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Retired Team Member
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Everything posted by TheGoodGuy1515

  1. This is a post.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MiselTwister


      And you get banned KEKW NUB

    3. .Jason


      And this is a bit sus

    4. Ali.


      This is your big fan

  2. Your avatar = 10/10

    1. James


      Thanks boi, my doggo ?

  3. [Report Moderator] @The Scottish Lad has left the team due to lack of time. [Support] @Rico. has left the team due to lack of time.
  4. [Event Team] @Smalley has been removed from the team due to failure to meet activity requirements.
  5. [Report Moderator] @ATEKGaming has left the team due to lack of time. [Game Moderator] @DesertEagle26 has left the team due to lack of time. We thank them both for their work and dedication towards the project.
  6. [Game Moderator] @Courtz49 has been removed from the team due to violating our Internal Security Policy.
  7. [Community Moderator + Translator] @arusf2011 [PL/EN] has been removed from the team due to violating our Internal Security Policy.
  8. [Player] @TutoriaLs. joins the team as a Support Trainee.
  9. [Game Moderator + Translator] @Soul Knight has left the team due to lack of time. [Game Moderator] @LUIG has left the team due to lack of time + personal reasons.
  10. [Player] @Doxxyz returns to the team as an Events Member.
  11. [Community Moderator] @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] returns to the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderator while remaining in the Community Moderation Team.
  12. [Event Team] @Doxxyz has been temporarily removed due to security reasons.
  13. [Game Moderator] @LaserX has left the team due to personal reasons. [Game Moderator] @i z m has left the team due to personal reasons + lack of time. [Trainee] @Spoezy has left the team due to internal staff reasons + personal reasons.
  14. [Retired Team Member] @HérissonMan has returned to the team as a Game Moderator. [Player] @ATEKGaming returns to the team as a Game Moderator.
  15. [Game Moderator] @XioPlay has left the team due to lack of time.
  16. [Game Moderator] @Snap Dragon has left the team due to lack of time.
  17. [Player] @Jake_F has joined the team as an Event Member.
  18. [Player] @PCVTC Harvey CEO has joined the team as an Event Team Member. [Player] @NoPatr1ck has joined the team as an Event Team Member.
  19. [Game Moderator] @Curve leaves the team due to lack of time.
  20. [Player] @TFM_Flaming joins the team as an Event Member. [Retired Team Member] @[F-T M] FreZyFaiL returns to the team as a Game Moderator
  21. [Player] @Owen. joins the team as an event member.
  22. [Retired Team Member] @K0rnholio returns to the team as a Game Moderator. [Retired Team Member] @WhiteTiger_TMP returns to the team as a Game Moderator.
  23. [Game Moderator] @ATEKGaming has been suspended due to internal staff reasons.
  24. [Game Moderator] @Boutye leaves the team due to lack of time. [Game Moderator + Translator] @Dominik [SK] leaves the Translation Team to focus on their Game Moderator duties.
  25. [Community Moderator] @XFMaster9666 leaves the team due to personal reasons.
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