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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/19 in Posts

  1. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Strydr_ has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator once again. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Newo has been promoted to the position of Trial Game Moderator.
    28 points
  2. [GAME MODERATOR] @LadyAndromeda leaves the team due to personal reasons. We thank her for her long service in the Team and wish her the best of luck for the future.
    8 points
  3. [PLAYER] @willians1002 joins the team as Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    7 points
  4. Hey Darknessfalls202, first of all: There is a huge difference between Support and Feedback tickets. Since you are waiting for a response on your feedback ticket, it may take a while to receive an answer due to a huge income of tickets and limited Upper Staff spots. But I can ensure you that every single ticket will get reviewed carefully and individually and once you passed the ticket queue, you will receive a proper reply by us. Sorry for the waiting time. Do you have any other questions?
    5 points
  5. Everything that has a beginning also has an ending. And so our #OneTruckFamily event campaign, promoting a hashtag started by our friends at FIA ETRC to unite all types of truck drivers, has come to a close, too. A tremendous number of players have lent a hand - with a little bit of imagination - in transporting race trucks throughout Europe; from racing circuits to home bases, from testing circuits to workshops and so on. Thanks to you, the teams are now ready for a new season... and so are we! It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words. How many words is a video worth then? Because we've prepared one - as a memento to all the kilometres you guys and gals in our #BestCommunityEver have spent on the roads - we are #OneTruckFamily! View the full article
    4 points
  6. Merhaba Sayın Kamyoncular, AyYıldız Online Gaming 4.yılını doldurmak üzere ve şuan anlatılmaz bir şekilde çok mutluyuz. 25 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde başladığımız bu serüvene 4 yıldır hâlâ sıkılmadan, yılmadan devam ediyoruz. Bu 4 yıl boyunca çeşitli şehirlerden bir çok arkadaşımız oldu.Saygı,Sevgi çerçevesi içerisinde tam tamına 4 yıl geçirdik. Bu 4 yıl içerisinde çeşiti şirketlerle dostluklar kurup, konvoylar düzenledik. Bizde şuan bu 4.yılımızda sizin gibi değerli oyuncular ile birlikte herkese açık bir konvoy yapmayı planlıyoruz. Bu mutlu günümüzde siz, değerli kamyoncuları aramızda görmekten onur duyarız. Detaylı bilgiler için aşağı kısmı kontrol ediniz. KONVOY BİLGİLERİ TARİH&SAAT: 26 Mayıs 2019 22.00 https://notime.zone/Le8QPwCIUJnn6 SUNUCU: Europe 3 SERVER DEĞİŞTİRİLDİ ROTA: https://prnt.sc/nkrwme ETS2C sitesinde Konvoy Bilgileri: https://ets2c.com/view/81136/sleyman53-amsterdam-sea-port Konvoy ile ilgili sorularınız varsa benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Orada görüşürüz...
    3 points
  7. // Moved to Turkish Discussion (Yardım / Destek)
    3 points
  8. Kolego a czy przypadkiem na drogach gruntowych właśnie nie chodzi o to, aby w naszym przypadku rzucało trochę ciężarówką ?
    2 points
  9. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @LaserX has been promoted to the role of Trial Game Moderator.
    2 points
  10. Suggestion Name: Signs on trucks Suggestion Description: Signs on trucks: These metal plates or stickers on your truck could give some information about your truck. It also helps players recognise the hazards you are transporting and if your vehicle is longer than expected. Any example images: Why should it be added?: It would look nice on the trucks and it would be more realistic. And also it would help some players with photos of their trucks. This feature would be a good addon because of the detail it would also bring to your truck.
    1 point
  11. Another year WOT bring us this event and is best if the players can view event trailers. Suggestion Name: Load #ONETRUCKFAMILY trailers on MP Suggestion Description: Add to MP the event trailers from the #ONETRUCKFAMILY event. Any example images: https://worldoftrucks.com/img/delivery_events/delivery_event_etrc19otf_global.jpg Why should it be added?: Best event experience Thank's for all. Regards, Saarlouis
    1 point
  12. Suggestion Name: improved wheels for Skoda car. Suggestion Description: Having seen the current wheels for a car with their primitive painting function - where not only the rim itself but also the brakes are painted, I decided to bring them to realism. Now the wheels are divided into individual components like a truck: disc, hub, nuts and cap. All items have correct previews in the store menu and prices for parts, but this can be changed by you at your discretion. Any example images: Why should it be added?: because what we have now - is not quality and looks like a cell phone game graphics! Suggestion Link: https://sharemods.com/rrlt00jq1a4c/Scout_addons.scs.html
    1 point
  13. Suggestion Name: Truckers MP Road Code Suggestion Description: Adding the European Road Code (ERC) which all players must follow. Any example images: None. Why should it be added?: 1. Europe has universal road rules, this means, the traffic signs, road marks, road rules, etc... are the same across Europe. 2. Having a similar code in ETS2 servers can help players to get knowledge about the road rules and also help Game Moderators to easily detect who was the blame in Web and Game reports. 3. This Road Code can also include indications to the Game Moderators how to effectively manage the traffic in congested junctions and in this case also indicates the players how to act in such traffic control by Game Moderators. 4. If this idea gets approved I will write the entire Truckers MP Road Code to then be reviewed by the Game Managers and make all the necessary adjustments until we have a final code.
