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[TRIAL GAME MOD] @DJ Jefferz was promoted to Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @King^ transferred to Trial Game Moderator [SUPPORT] @Coppekss transferred to Trial Game Moderator16 points
8 points
Looks like that I have some TMP trolls in my city who block the traffic.8 points
Short relation from spontaneous convoy on Italy roads Thanks to @KOZIK, @BoSsik2, @Coppekss, @BlocKing, @[BTS] wojtinho If You want to see stream from that convoy, visit KOZIK's YouTube channel. (No link, enjoy beeing Scherlock ) I know you miss my useless statuses, they will back soon, don't worry Have a good day, Daniellus8 points
Dzisiejszy spontaniczny konwój po Włoszech TruckersMP Team: @KOZIK @BoSsik2 @Coppekss @BlocKing @Daniellus (ja ) Oraz: @[BTS] wojtinho *zdjęcia wykonane przez Kozika i BosSika oraz perfidnie skradzione przeze mnie Serdecznie pozdrawiam wszystkich uczestników konwoju6 points
Luty 2018 O co chodzi w tym konkursie? Konkurs na zdjęcie miesiąca, jest to event organizowany przez Media Team dla użytkowników, żebyście mogli pokazać wszystkim swoje najlepsze zdjęcia. Jak to działa? Zrób zdjęcie w grze Euro Truck Simulator 2 lub American Truck Simulator. Załaduj zdjęcie na hosting. (np: imgur) Wklej link zdjęcia do odpowiedzi w poście. Na koniec miesiąca zespół TruckersMP Media zadecyduje które zdjęcie zajmie 1, 2 oraz 3 miejsce. Zasady: Maksymalnie 2 zdjęcia na użytkownika Zdjęcie musi być zrobione przez Ciebie. Zdjęcie nie może posiadać żadnych napisów. Akceptujemy zdjęcia z gry Euro Truck Symulator 2 i American Truck Symulator. Zdjęcie musi mieć rozdzielczość 1600x900 lub więcej (wymagane aby bez problemu umieścić zdjęcie na grupie TruckersMP) W tym miesiącu konkurs zakończy się 26 Lutego o godzinie 23:59, a następnie zostaną wybrani zwycięzcy. Zdjęcia zostaną standardowo udostępnione na grupie TruckersMP Polska Official. (klik) Powodzenia dla wszystkich! TruckersMP Media Team5 points
First, this pircture from my friend in STMI Team. Second, I want to thank you @El1teZombiezHD for choosing my picture. Third, I want to thank everyone who sent congratulations @TUNANKA @[AyYildiz]Suleyman{24} @Syntackz @MousemanLV @Crashon @Dark Haus @[TSRVTC] ismail [TR] @DeviLee @The_Falcon @Carrera18 @Captain Nielsen @RequieB Have a nice day all5 points
5 points
As announced earlier, I'm stepping down from all of my staff-related duties due to lack of time. Thank you to each and every one of you for all the fun in the past 3 years. Good luck, have fun & keep on truckin'4 points
Olá pessoal , Vai passar o feriado de carnaval em casa? Então bora cai na folia , mais na rodagem |o| . CarnaTruck 2018 . Será do dia 10 a 13 de fevereiro ( semana de feriadol no Brasil) ##### CARNATRUCK 2018 - GROFR Inicio : Dia 10/02 a partir das 09h saída 10h - Cidade sede do CARNATRUCK - Mannhiem - Estacionamento ao lado da Transinet. - Serão no total 25 comboios saindo da cidade sede , de 10 a 13 fevereiro 2018. Programação : *Dia 10/02 a 12/02 - Sábado a Segunda. -Dois comboios pela manha - horários em breve em nosso site. -Dois comboios a tarde -Dois comboios a noite. *Dia 13/02. -Dois comboios pela manha -Três comboios a tarde -Dois comboios anote. Todas informações em nosso site em breve : www.radioofr.com.br Teamspeak oficial do Carnatruck 2018 - TS3 - grofr.hmgweb.com.br / Facebook : @GROFR Todos são bem vindos a Folia da rodagem : D3 points
It's been two years since the release of American Truck Simulator. These were very hectic and demanding times for our development team but gave us all a lot of joy, too. Over the development of the game, the dedicated ATS team size has grown from the starting brave four to almost forty people at this moment. And we keep on growing, as we are acutely aware that we need to produce more content and more features at a quicker pace. Our latest addition to ATS universe - the New Mexico map expansion - won the hearts of our players and has been critically acclaimed by both media and the community. We're extremely grateful for it, it gives us the energy to do our job the best we can and the desire to surpass ourselves and push the boundaries further. We posted a few photo-hints in our previous teaser blog post to start your imagination. It's time to lift the veil now and show you the next step in ATS world development. There are several possible and logical directions... East? Or North? Can it be Northeast? Rest assured that serious research and pre-production is happening in all these directions, but for actual production, the winner is North! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to ... Oregon! Oregon, the Beaver State, will be the new addition. Depicting the very diverse environments across Northern America is always an exciting challenge for us. Oregon's nature surpasses everything we've encountered so far. Extensive deep forests, dense shrublands, deep calm lakes, wide rivers, steep mountain ranges, volcanoes, high desert and the Pacific Ocean's coastline. All stacked onto territory just a little larger than the United Kingdom! Natural diversity is, of course, reflected in demographics and industry. You can look forward to the in-game economy being extended by the local industry corresponding to the reality of Oregon, like traditional wood harvesting and processing at sawmills followed with paper mills and furniture industry. We have not forgotten about other industry like technologically advanced Silicon Forest and other manufacturing centers. Make sure to follow our blog, we'll publish a series which introduces our newest map expansion Oregon and bring interesting news from development. Articles related to Oregon: Something's cooking View the full article3 points
