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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/17 in all areas

  1. [SUPPORT] @WarMaz also joins Forum Moderators.
    7 points
  2. Ok, so on Tuesday I posted this: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/666-mike-dragon/&status=61971&type=status I talked to my boss about the situation (apparently he wasn't meaning to talk about it but I made him) and to sum up the story, thank God I am not losing my job. I still don't know if there will be any cuts, however, but that right now is the least of my concerns. One thing he brought up a while after we talked is that the way I treat our clients may not really been the actual reason why they cancelled with our company. Because I'd have to get into specifics and that would result in a VERY long text, I will cut short and go straight to the two main details: All the clients that cancelled under the excuse that my treatment and/or services were poor have one thing in common: The partner company that provides them with a store sales system for management of their sales and products. My boss also pointed out an issue our major client was having not long ago with the speed with one of their stores was accessing the system, which is hosted in their server in the main store, so it relies on an internet connection. For a while they have been complaining that every two days, around the same time, the store would lose connection to the system and the server so they called us to investigate the problem. I monitored their connection for weeks and the connection itself was perfectly fine. What was happening is that their ISP was changing the external IP and the software in the server, responsible for managing and "translating" that IP to one that's always static was not renewing the connection quickly enough. I brought this up to my boss at the time and the pattern would repeat itself every two days around the same hour. The external IP would always change and the software was not renewing it quickly enough and we know that all ISPs do an auto-renew of each IP they provide every few days. The solution? Have the client contact their ISP to either ask for a change on the time in which the IP was being renewed or hire a static IP service. But what happened instead is that the owner (or manager, I don't know what the guy is) of the company that provides them with that sales software system said instead that they should simply upgrade their internet to a optical fiber connection. Well, they did. I went to both stores to set up the new modem in their network. The connection is great and fast! But guess what still would happen? Yeah, that's right. The connection to the server was still being lost for a few minutes and the IP was still changing in the same pattern. They complained about it to us, naturally, and my boss told the owner of the company (our client) that they have been warned and told what to do to fix that problem, that the solution was not upgrade to fiber and that that decision they made had been suggested by the guy of the sales software company and they (the client) took his suggestion on their own and without our knowledge. So his theory is that the client brought that up to the guy of the sales software company who certainly was not happy about, well... essentially being told by the IT company that his solution for his client was wrong and ours was right so he must have contacted our clients in common and told them something awful that convinced them to cancel their contract with us. It would be too much of a coincidence that all the clients who use the same sales system would cancel within very few months apart and for the same reason, while the other clients who don't use the same sales system are still with us, have no complaints and in fact, two actually praised my service and treatment, recently. Something just doesn't add up! I am absurdly upset and down with all of this but I feel better now that I have calmed down and am not losing my job. Also, thank you all who showed me your support and encouragement on the previous status post. I am really sorry this one turned out as long as it did. I tried to be as brief as I could, I promise! Hahah. Anyway, thank you for reading.
    6 points
  3. As we are putting finishing touches on the New Mexico DLC for American Truck Simulator, we also need to finalize all the various marketing and promo material, so that we are ready for the release day. One of the key elements is the promotional video trailer. We have been working on it for several days already, and today we are finally happy with the result. We decided that we should not sit on it until the launch date. Instead, we want to show it to our game's fans now, ahead of the release, to whet your appetite. ;) View the full article
    5 points
  4. Great news! I think I fixed the quiet problem for my mic.
    4 points
  5. Possible new DLC - Escort vehicles and a truck straddling both sides of the road to make room for an oversized trailer Taken from SCS' official Instagram.