    1 point
  14. Hey, die Aufliegerstabilität ist im Multiplayer leider nicht änderbar. Es handelt sich somit nicht um einen Bug, sondern das ist so gewollt, um Ausnutzung in Bezug auf das unkontrollierte Herumfliegen des Trailers zu vermeiden. Da du ein Support-Ticket zu diesem Problem geöffnet hast und ich dir dort bereits geantwortet habe, werde ich diesen Beitrag nun schließen und in Gelöst verschieben. Sollten weitere Fragen oder Probleme auftreten, so zögere nicht uns erneut zu kontaktieren. //Beitrag geschlossen und in Gelöst verschoben
    1 point
  15. Êtes-vous fatigué d'enregistrer des vidéos du jeu en utilisant un logiciel externe qui utilise toutes les ressources de votre ordinateur? Perdez-vous votre temps à éditer de longues vidéos pour faire des rapports? Ici nous avons la solution. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est ? Windows 10 inclut une fonctionnalité appelée Game DVR permettant d'enregistrer des vidéos dans tout jeu vérifié. Euro Truck Simulator 2 et American Truck Simulator entrent dans cette catégorie. Cette fonction est similaire à celle utilisée dans NVIDIA Shadowplay et Replay Buffer dans OBS mais sans processus lourds, ce qui rend votre jeu un peu plus fluide puisque Game DVR est inclus et optimisé dans le système d'exploitation. Comment est-ce-que cela fonctionne ? C'est très simple, vous devez entrer dans le jeu et lorsque vous souhaitez enregistrer ce qui vient de se passer, vous appuyez sur la combinaison de touches WIN + ALT + G, cela créera un fichier vidéo dans un dossier spécifique. Par exemple: vous conduisez tranquillement et tout à coup une voiture Skoda arrive avec un NCZ hack-lag et vous cause un accident. Cela semble être le bon moment pour enregistrer, alors à ce moment-là, appuyez sur la combinaison WIN + ALT + G et un clip vidéo sera sauvegardé, avec ce qui vient de se passer au cours des 15, 30 dernières secondes ou plus (selon votre configuration) avant d'appuyer sur la combinaison. Je le veux maintenant! De quoi ai-je besoin ? Windows 10 Creators Update (1703, Build 15063) ou une version ultérieure. Vous avez probablement déjà rempli cette exigence. Et maintenant que dois-je faire ? Ouvrez "Paramètres" : Sélectionnez "Gaming": Dans l'onglet "Barre de jeu", vérifiez que l'option suivante est active: Dans l'onglet "Game DVR", vérifiez que l'option suivante est active: Remarque: N'oubliez pas de sélectionner le nombre de secondes à enregistrer avant d'appuyer sur la combinaison de touches. Nous vous recommandons 30 secondes, bien que 15 secondes soient également valables. (Facultatif) Dans l'onglet "Game DVR", vous pouvez choisir si lors de l'enregistrement le son sera enregistré dans votre vidéo: OFF: La taille du fichier sera plus petite. Il est plus judicieux d'enregistrer uniquement les incidents en jeu , car l'audio n'est pas nécessaire pour la preuve. ON: La taille du fichier sera un peu plus grande. Il est nécessaire d'enregistrer tout ce qui est: insultes vocales / spam via la radio CB avec le son. (Facultatif) Dans l'onglet "Game DVR", vous pouvez choisir si le son de votre vidéo sera uniquement du jeu ou s'il inclura également le son du système: ON: est une excellente option pour ceux qui jouent et écoutent de la musique avec certaines applications, par exemple Spotify, et qui ne veulent pas que leurs chansons soient entendues dans la vidéo. (Facultatif) Dans l'onglet "Game DVR", vous pouvez sélectionner les paramètres de la vidéo: Vous pouvez choisir les images par seconde qui seront enregistrées, avec 30 images par seconde est plus que suffisant. Vous pouvez également sélectionner la qualité de la vidéo, Standard est plutôt bon. Nous avons déjà fini ? Oui, vous pouvez maintenant ouvrir le jeu et enregistrer vos clips de ce qui vient de se passer en appuyant sur la combinaison de touches WIN + ALT + G (vous pouvez ajouter une autre combinaison de touches dans l'onglet Barre de jeu). Par défaut, les vidéos sont enregistrées dans: Ce PC -> Vidéos -> Captures. Source : Aide à la corrections: RAGE [FR]
    1 point
  16. Congratulations! Amazing photos, it's clear lot of work went into making them!
    1 point
  17. Firma dziękuje za zaproszenie i potwierdza swój udział w konwoju.
    1 point
  18. Testowałem już 1.35 w ETS2 na najniższych możliwych ustawieniach i jak będziesz chciał skręcić na skrzyżowaniu z prędkością 40 km/h to wylecisz z drogi albo się przewrócisz. Ogólnie to rzuca kabiną jak by zawieszenie zgubiło ale tak to fajnie. Jeżeli ktoś jeździ przepisowo to się nie wywróci.
