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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/18 in all areas
[TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @darkneon2002 has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @WTLVTC - Smalley has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATOR] @math-98 has been temporarily suspended from the team for 2 weeks due to behavior issues.18 points
After spending all of the Saturday with my family and sleeping throughout all of the Sunday (seriously, it's 11 PM and I just woke up minutes ago), I come to the forums and find this: Holy molly! O.o Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes @Spat91, @Ay?ntap Log I ?afak, @Samito_BG, @LegendArrow3, @verbeekrj2903(NL/ENG), @MattTM, @DJFrontier, @FBTC Raphael-BR, @[CHN] Kirl_Pilot [GD/YX], @MINHPHAT, @-AV-, @ALLIANCE Jean M. 49, @China-leitinG, @MikeOG, @naeemeshu, @Killua // Ireland ^_^, @NeonLeon, @Athir*, @Total EDM, @The_Falcon (that was a really awesome kite!! o3o), @JudgeNellie, @Tuna_, @VampireOfSnake, @Soryn Official, @Vatan Lojistik l OsmaN, @[DHH Owner] DRAGON, @-XCE-, @David Edson, @Joao Rodrigues, @[TPH] John, @Merengue4ever, @SharpVTC - SamSharp - CEO, @CHRISTINA and last but not least, @Kid Fabi! Whoowee!! I think that should cover all of you. XD Fun fact, by the way... May 26th is my birthday but it is also my anniversary as Truckers MP staff! Yeah, I got my first promotion and joined TMP as Trial Support on May 26th, 2017. It was both a surprise and a birthday gift at the same time to have the chance of helping the community from the inside. Not long until my 1 year anniversary as Game Moderator, now! Thank you so much all of you! Happy trucking!13 points
9 points
Enjoy games, right? The type doesn't matter, what matters is the place to share your experiences. Here's your chance! SOFTUF's a gaming community like no other! http://discord.softuf.com https://softuf.com (Also you must join because it's my Birthday)7 points
Hello players! Reports, Feedback, Support, Coding, Management, Moderating, Editing... the team here at TruckersMP do all of this and so much more everyday, to ensure you have a smile on your face behind the wheel when playing on our servers. All of this can be tiring work, so often it is a treat to sit back and relax in our own convoy! This Sunday 3rd June 2018 at 18:00 UTC / 19:00 BST / 20:00 CEST (More time zones: https://notime.zone/LDmUMZVSU9MoF) we will be hosting a Staff Convoy. The server will be white-listed for the team only, but you can watch the live coverage over on our Twitch channel linked below! Departure: Rostock, Germany Destination: Strasbourg, France Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/truckersmp -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage4 points
4 points
"En çok güvendiklerimiz öğretiyor bize, Kimseye güvenmemiz gerektiğini..." İyi geceler herkese4 points
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Вот мы играем и не имеем проблем с подключением, вы так же не имеете этих проблем, раз играете. А автор обвиняет всех в том, что у него есть проблема, очевидно локальная, и никто не хочет решать её за него, при том не предоставляя никаких данных для анализа проблемы, кроме нытья.3 points
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Is that my .... 24S 2019 leak truck skin teaser? Not yet set in stone ofc, just thought you'd want to see the rather slick looking design we found3 points
Hier mal ein kleines Spiel Hierbei geht es darum das man ETS2 süchtig ist .. Dann fange ich direkt mal an Du bist ETS2 süchtig, wenn du alle DLC´s besitzt obwohl man die hälfte davon nicht braucht ^^2 points