    4 points
  6. DANTON TRANSPORTES Internacional esta en búsqueda de nuevos conductores experimentados para incorporarse una sus filas, Nuestra empresa fue fundada en enero de 2017 y cuenta con 20 conductores experimentados con Alto Nivel de profesionalismo y compañerismo, Tenemos un indice de 95% de Actividad de nuestros conductores. realizamos diversos eventos con Empresas amigas, la Mayoría salimos a ruta todos los días , hacemos convoy improvisados Diariamente y Organizados semanalmente con transmisión en directo en este canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCamuvsonqv_NVcoyMPTSqbw Nuestra pequeña Empresa en crecimiento se caracteriza por marchar en orden , la disciplina y el respeto entre compañeros es lo Primero para Nosotros, tenemos un pequeño equipo de Administración y Soporte que recibe, guía y orienta a todo futuro y actual Miembro de Nuestro grupo. Nuestros Requisitos Básicos son: Tener un Mínimo de 100 horas registradas del ETS2 en steam,contar con micrófono en buenas condiciones y Ser Mayor a 16 años de Edad, no importa De que País eres,mientras Que Seas de Habla Hispana, Así Que No esperes Mas Ponte en contacto nuestro equipo y no te arrepentirás. http://steamcommunity.com/id/blackdemg/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/tonga01/ http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ruterosdeuruguay
    4 points
  7. Sveiki tautieciai! Jei esate ETS2 zaidimo gerbejai ir patinka atrasti nauju pazinciu bei surasti nauju draugu siame zaidime, tai mano pasiulymas butu prisijungti i mano Kompanija bei komanda! Esame didziausia bei stipriausia kompanija tarp Lietuviu, o tarp viso pasaulio siuo metu esame 11.Kompanijos zaideju skaicius 74. Jei turite klausimu,mielai as jums juos atsakysiu! Aciu ir geros jums dienos!
    3 points
  8. Odpal kiedyś Map Edytor, zrób w nim cokolwiek co ma ręce i nogi, zapisz to i pilnuj by działało przez każdą kolejną wersję ETSa. Teraz to się możesz wymądrzać, jak się czegoś dowiesz to potem pogadamy.
    3 points
  9. So last night, I went ingame, but i was flooded with PMs from people asking me to ban someone and then they are calling me admin. I was confused until they said @Mariotify logged out and I got same ID as them. I laughed for a bit but I almost ended up blocking PMs because of the amount of PMs I were getting. xD I now know the pain that admins get...
    3 points
  10. If your profile is low level and you haven't maxed out "long distance" skill for the jobs, then it's normal.
    3 points
  11. @LordBenji o/ took the next 2 screenshots using FRAPS cause you can take screenshots while driving with FRAPS @oolala11 o/ @Aestrial o/
    3 points
  12. Another awesome Virtual truck company (Ice-VTC) will be down soon.
    3 points
  13. That moment when you joke in the staff's Discord about @Horizon playing Never Gonna Give You Up on TFM but then he actually does it. Anyway. I just did a little update on my banner. :3
    2 points
  14. Heb zelf wat aanpassingen gedaan zoals: @Kayr0 is nu [Game Moderator] @Prime is nu [Game Moderator Leader] @Dj Jefferz Atlas GG Owner is nu [Support]
    2 points
  15. Nowadays on Calais - Duisburg https://imgur.com/a/uoirj
    2 points
  16. /moved to Turkish Discussion
    2 points
  17. Bonjour @kazura23, Pour pouvoir écrire votre "@", il suffit de copier (CTRL + C) et de coller (CTRL + V) ce @. De plus, vous pouvez également écrire votre adresse e-mail et votre mot de passe dans votre bloc-notes ou un document World par exemple et après cela, il vous suffit de copier coller dans la case correspondante. Bienvenue sur le forum. Cordialement, Yoyo_ManSg
