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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/18 in all areas

  1. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @darkneon2002 has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @WTLVTC - Smalley has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATOR] @math-98 has been temporarily suspended from the team for 2 weeks due to behavior issues.
    18 points
  2. After spending all of the Saturday with my family and sleeping throughout all of the Sunday (seriously, it's 11 PM and I just woke up minutes ago), I come to the forums and find this: Holy molly! O.o Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes @Spat91, @Ay?ntap Log I ?afak, @Samito_BG, @LegendArrow3, @verbeekrj2903(NL/ENG), @MattTM, @DJFrontier, @FBTC Raphael-BR, @[CHN] Kirl_Pilot [GD/YX], @MINHPHAT, @-AV-, @ALLIANCE Jean M. 49, @China-leitinG, @MikeOG, @naeemeshu, @Killua // Ireland ^_^, @NeonLeon, @Athir*, @Total EDM, @The_Falcon (that was a really awesome kite!! o3o), @JudgeNellie, @Tuna_, @VampireOfSnake, @Soryn Official, @Vatan Lojistik l OsmaN, @[DHH Owner] DRAGON, @-XCE-, @David Edson, @Joao Rodrigues, @[TPH] John, @Merengue4ever, @SharpVTC - SamSharp - CEO, @CHRISTINA and last but not least, @Kid Fabi! Whoowee!! I think that should cover all of you. XD Fun fact, by the way... May 26th is my birthday but it is also my anniversary as Truckers MP staff! Yeah, I got my first promotion and joined TMP as Trial Support on May 26th, 2017. It was both a surprise and a birthday gift at the same time to have the chance of helping the community from the inside. Not long until my 1 year anniversary as Game Moderator, now! Thank you so much all of you! Happy trucking!
    13 points
  3. Me right now Might be time for some sleep
    9 points
  4. Enjoy games, right? The type doesn't matter, what matters is the place to share your experiences. Here's your chance! SOFTUF's a gaming community like no other! http://discord.softuf.com https://softuf.com (Also you must join because it's my Birthday)
    7 points
  5. Hello players! Reports, Feedback, Support, Coding, Management, Moderating, Editing... the team here at TruckersMP do all of this and so much more everyday, to ensure you have a smile on your face behind the wheel when playing on our servers. All of this can be tiring work, so often it is a treat to sit back and relax in our own convoy! This Sunday 3rd June 2018 at 18:00 UTC / 19:00 BST / 20:00 CEST (More time zones: https://notime.zone/LDmUMZVSU9MoF) we will be hosting a Staff Convoy. The server will be white-listed for the team only, but you can watch the live coverage over on our Twitch channel linked below! Departure: Rostock, Germany Destination: Strasbourg, France Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/truckersmp -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. "En çok güvendiklerimiz öğretiyor bize, Kimseye güvenmemiz gerektiğini..." İyi geceler herkese
    4 points
  8. #SometimesTheUglyTruthCanBeBeautiful
    4 points
  9. Вот мы играем и не имеем проблем с подключением, вы так же не имеете этих проблем, раз играете. А автор обвиняет всех в том, что у него есть проблема, очевидно локальная, и никто не хочет решать её за него, при том не предоставляя никаких данных для анализа проблемы, кроме нытья.
    3 points
  10. Good night guys^^ Jó éjt
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. I guess i saw a tired scania..