Merhaba Krone etkinlik dorsesini etkinlik dışındada kullanmak isteyenler olacağı için nasıl kodlarla oynama yaparak kullanacağınızı anlatıyorum. İlk olarak Belgelerim klasöründe bulunan config.cfg dosyasını açıyoruz. uset g_console ve uset g_developer değerlerini 1, uset g_save_format değerini ise 2 yapıyoruz (sadece tırnakların içindeki sayıyı değiştiriyoruz).Değişiklikleri kaydettikten sonra config dosyasını kapatıyoruz. Daha sonra oyunu açıp herhangi bir kayar perdeli dorse alıyoruz.Dorseyi aldıktan sonra hızlı kayıt alıyoruz (tuş atamanız gerekmektedir atamadıysanız seçenekler => tuşlar ve düğmeler bölümünden tuş atayabilirsiniz). Sonra Belgelerim => Euro Truck Simulator 2 => profiles => ''kendi profil klasörünüzün adı'' => save = > quicksave klasörüne giriyoruz.Girdikten sonra game.sii dosyasını sii_decrypt.exe dosyasının üzerine sürüklüyoruz (eğer mevcut olarak sii_decrypt programınız yoksa googledan aratıp indirebilirsiniz).Sürükledikten sonra game.sii dosyasını açıyoruz ve ctrl+f yapıp cargo_mass yazıp aratıyoruz.Daha sonra mevcut dorsenin kodlarını Krone dorsenin kodları ile değiştirip, değişiklikleri kaydetip game.sii dosyasını kapatıyoruz. Son olarak oyuna geçip kaydet&yükle kısmından yükle diyip en üstte bulunan hızlı kaydeti yüklüyoruz ve Krone dorsemiz hazır. Config dosyamızdaki değişikliklerin görselle desteklenmiş hali: http://prntscr.com/jjqhyt Game.sii dosyamızdaki değişikliklerin görselle desteklenmiş hali: http://prntscr.com/jjqkz4 Şasi kodu: /def/vehicle/trailer/krone/profiliner_2017/chassis_2017.sii İş-boya kodu: /def/vehicle/trailer/krone/profiliner_2017/company_paint_job/default_2017.sii Lastik kodu: /def/vehicle/t_wheel/385_65.sii Not: Dorseyi tek renk yapmak için iş kodu yerine bu kodu yazınız; /def/vehicle/trailer/livestock/company_paint_job/default.sii Not: Eğer dorsenin orjinal lastiklerini kullanmazsanız ve bu durum anlaşılırsa perma ban yiyebilirsiniz,lütfen dorse kodlarını değiştirirken lastik kodlarınıda değiştirmeyi unutmayınız.2 points
Öneri Adı: Türkçe'ye çevirisi gerçekleşen SCS Haberleri için Kategori/Bölüm Önerinin Tanımı: Bildiğiniz üzere Türk Tartışma bölümünde ''Haberler'' kategorisi bulunmaktadır lakin yeri geliyor SCS'nin forumda yayınladığı güncelleme, harita, yarışma vs gibi bloglarda/yazılarda Türkçe Tartışma bölümünde sadece SCS ile ilgili haberlerin yer aldığı bir kategoriye taşınmasını öneriyorum. Mevcut ''Haberler'' sekmesinde göze çok dağınık geldiğini buradan söylemek istiyorum. Örnek Görsel veya Video: N/A Neden Eklenmeli: Kullanıcılarında Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş SCS Haberlerini daha kolay ve rahatlıkla bulacağından eminim.2 points
Hey there, Firstly, welcome to the forums! Take a look at the following guide, it should help you out: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/28612-how-to-use-the-cb-radio/& In addition to the CB radio, you can also use the in-game text chat to communicate with others. Press the 'Y' key in-game, type your message and then press enter to send it. Hope this helped.2 points
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Du bist ETS2 süchtig, wenn … du lieber vor'm PC hockst und Ets2 spielst anstelle dich mit deiner Freundin zu treffen.2 points
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I miss these really long crazy traffic jams on C-D been ages since I've seen one I miss being stuck in traffic for an hour C-D has calmed a bit from what it used to be, there was a time (think last summer) when pretty much every day there was huge traffic jams and you could be stuck there for more then a hour and see lots of crazy driving Occasionally now you might get a traffic jam caused by a blocker but it looks like these types of big regular traffic jams are a thing of the past Prob a good thing for admins tho but I do miss them2 points
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[FORUM MODERATOR] [EVENT TEAM] @WTLVTC - Smalley transferred from Forum Moderator to Trial Game Moderator Observer and keeps the Event Team rank.2 points
Hi everyone! We are looking for new teammates to help people. Please check the requirements and send in your application. If you have applied in the past and weren't selected, you can apply again. Requirements: Being at least 17 years old is preferred. You must be active in our community. You have sufficient knowledge of the English language. You understand and respect the forum and in-game rules. You can remain calm and polite in a conflict. You are able to ask questions and inform yourself if you don't know something. *You must have an account on Facebook and you must know how to manage/moderate a page on Facebook. You are able to work in a team and participate in team discussions. You have some basic social skills as you will be in touch with many community members. You are dedicated and devoted to helping other members of the community. You are registered on TruckersMP's forum for at least 3 months. Having no bans(expired) within the last 6 months from the date of applying for the recruitment. Previous support/technical experience is adviced. You need to have minimum 50 posts on the TruckersMP Forum. If you want to join us, you can send in your applications here: https://truckersmp.com/recruitment End Date: 01.07.2018 Good luck!2 points