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3 points
I suppose the photo is pretty cool, I do like the ''capturing the moment'' in this picture but don't really like the overdone lights that make the photo look over-saturated and bring out pixels. Nevertheless, good photo and congratulations to the winner!3 points
Suggestion Name: Allow Fatigue Simulation Suggestion Description: Allows sleep when enabled (Like in singleplayer) Any example images: No Why should it be added?: Because it would be a more realistic experience for this who want it. It would only be for those tho have the option enabled (Like me) but it doesn't work properly. And since the Multiplayer time is much slower, means it's alot better that way, meaning you don't need to sleep as often. Let's think about this and discuss it2 points
Hey Truckers! This is the Monthly Rendition of Picture of the Month, this is a competition between users where you can post screenshots and pictures and then the winners will be the ones with the most votes from the Media Team at the end of the month. What is Picture of the Month? Picture of the month is a community event released by the Media Team for users to share their best images with the community. How does it work? Take a Stunning Picture in-game, either Euro Truck Simulator or American Truck Simulator. Upload the image to any picture host (e.g. Imgur). Paste the link to the image in a reply to the thread and it will automatically add your image for you. After the month is over, the winners will be the ones with the most votes from the Media Team. Rules A maximum of 2 pictures per user. The picture must be your own. It has to be taken in either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator (pictures can be taken in singleplayer). Pictures may be digitally modified. Must be at a resolution of 1600x900 or more (Or be enough to fit on our Social Media Platforms) You can only use one image to enter in any competition once (eg. You can't use last month's entry for this month) Doesn't contain overlays (eg. Discord, Overwolf, PlaysTV) Doesn't show the InGame Chat, Name Tags (F10 + F11), Tab / Admin Panel What Makes a Good Entry? Abides by the rules above Unique Camera Angles Using the InGame Photo Studio You have put effort into creating your image You submit an image that is not very standard or of just a truck that may be flipped The image should be of Good Quality and not taken with bad graphical quality or on a Mobile Phone Updated Not taken within the Pause Menu All Posts in this Thread must be entries if not you void your entries and will be disqualified. Updated By posting an image here you agree, should you be the winner, that your image can be Digitally Modified by us and put on our Social Media (eg. https://i.imgur.com/NdIumOj.png) We look forward to seeing your lovely images and seeing this month's winners. This month's edition will close on the 26th February. The winners from last month's competition can be found here: Good Luck! TruckersMP Media Team2 points
Hello, j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait pas mal de fautes dans votre règlement. Je me suis donc permis de les lister : 1.5 - "Cela peut être dans la façon dont vous parlez, dans votre avatar / plaques d'immatriculation et intérieures, dans votre pseudo ou votre tag in game ." -> peut-être 1.5 - "Se faire passer pour d’autres utilisateurs, une figure politiuqe, un membre de l'équipe ou agir comme étant supérieur à l’autre." -> politique 2.4 - "§2.4 Contresens / Dépassement inaproprié - Incorrect Way / Inapropriate Overtaking*" -> inapproprié 2.6 - "Cela s’applique dans les zones où se trouvent 25+ utilisateurs." -> où il y a plus de 25 utilisateurs. 2.13 - "Seul une remorque complète est autorisée. Le mod 0 Tonnes est interdit étant donné qu’il peut être source de confusion avec du speedhack" -> Seule -> peut-être -> Il faudrait aussi rajouter un "." à la fin de la phrase. 2.14 - "§2.14 Les serveurs d'évenements - Event servers" -> évènements 2.14 - "Le règlement TruckersMP s’applique n’importe quel serveur évent à moins qu’ils ne soit remplacé par un règlement temporaire et spécifique." -> s’applique sur n’importe -> qu'il 2.15 - "Les 3 premiers bans sont appliquées en fonction de l’administrateur. Le 4e ban à une durée de 1 mois." -> appliqués -> a 2.15 - "Votre prochain ban peut être un ban de 3 mois directement." -> peut-être 3.8 - "Une description de l'utilisation attendue d’une ou autre catégorie du forum peut être trouvée dans la description de la catégorie." -> peut-être 4.2 - "Si votre ping est au delà de 600ms, [...]" -> au-delà 4.2 - "Double remorques: Si vous utilisez une double remorque en dehors du DLC Scandinavie (ou elles sont autorisées) vous serez automatiquement expluser par le serveur" -> où -> expulser 4.2 - "Phrases: Vos phares doivent toujours être allumés entre 16:00 (4pm) et 07:00 (7am)" -> Phares -> Ce n'est pas plutôt entre 19h00 (7pm) et 07h00 (7am) ? 4.3 - "Les serveurs, le mod, et les admins sont à votre disposition gratuitement et dans ce sens, vous êtes invités sur nos serveurs, [...]" -> invité (puisque c'est un "vous" de vouvoiement) 4.3 - "L'équipe de TruckersMP peut être exempté du règlement si jugé nécessaire pour satisfaire leur travail." -> peut-être exemptée -> si cela est jugé 4.4 - "Si vous pensez que votre ban n’est pas traité correctement [...]" -> vous pensez (une espace suffit) 4.5 - "Si l’une de ces règles n’est plus appliquées, les autres le seront toujours." -> appliquée Vous employez également un peu partout l'abréviation "ban", or il serait mieux d'écrire "bannissement" en entier.2 points
