - An / Aus. Horn Sounds | Horngeräusche - An / Aus. Gearbox sounds | Getriebegeräusche - An / Aus. Reversing sounds | Rückfahrgeräusche - An / Aus. Schaltet die Rückfahrgeräusche anderer Spieler aus Lift axle sounds | Lifeachsengeräusche - An / Aus. Microphone device | Mikrofon - Eingabegerät auswählen Microphone volume | Mikrofonlautstärke - Mikrofonlautstärke einstellen Graphics tab (Grafik): Draw drivers | Fahrer anzeigen - An / Aus. Fahrermodell im Fahrerhaus anzeigen. Beeinträchtigt die Spielleistung etwas. Additional lights | Zusätzliche Lichter - An / Aus. Anzeigen von zusätzlichen Lichtern (z.B. Rundumleuchten auf Anhängern) Draw distance | Sichtweite - Die Entfernung in der Spieler angezeigt werden, betrifft nur die Entfernung der Spieler in deinem Sichtfeld. Avatars / Avatare - An / Aus. Bilder neben dem Spielernamen. Dynamic Shadows | Dynamische Schatten - An / Aus. Realistische Schatten im Lkw, beeinträchtigt die Spielleistung stark. Fake shadows | Künstliche Schatten - An / Aus. Künstliche Schatten unter dem Lkw. Headlights | Scheinwerfer - An / Aus. Scheinwerfer der anderen Spieler. Windows opacity | Fenster Transparenz - ändert die Sichtbarkeit der Fenster (Tab und Einstellungen) im Spiel. Show speaking players | Zeige sprechende Spieler - An / Aus. Zeige die Name der Spieler, die gerade über CB Funk sprechen (in der oberen, linken Ecke) Interface tab (Nutzeroberfläche): User defined scoreboard position & size | Nutzer bestimmte Position und Größe der Tabliste - speichert die Größe und Position der Tabliste im Spiel. Beim nächsten Spielstart werden diese Einstellungen wieder verwendet. User defined admin panel position & size | Nutzer bestimmte Position und Größe des Admin panels - speichert die Größe und Position des Admin panels im Spiel. Beim nächsten Spielstart werden diese Einstellungen wieder verwendet. Original Beitrag: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/77428-tab-settings/
    2 points
  25. Are you a potential reckless driver? Reckless driving can be defined as the willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. Driving at excessive speeds can be interpreted as reckless driving, as the driver decides (willful) to disregard to drive at a safe speed, which eventually puts others in danger. Now there seems to be some confusion about safe speed. A safe speed is the speed that a driver can take proper and safe actions in case of an unexpected event. It is not the speed that a driver feels comfortable to drive or thinks is safe to drive at.The latter is more likely a severe case of overestimating his/ her abilities. A safe speed that considers favorable road conditions is recommended on road traffic signs. However, they do not necessarily consider weather- or visibility conditions, and they certainly do not consider a drivers personal driving skills or a vehicles physics and cargo. A responsible driver takes all the above mentioned factors additionally into account and chooses his/ her speed accordingly. Drive safely!
    2 points
  26. Witaj @Igor Klein Aktualnie jest otwarta rekrutacja tylko na Translatora oraz Add-on Team, na Game Moderatora nie ma i nikt z graczy nie wie, kiedy można się jej spodziewać.
    2 points
  27. Original and full of insight i see, how could anyone not agree with you
    2 points
  28. Then you must be blind...
    2 points
  29. Player numbers online have INCREASED since this change. Nice try tho. EDIT: I see you got a youtube channel where you post videos crashing into people going 150+ . 10/10, exactly the kind of people i dont want to meet ingame.
    2 points
  30. Anyone able to tell me why one of the arcade servers should have collisions enabled? All I read is It's not fun to drive through people! It's boring! I haven't seen a valid reason yet.
    2 points
  31. A few pictures I took and edited for Midsummer Madness 2019 as event media.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Some photos from Midsummer Madness Convoy! I hope that everyone enjoyed this awesome convoy With @BL4CK$K1LL With @Olioak & @willians1002 With security guy With @Olioak & @Savage.