Bonjour, La F-T M reprend du service et organisera chaque semaine des convois. Cinq convois vous seront proposés ou vous êtes libres de nous rejoindre. Les deux autres jours seront des convois réservés aux membres de la F-T M. Le lundi 04/06 : Rassemblement : Bruxelles à 20h45 #EU3 Départ : Hôtel à 21h00 Ravitaillement : Sur la nationale entre Köln et Mannheim Pause : à Mannheim pendant 10 minutes Arrivée : Strasbourg à WGCC Le mardi 05/06 : Rassemblement : Zurich à 20h45 #EU3 Départ : Stokes à 21h00 Ravitaillement : Sur la A12 après la sortie de Innsbruck Pause : Sur la station 5 à 10 minutes (voir sur place) Arrivée : Praha à Tradeaux Le jeudi 07/06 : Rassemblement : Plymouth à 20h45 #EU3 Départ : eAcres à 21h00 Ravitaillement : Sur la A13 Pause : Sur la station 10 minutes Arrivée : Lille à Tradeaux Le samedi 09/06 : Rassemblement : Szczecin à 15h15 #EU3 Départ : ITCC à 15h30 Ravitaillement : Sur la E18 Pause : Sur la station 5 minutes Arrivée : Kristiansand au port Le dimanche 10/06 : Rassemblement : Rome à 15h15 #EU3 Départ : IKA Bohag à 15h30 Ravitaillement : Pas de ravitaillement prévu. Pause : Pas de pause prévue Arrivée : Livorno à Marmo SpA Petit rappel des règles du convoi : - Max 90 KM/H. - Pas de dépassement sans autorisation. - Les personnes ayant des lags se mettront en fin de convoi. - Distance de sécurité : MINIMUM 90 mètres La F-T M espère vous voir nombreux1 point
Opis Sugestii: Zwiększenie jednostki patrolującej pozwoliłoby zmniejszyć agresję itp. Patrol miałby wyglądać tak że "patrol" w NIEOZNAKOWANEJ Skodzie lub tirze (imitującego zwyczajnego gracza) mógłby karać innych graczy za nieodpowiednie zachowanie na drodze. Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań. Np. Ban za spowodowanie wypadku (wyprzedzanie), wyprzedzanie bokiem, kick za ciągłe używanie klasonu, blokowanie ruchu . Admini patrolują aczkolwiek nie ma ich 10 jeżdżących na samej LŚ Zdjęcie: Brak Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna ?: Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań oraz pomogłoby graczom. Myślę że moja prośba zostanie pozytywnie rozpatrzona, lecz trzeba by było trochę pracy1 point
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EU 2 spam attack ! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/308225732809850891/450726213510496256/Adsz.png1 point
Hola @JordiLD, ¿Esta satisfecho con las respuestas que le han ofrecido en este tópico? ¿Podemos proceder a cerrarlo y mover-lo a Tópicos Resueltos? Por favor, háganos-lo saber.1 point
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Brilliant VTC, better than i expected. I recommend people joining as every day there's always people around to do convoys or just the odd drive to wherever! It's a big vtc but just the perfect one. I also like the blue paint1 point
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@VampireOfSnake & @Nizam Logistics DarkAngeL Thank you for the follows1 point
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[GAME MODERATOR] @[T.G.E][01] Lorena [PE] left the team for personal reasons. Thanks for your work during the 8 months you were with us.1 point
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[Game Moderator] @swd_danurb25 [PL/ENG] opuszcza zespół z przyczyn osobistych1 point
[TRANSLATOR] @WiciuNL has been kicked from the team after posting serious threats internally towards another member of the team.1 point
Bonjour @King^, As-tu essayé de te déconnecter et d'ensuite de te reconnecter à Steam. En effet, à chaque fois que j'achète un DLC, je fais cela, et mon DLC s'installe ensuite tranquillement. Cordialement, Yoyo_ManSg1 point
and Cooper's Freightmaster joined ETS2MP Team as Forum Moderators. [sUPPORT TEAM] krazymudkip becomes also Forum Moderator1 point