Hello Truckers! We have our winner for the first picture of the month of 2018, and it is a very good photo! 1st Place: @[ETS2MCG] Kien Giang This is such a great photo, everyone is in uniform with the same type of truck and trailer, in a great part of the game, the lights are also very good and makes the front truck stand out. Congratulations to the winner! The next Picture of the Month is available to enter now: Happy Trucking! TruckersMP Media Team2 points
2 points
2 points
Was planning to go to sleep early tonight, but instead I ended up fiddling with a clip, fixing all the appeals that needed to be done etc. Now I'm finally done with it all and got a new clip up and ready for you here if you'd like. I also thought I'd add 2 pictures below here showing the route on a map where this clip is from. I might also add that the sun has finally started to show itself up here now again which means more and more daylight meaning that you might actually get to see a bit more in the clips to come than just darkness.2 points
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1 point
Congratulations for becoming a full Game Moderator! Good luck with it in the future!1 point
1 point
hello, Welcome to forums. I don't agree with your suggestion. Most of the time i see players in queue during evening and complete weekend according to EU timings. presently 200 queue is more than enough. If you wanna play then select one of remaining server. well you joined game and you are in 500 then you still need to wait in queue to join game.instead you can just refresh and wait for 200 queue to join game. i see no point in increasing the queue number.1 point
je te suis la dessus Caernage je vais prendre mon mal en patience et suivre les procedures de report1 point
1 point
Bravo pour être TGM ! Juste , tu essayeras de ne pas me ban1 point
1 point
Hello Run the program as an administrator. Cordially.1 point
Meanwhile in Brazil... Welcome to Brazil - RULES: There are no rules1 point
1 point
Another escorted admin? Yes. I love my work. @Kayr0 DJFrontier - Escolta Oficial do Servidor América do Sul DJFrontier - Official Server Escort South America1 point
A round in Europe, beautiful night. @Kayr0 @David Edson Good Night, TruckersMP. (GIF by: David Edson) DJFrontier - Escolta Oficial do Servidor América do Sul DJFrontier - Official Server Escort South America1 point
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It was a really fun evening with my friends. @Qandalin @Allpha.1 point
Que extraño, por lo general cuando se da un ban en la página web, el servidor no hace kick al usuario que esta conectado, por lo que hay que esperar que el usuario salga por su voluntad (sin saber que fue baneado) o que un administrador le de un kick. Cuando damos un ban in game, al dar el ban el usuario es expulsado del servidor. No entiendo como pudo pasar eso, suele pasar que cuando damos un ban el camión se queda fijo en el mapa pero en un margen de 1 - 5 segundos el camión desaparece, si no le damos un kick pero nunca escuche lo que me cuentas.1 point
1 point
One of the last presents batch I delivered on the latest event, ironically enough, at the end of a day as the Sun set. Here's big Draco Pete driving along in his lonely journey to help Santa one last time. Until the next Holiday Season, at least.1 point
1 point
While the stats might look impressive, only roughly 1.2% of our monthly active users voted. This is unfortunately very low and thus doesn't give us a proper view of what most players want. We will not ignore the results of this voting. While only a very limited amount of people voted, we will still keep them in mind when taking future decisions, however, note that future decisions may not be in line with what the results suggest. We'd like to thank everyone that voted and shared their views with us.1 point
1 point
De reden hier van zal een moderator van dit forum je wel kunnen uitleggen. Denk eerder dat het ook komt omdat het Nederlands/Flemisch forum minder druk bezocht word en in gepost word dan de overige forums.1 point
[SUPPORT MANAGER] @LIGHTOFGOD transfers to Community Manager. [GAME MOD] @bluesbass is promoted to Support Manager.1 point
I think this is a good idea, but could be a bit more than 10 seconds. I think 20-30 is reasonable. A user will be warned in the chat, and the CB automatically stops transmitting after that time. And, if the user opens and closes his mic more than say 5 times in 10 seconds, warn the user, and if it happens again, kick him automatically.1 point