    1 point
  19. ممنون از پاسخ شما. خسته نباشید.
    1 point
  20. Hello there, When you have been banned, the first thing to do is to make an appeal. You then have to wait for your appeal to be closed (Accepted, Modified or Declined) - After this, if you still do not agree with the outcome of the appeal, you can file a complaint at our Feedback system by making a ticket for the Game Moderation Management. Sincerely, Pillow
    1 point
  21. Am incercat si eu pe Italia/Franta si totul a fost cu rezultat pozitiv pentru ca sunt sofer pe Italia, Franta si Spania in realitate si o sa mai incerc.Multumesc pentru idee @John[RO] +1 de la mine
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. [PLAYER] @[VIVA] Kehox joins the team as Translator.
    1 point
  24. Možná jste si všimli, že během posledních několika oprav semafory v Americkém Truck Simulátoru dosáhly významných změn. Od června loňského roku začalo naše výzkumné oddělení pracovat na tomto projektu, ale museli jsme vyřešit několik otázek. Jedním z hlavních problémů bylo najít systém pro americké semafory v naší hře, protože v každém státě, regionu a městech existuje mnoho rozdílů. MUTCD (průvodce jednotkami pro řízení pohybu, tj. Analogicky, standardy) definuje základní principy pro celé Spojené státy, ale protože každý stát je může napravit, můžete pochopit, co je problém. Dohodli jsme se na kompromisu a výběru těch nejpoužívanějších (tj. Těch, které se používají v 50%+), které budou vytvořeny a implementovány v naší hře. (Ne) očekávaný výsledek byl takový, že v důsledku masivní výměny starých semaforů byly téměř všechny křižovatky v American Truck Simulator rozbité. Například semafory, které se protínají s jinými objekty, značkami a značkami ulic, se také přesunuly na poněkud vtipná místa ... to je vhodná doba (zejména pro naše projektanty map, kteří museli tento nepořádek opravit). Nakonec se nám však podařilo tyto problémy překonat a s aktualizací 1.35 bude mít každý stát (CA, NV, AZ, NM, OR a nadcházející WA) skutečně jedinečné semafory. To znamená, že se nyní můžete těšit na ještě autentičtější cesty, kromě toho je k dispozici více možností pro případné budoucí doplňky, například blikající žlutá šipka. Máte už American Truck Simulator: Washington ve vašem Steam Wishlist (přání)? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1015160/American_Truck_Simulator__Washington/ Oficiální článek: https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/05/us-traffict-lights.html Přeložil: @Dominik (iFlufy) (Překlad se může trochu lišit od oficiálního článku)
    1 point
  25. Hello, This is made via save editing, the triple can stay in Calais, the city doesn't have the auto kick enabled for such trailers. There is a specified area for that kind of thing. You can have a look on the Save editing section if you have any doubt about how to make some cool changes, that are under the rules, for your vehicle. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/423-save-editing/
    1 point
  26. I'll eventually cover custom trailers on a video tutorial, but there's other things I'll need to get through first.
    1 point
  27. [PLAYER] @Dumbledore001YT joins the TruckersMP Team as Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    1 point
  28. [PLAYER] @Xpert joins the team as Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    1 point
  29. боже мой... как смешно, что люди смотря какого то блогера, проглатывают его точку зрения и с точностью до одного слова цитируют теперь его везде... я больше скажу, дай бог ему быть по качеству в ближайшие пару лет хотя бы таким же проектом как нынешний мп... там его не боги создают, а такие энтузиасты... а чтобы не влипать во всякие дурацкие ситуации, есть отличный первый сервер, где обитают отличные люди или хотя бы нужно соблюдать простую вещь - не ездить по дороге дураков и подобным местам, потому что там обитают люди, которые ищут на 5-ую точку приключений... они за этим едут и собственно получают свою приключения с добавкой...
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Are you planning the upgrade needed to properly display the semitrailers involved in the event?
    1 point
  32. Oh really? I saw the update queued on steam and i thought that truckersmp wasnt working
    1 point
  33. i thought it was already supported in the other thread or something
    1 point
  34. Hi JasGames, Do you was already on the MP before? Which system do you have 32 or 64 bit? Is the SP working without any Problems? Maybe this Steps helps you, so please try it: Search in your System for the Name -> regedit In regedit you have to search for this 2 Names -> TruckersMP and ETS2MP Delete all Files with both Names (TruckersMP and ETS2MP) Turn off your Anti Vir / Windows Defender Download the Launcher new from here -> https://truckersmp.com/download Install the Launcher Start the Launcher with -> Admin Hope it helps. ~Harley~
    1 point
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