    3 points
  13. Is that my .... 24S 2019 leak truck skin teaser? Not yet set in stone ofc, just thought you'd want to see the rather slick looking design we found
    3 points
  14. Hier mal ein kleines Spiel Hierbei geht es darum das man ETS2 süchtig ist .. Dann fange ich direkt mal an Du bist ETS2 süchtig, wenn du alle DLC´s besitzt obwohl man die hälfte davon nicht braucht ^^
    2 points
  15. Merhaba Krone etkinlik dorsesini etkinlik dışındada kullanmak isteyenler olacağı için nasıl kodlarla oynama yaparak kullanacağınızı anlatıyorum. İlk olarak Belgelerim klasöründe bulunan config.cfg dosyasını açıyoruz. uset g_console ve uset g_developer değerlerini 1, uset g_save_format değerini ise 2 yapıyoruz (sadece tırnakların içindeki sayıyı değiştiriyoruz).Değişiklikleri kaydettikten sonra config dosyasını kapatıyoruz. Daha sonra oyunu açıp herhangi bir kayar perdeli dorse alıyoruz.Dorseyi aldıktan sonra hızlı kayıt alıyoruz (tuş atamanız gerekmektedir atamadıysanız seçenekler => tuşlar ve düğmeler bölümünden tuş atayabilirsiniz). Sonra Belgelerim => Euro Truck Simulator 2 => profiles => ''kendi profil klasörünüzün adı'' => save = > quicksave klasörüne giriyoruz.Girdikten sonra game.sii dosyasını sii_decrypt.exe dosyasının üzerine sürüklüyoruz (eğer mevcut olarak sii_decrypt programınız yoksa googledan aratıp indirebilirsiniz).Sürükledikten sonra game.sii dosyasını açıyoruz ve ctrl+f yapıp cargo_mass yazıp aratıyoruz.Daha sonra mevcut dorsenin kodlarını Krone dorsenin kodları ile değiştirip, değişiklikleri kaydetip game.sii dosyasını kapatıyoruz. Son olarak oyuna geçip kaydet&yükle kısmından yükle diyip en üstte bulunan hızlı kaydeti yüklüyoruz ve Krone dorsemiz hazır. Config dosyamızdaki değişikliklerin görselle desteklenmiş hali: http://prntscr.com/jjqhyt Game.sii dosyamızdaki değişikliklerin görselle desteklenmiş hali: http://prntscr.com/jjqkz4 Şasi kodu: /def/vehicle/trailer/krone/profiliner_2017/chassis_2017.sii İş-boya kodu: /def/vehicle/trailer/krone/profiliner_2017/company_paint_job/default_2017.sii Lastik kodu: /def/vehicle/t_wheel/385_65.sii Not: Dorseyi tek renk yapmak için iş kodu yerine bu kodu yazınız; /def/vehicle/trailer/livestock/company_paint_job/default.sii Not: Eğer dorsenin orjinal lastiklerini kullanmazsanız ve bu durum anlaşılırsa perma ban yiyebilirsiniz,lütfen dorse kodlarını değiştirirken lastik kodlarınıda değiştirmeyi unutmayınız.
    2 points
  16. Öneri Adı: Türkçe'ye çevirisi gerçekleşen SCS Haberleri için Kategori/Bölüm Önerinin Tanımı: Bildiğiniz üzere Türk Tartışma bölümünde ''Haberler'' kategorisi bulunmaktadır lakin yeri geliyor SCS'nin forumda yayınladığı güncelleme, harita, yarışma vs gibi bloglarda/yazılarda Türkçe Tartışma bölümünde sadece SCS ile ilgili haberlerin yer aldığı bir kategoriye taşınmasını öneriyorum. Mevcut ''Haberler'' sekmesinde göze çok dağınık geldiğini buradan söylemek istiyorum. Örnek Görsel veya Video: N/A Neden Eklenmeli: Kullanıcılarında Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş SCS Haberlerini daha kolay ve rahatlıkla bulacağından eminim.
    2 points
  17. Hey there, Firstly, welcome to the forums! Take a look at the following guide, it should help you out: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/28612-how-to-use-the-cb-radio/& In addition to the CB radio, you can also use the in-game text chat to communicate with others. Press the 'Y' key in-game, type your message and then press enter to send it. Hope this helped.
    2 points
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Du bist ETS2 süchtig, wenn … du lieber vor'm PC hockst und Ets2 spielst anstelle dich mit deiner Freundin zu treffen.
    2 points
  21. hello players. how is everyone?