    2 points
  34. To be honest I'm not happy at all with this new update. We have already had a simulation server on EU#1 for those who really wanted simulation. If you are not able to make the servers back, at least you could add collisions to the arcade servers, but please do not leave it like this because now the ETS 2 MP is horrible af.
    2 points
  35. Buscamos a los mejores conductores virtuales de habla Hispana. La Empresa Virtual mas antigua dentro del panorama Español, desde el año 2009 en activo y dedicados a el Eurotruck Simulator. https://vtctnt.weebly.com/registro.html
    2 points
  36. @FernandoCR [ESP] Then why so many people started whining until EU#2 was opened? Why did they need EU#2 if EU#1 did not have speed limits? Search in your screenshots and show me, please. the multiplayer was before november 2014 - the server was made i think in the end of april i said i have screenshots from that begining the fact that u say that it was opened in november 2014 disregard your words, i said that i have screenshots to show u that indeed the multiplayer exists even from may 2014 u said no.... thats why i said u didn't have 90km/h limit from the scratch because u don't know what happend before if somebody agrees with u that doesn't mean its true .... bring me those evidence that they had 90km/h in that period and i will bring mine without any limit. Ooooook... "You just righ click on the player and name the reason..." What game have you been playing all these years? In the beginning, there were 2 ways to report other players: Video evidence posted on a specific reports section of the forums, or in-game, opening the chat and typing /report ID reason. You really don't remember this? It makes me doubt about everything else you say you remember... And yes, when you used the /report command, an admin (if available) would teleport to the location and if he didn't see anything wrong, he wouldn't ban anyone. Maybe you have "unfair" bans and that's why you complain so much about reports and the people who send them? The only similar to what you describe is the current system (which was implemented around 2016), open the TAB window, right click to enable the pointer, select the player, hit Report, choose a reason, hit send report. Nothing to do with the initial reporting methods. This current system, in case you don't remember, was implemented to remove the chat /report command, because it was too messy for admins to deal with reports with all kinds of weird reasons written in all kinds of languages. i didn't say anything about the new report system that was in 2016 i`m talking about the first report system from i think begining of 2015 ........... when even u say they had the video evidence i disagree on that because i saw players and i`m not talking about me ... that were my friends in fact that were banned in front of me by the admins for something that he didn't do for no reason, and i`m sorry that i don't have that evidence to show u, but believe me some of these reprorts in that period were like this and for sure u always disagree u "know it all". All of them. Did and keep doing. What rules do YOU follow? i follow every rule as i could, i couldn't be every time perfect, and when was wrong i payed for it without protesting knowing i messed up. i agree with all the rules and just fyi everyone makes mistakes, and even the easy ones are payed . OMG. This is just unbelievable. ETS2. ATS. Do you really not know what the S stand for in both names? And don't you know who is repeating "It's just a game" for several days now? Omg in your words: do you really know what a game is ????????? i know the s stands for simulation, but i say what i said on one of my above posts if this were a simulator they should of implemented it as a Simulator !!!!!!! .. before you give your test for driver's licence in real life. You should consult a shrink about this - its just a game. Who exactly have I attacked here other than "trolls, reckless drivers, idiots on the roads, etc." Give me a name or shut the... You know. you attacked me every time when i was the contrary of you ... you don't support noone that speaks their opinion diffrent than yours , you always are right .... and so on and i`m not the only one who u attacked .. i repeat my self i didn't stay like u in forums to aquire new friends and other stuff - they give you "upvote" or "like" or right ... - your not mister know it all this is all i`m saying. Like I said, I'm happy with the current situation. I play simulation, yes, but that means that in the servers, I'm respectful towards all other players as long as they don't F*** with my game. If this happens, I simply record and report and keep playing. It's you and the people like you that are complaining and whining because you can't do everything you want, which seems to be driving recklessly fast and be able to crash into others or be crashed into by others. I've suggested solutions to make the arcade style players happier (and you should know this, like enabling collisions in one of the servers but keeping it no-rules). You and most of the people like you have suggested nothing. You only demand. Demand that TMP gives your precious EU#2 back. Because that's what you want. And I am the selfish