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Veteran Driver VI
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About RazvanRO15

  • Birthday 06/15/2001

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Magdeburg

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

    1. RazvanRO15


      Thank you very much! ❤️

  2. Considering that it is a simulation server, the speed is ideal (110km/h). It shouldn't be more, in reality the trucks go at 90km/h.
  3. Hi! There is already an anti cheat implemented. But you get ban only on the account. And if you are found to have created another account, you will be permanently banned. To add the option to ban via pc components, that would decrease online players and reduce the number of buyers.
  4. Hi @Foxtrucker001. I also face this problem. But its a problem from truckersmp servers. I think you also noticed how the ping increases a lot, decreases and increases again. This problem has persisted since the Halloween event was introduced. I am waiting for an update to optimize the servers.
  5. here is another discussion. here the opinions are divided, there are those who support waiting on the spot until the map with the players loads and those who say: ”why wait until it loads”. thats why they implemented ghost mode to reconcile both camps. its hard to please everyone
  6. @[S.PLH]Warrior is right! Every time I was in the game and someone used a hack, he immediately got banned. Now is the information processing part. detection-reporting- teleporting the moderator to the player.
  7. Hi @ElMoli! You have the possibility to support/donate on the site. But this does not mean that you will be exempt from punishments or violations of the regulation. To play seriously, you must follow the rules on the servers.
  8. Thanks for following. ❤️

  9. Happy birthday! @RazvanRO15:HaulieLove:

    I hope you have a good day 

  10. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  11. La Multi Ani! Sanatate si fericire sa ai!?❤️

  12. La multi ani, 2022!


    Happy new year, 2022!

  13. Merry Christmas!??

    Craciun fericit si sarbatori fericite!??

    1. FourP.


      Merry Christmas ✨?

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