    2 points
  22. I miss these really long crazy traffic jams on C-D been ages since I've seen one I miss being stuck in traffic for an hour C-D has calmed a bit from what it used to be, there was a time (think last summer) when pretty much every day there was huge traffic jams and you could be stuck there for more then a hour and see lots of crazy driving Occasionally now you might get a traffic jam caused by a blocker but it looks like these types of big regular traffic jams are a thing of the past Prob a good thing for admins tho but I do miss them
    2 points
  23. W związku z zawieszeniem działalności zamykam wątek. Zamykam // Przenoszę do Archiwum
    2 points
  24. Firma N-TRANS z dniem 27.05.2018r. zawiesza swoją działalność. Proszę o zamknięcie wątku.
    2 points
  25. So much to do, so little time.
    2 points
  26. Heute mal wieder mit Krone unterwegs.
    2 points
  27. [FORUM MODERATOR] [EVENT TEAM] @WTLVTC - Smalley transferred from Forum Moderator to Trial Game Moderator Observer and keeps the Event Team rank.
    2 points
  28. Hi everyone! We are looking for new teammates to help people. Please check the requirements and send in your application. If you have applied in the past and weren't selected, you can apply again. Requirements: Being at least 17 years old is preferred. You must be active in our community. You have sufficient knowledge of the English language. You understand and respect the forum and in-game rules. You can remain calm and polite in a conflict. You are able to ask questions and inform yourself if you don't know something. *You must have an account on Facebook and you must know how to manage/moderate a page on Facebook. You are able to work in a team and participate in team discussions. You have some basic social skills as you will be in touch with many community members. You are dedicated and devoted to helping other members of the community. You are registered on TruckersMP's forum for at least 3 months. Having no bans(expired) within the last 6 months from the date of applying for the recruitment. Previous support/technical experience is adviced. You need to have minimum 50 posts on the TruckersMP Forum. If you want to join us, you can send in your applications here: https://truckersmp.com/recruitment End Date: 01.07.2018 Good luck!
    2 points
  29. In this guide I will show you how to change the colour of your license plate's text! WARNING: This won't work if you have an active license plate on World of Trucks. Make sure to remove that before proceeding. Step 1: Setting up your save profile. To do this we will have to edit your save profile. First we need to make your profile save in a format that can be decrypted. Go to the ETS2 My Documents folder: (C:\Users\[Your username]\Documents\EuroTruckSimulator2) and open the config.cfg with Notepad. Once you've opened it, press Ctrl + F and search for g_save_format and change the number to "2", as seen below. Now start the game, sign into your desired profile and then quit the game so that it can auto-save in the new format. Step 2: Save Editing For this step you will need to download the save decrypter from here. Go back into your ETS2 My Documents folder, and open the profiles folder. (Not profiles( or something like that. Those are backups the game makes when it updates.) If you look at the "date changed" of the folders there, you'd see your most recently used profile will have the most recent date and time. (If you don't see that, click on "View" at the top of the window and selected "Details" from the list) open that then open the save, followed by the autosave folder. Paste SII_Decrypt.exe here. Before we do any editing, it's best if you make a backup of the game.sii, in case something goes wrong. Once that's done, drag the game.sii over the SII_Decrypt.exe and it will decrypt the save profile. Now, open the game.sii with notepad. The easiest way to find the line we want to edit is to search for you truck's current license plate in the game. Mine is "KE 51 000", so I'll press Ctrl + F and search for that. You should find a line looking something like this: license_plate: "KE 51 000|denmark" Just to make sure it's the correct truck, look at the lines below it, they will tell you what make and model it is. Sometimes if the plates have some sort of coat of arms or sticker on them, the line will look like this: <offset hshift=2><img src=/material/ui/lp/czech/frontb.mat color=FFFFFFFF width=5 height=50> You can just leave it be, or erase it if you don't want to have the sticker on your plate. While you are here you could also change the text and country of the license plate. This is a handy method to get different vanity plates on different trucks, unlike World of Trucks' single vanity plate applied on all of your trucks. "KE 51 000|denmark" Red: Text of plate Blue: Country of plate Note: You can only use countries that are in the game. If you write something like "argentina" it will only crash the game, or give you a blank plate. You also cannot use special symbols like $%&@ etc. Dashes ( - ) are allowed. Now, to the colouring part. To change the color of the text, you must place this between the " and start of the text of the plate: <color value=FF088A85> FF - Transparency - You don't need to touch this, so just leave it there. 08 - Blue channel 8A - Green channel 85 - Red channel NOTE: In comparison to traditional color codes, the blue and red channels are with switched positions. We will fix this later when we pick ourselves a new color. This is how your line should now look: license_plate: "<color value=FF088A85>KE 51 000|denmark" Next, we will go to this website to get the colour code of our desired colour. We will select a colour, then copy the highlighted value: Next, we go back to the game.sii and change the color code, as shown previously. You must keep the "FF" infront (That is the alpha channel for the opacity which needs to stay as it is. Now, the line for the license plate will look like this: Remember, we need to switch the blue and red channels, so the code "00FF26" will become: license_plate: "<color value=FF26FF00>KE 51 000|denmark" Now save the text file and close it. Now when you go into the game, you will see your newly coloured license plate. ENJOY!