one?? Funny! the funny thing is that this is not our first discusion about the simulation servers and the non speed limiter servers this is our second discusion about this thing .. if u watch the ex discusions in the past .. u are always arrogant and superior like your the god here and so on . i don't want #eu2 back i want what should be right - i mean if they give us 2 arcade servers they should make one with collisions and one without .........we demand ??????????? if we demand what do u do? i tell u , u demand same as me in the past same ... i told u that u are selfish because u always thinking firstly at your self and after that to the player that plays besides u this is my opinion. and is one more thing here the freedom of speech because thats why is democracy to express a certain idea . And this is the end of this discussion for me. I'm not going to waste any more time, I've tried to give arguments, facts, solutions, you only give your own memories (which, honestly, don't seem to be so accurate), complaints, demands and disrespect. Farewell and try to enjoy the TMP, be it in Simulation servers or in Arcade ones. "It's just a game", after all. what facts did u give me always u said that trolls knock u over and gived u damage on #eu 2 u had your #eu1 server noone told u to come on #eu2 i don't give u just memories u are the one who said that the server #eu1 was with 90km/h from the scratch not me ... and i told also that when the server was online for the first time there were 5000 slots. u are talking about complaints, demands and disrespect ? u disrespect me one time in an above post and u`re talking about disrespect ... why thank u. you are the best player i ever talked to ... clearly u`re thinking one side here.
    2 points
  37. Some photos with @RequieB ❤
    2 points
  38. They are neither Simulation or Arcade fans, they are trolls , And you know this. But as ive said countless times Before, the VAST majority of Trolls and people who ruin the experience are people SPEEDING and crashing/ramming/tipping over and blocking traffic. Blockers in general can easily be avoided, Rammers cant. I suggest people go Watch the popular " idiots on the road " youtube series, and Watch the number of rammers vs blockers. Nothing is " fixed " with these Changes, but its a huge step in the right direction
    2 points
  39. TMP is on the way to lose a lot of players....
    2 points
  40. the TMP5 server was actually a big success, people knew road rules didn't apply there and alot of players really enjoyed it, I myself spent some time in there and people loved it, an arcade server with collisions could be similar with most knowing the road rules do not apply, might also help rid the Simulation servers of the reckless drivers aswell as meaning players who like the middle ground between NCZ no speed limit arcade servers and the 110k/h Simulation servers would now have a server to goto. Right now Simulation 1 is EU2 at slower speeds, the changes have not improved peoples driving, you still have the players overtaking traffic jams, overtaking when not safe and forcing their way past other players, ramming them etc and Duisburg is still the same chaotic mess it was before so even though its a Simulation server its not any better for many players who want true Simulation while also being not fun for all the good players who liked not being limited in speed. the problem with NCZ servers is its just not very fun and so unrealistic to have everyone driving through everyone, I know it sounds a little bit silly to be saying people don't like the unrealistic NCZ servers while they like to speed in trucks but its a partly Sim more relaxed style of playing that many people enjoyed, for some players fun is obeying all the speed limits and playing as realistic as possible for others its still doing jobs obeying speed limits sometimes but other time speeding while on long journeys and for others speeding and using their skills of driving at speed, driving to the road conditions and enjoying the traffic jams and traffic when its busier, right now for many players with no middle ground server MP is just not fun anymore
    2 points
  41. Please, keep collisions at least on one arcade server.
    2 points
  42. I guess singeplayer isn't too bad if you mess around a bit, and create a trailer with 5 trains and a silo of course
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I think we're seeing the issue too much in a black and white light (aka "arcade" players vs "simulator" players) when in reality it seemed to me that many people just preferred a balance between the two. We are many but not enough to warrant dividing the community, and EU#2 managed to accommodate a balance between both play styles, employing a relative high speed limit together with strict rules, which is why most people went to EU#2 and to C-D despite the chaos.
    1 point
  45. ИМХО Как по мне так ни чего не изменилось. Катал грузы WoTr так и катаю и эти нововведения мне по большому барабану
    1 point
  46. Or take 1 server with and one without collisions?
    1 point
  47. [TGM OBSERVER] @[RLC] Elsassisch_Trucker has been promoted to the position of Trial Game Moderator.
    1 point
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