    1 point
  30. Hello! Over the last few weeks, we have had an been flooded with user feedback and it has started to take longer to properly review each message therefore we have decided to change how we deal with user feedback. To accomplish this goal, we have created a system that users can use to send feedback to our Community and Project Managers. So instead of being largely myself dealing with each piece of feedback, we have increased the team to ensure a quicker response. We will be dealing with admin complaints and any other feedback that you have for us. More information can be found here: Please note that any ban appeal emails need to include a link to your ban appeal that can be created at http://truckersmp.com/appeals
    1 point
  31. Congrats on TGM, one step closer to GM
    1 point
  32. Not related to the above format for replies, but I strongly suggest checking out the Emoji integration from the 4.3 IPS Update. The Emoji integration can simply be toggled by developers in the admin panel for the forums and linked to different emoticon archives giving you never ending supplies of reactions/emojis without all the un-nescessary work and also allows you to keep your custom emoticons. It also ensures your emoticons are royalty/copyright free with a vast selection to choose from. See example: Link to the thread: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/43-express-yourself-with-emoji-r1060/
    1 point
  33. Thanks for the follow! Much appreciated
    1 point
  34. Congrats mate. best of luck on getting to a Game Mod.
    1 point
  35. Salut @[F-T M] FreZyFaiL Si pas d'imprévu, je serais présent avec mes gars . Au passage, merci d'organiser des événement au sein de la communauté FR ça fait plaisir, les choses re bougent.
    1 point
  36. Прошло пару дней. Не играл в мультиплеер это время. Попробовал поиграть. Проблема вернулась. Пробовал отключать брандмауэр и добавлял в исключения и прочие танцы с бубнами... Видимо я просто счастливчик которому не везет поиграть в мультиплеере. Вообщем мультиплеер по прежнему не работает. Как то что то ковырять дальше и скачивать дополнительные проги-утилиты нет ни желания , ни познаний в обращении с компьютером. Кароче как писал ранее жаль потерянных денег и времени убитых на игру. Всем спасибо удачи. Я пас играть в подобное г.... .И более я платных игр видимо приобретать не стану. Мда....
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Happy Birthday Penguin, have a nice day !
    1 point
  39. Good Night Truckers! Today afternoon was very quiet, with convoy and of course, always with friends. @[GROFR] Victor H. # 155 BR @David Edson @Kayr0 GROFR Convoy
    1 point
  40. Overall a great VTC. I would say joining Solar isn't just joining a VTC, I'd say it is joining a great gaming community where you also can play other games with your colleagues. Convoys go very well and organized too which is a great thing. Solar Transport has a bunch of very friendly and helpful people. I recommend joining Solar today!
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Did someone... loose their trailer?
    1 point
  43. It would appear Snowball Media's now on Drivetribe... how did that happen? https://drivetribe.com/t/snowball-media-U6EBhC5FSx-QQ9QC4h1w_g
    1 point
  44. Wir suchen weiterhin Mitarbeiter für unsere Firma Schaut doch mal vorbei
    1 point
  45. [sUPPORT TEAM] AmKate, [sUPPORT TEAM] Chjl1234 and [sUPPORT TEAM] J3B become also Forum Moderator
    1 point
  46. [iGA] Max Power left the team due to personal matters.
    1 point
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