    2 points
  18. Funny Moments & Crash Compilation #47 new sound effects and 1 new song
    2 points
  19. Good morning, my hiking buddies!
    2 points
  20. Bardzo ciekawy wpis dodał SCS w związku z osiągnięciem 25k folołersów na Instagramie. Jak można zauważyć ładunek na naczepie wygląda przyjemnie szeroko.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 9/5/17 update: fixed text color, linking to web based conversion tool instead of my own (thanks @pete_agreatguy) 12/20/2016 update: using Sniper's object pascal version of the save decrpyter due to newer versions of java not working correctly with the old one (parts of this guide are from the Coloured License Guide by @MartyTheTrucker , also thanks to @stormpeaks66 for inspiration) Step 1: Setup Before you can change the profile name, you first need to change the save format so that it can be read once decrypted. Go to ETS2 or ATS documents folder (C:\Users\[Your username]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2) or (C:\Users\[Your username]\Documents\American Truck Simulator) and open the config.cfg with notepad. Once you've opened it, press Ctrl + F and search for g_save_format and change the value besides it to "2", as seen below. Now start up your game, sign into your desired profile, and then quit the game, so that the profile is now in a format you can read once decrypted. The profile name tool requires java, you'll need to download it before proceeding further in the guide. Step 2: Copy your profile folder For this step find your profile folder by entering the profile folder in ETS2/ATS my documents folder, and then search for the latest modified folder, this is the profile just you just entered. You could also use the tool mentioned below to find your profile, just input the name of the profile (case sensitive) and it will show you the folder name for the profile. Now copy and paste this folder inside, there should be a folder with "- Copy" appended to the end of the folder's name. This name won't matter in a second, as it needs to be renamed to show up in game. Step 3: Rename the copied folder For this step, use this website to get the name of the folder to match the new name for the profile. This tool is simple to use: just go to the linked website, put in the new profile file name (case sensitive,) copy the string in profile folder name, and then rename the copied folder to it. example: Step 4: Change the profile name in profile.sii For this step, you will need to download the save decrypter which can be downloaded here. Once you downloaded this tool, extract the contents into the profile folder that was just renamed. Now drag profile.sii into sii_decrpyt.exe, a text box should quickly pop up then disappear. Now open profile.sii and search for "profile_name:" without quotes. You should see the old profile name after the :, replace this with the new profile name (case sensitive) and save this file. Step 5:Finished If you finish this guide, you should now be able to see a profile with the new name once you start up ETS2/ATS. Note that all save files will be missing preview images as a side effect but everything else works. Feel free to say if anything is unclear or to translate this guide. The tool is also translatable easily, if needed.
    1 point
  23. Commands & Keys There are several commands you can use in-game and keys that have a special ability in-game. This list gives you information of what commands & keys are available for you and what they do. Commands: /blockpm - Block or unblock private messages /pm <id> <message> - Send a private message to the player with <id>. /r(eply) <message> - Reply for last private message (sent/received). /(p)layers - Show amount of players online. /pinfo <id> - Get information about player with <id>, useful for reporting. /channel <id> - 0 => disabled, <1, x> => channels. /time - Show current server time. /(s)earch <name> - Find players by <name>. /(s)earch(t)ag <tag> - Find players by <tag>. /(h)elp - Display list of commands. Keys: [Y] - Open chat. [X] - Voice chat. [F9] - Toggle chat. [TAB] - Show near players list / settings / report ability. [F11] - Toggle nametags.
    1 point
  24. Driving down C-D road next thing yah know my trucks flying.. guess im actually the great truckerpilot after all lol
    1 point
  25. Estimado @[023] Sergio, Los reportes vía web pueden tardar hasta 2 semanas en ser tratados, respeto a los reportes in-game si pasan 10 minutos de inactividad y ningún personal del staff lo han revisado se auto cierra y no se toma ninguna acción al respeto. Simplemente debe ser paciente eso es todo, los reportes en la web siempre son respondidos, asi que continué utilizando dicho sistema y solo sea paciente, no conseguirá nada creando este tipo de tópicos. Un saludo.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Hello sir and thank you for the follow.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Moinsen Leute, ich bin der Micha Bin einer der Geschäftsleiter der WBK, Ich bin fast 32 und Elektroniker. Derzeit sind wir aktiv dabei neben Konvois auch Partnerschaften aufzubauen und wir brauchen gute und engagierte Fahrer. Ich kann nur sagen, kommt zu uns Wir sind anders als die meisten und gehen das ganze mit Spaß und dennoch professionell an. Und wir schaffen auch die dicksten Dinger weg , auch wenn es mal eng wird mit dem Zeitplan Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald in der WBK-Group Mit freundlichen Grüßen UnrockstarHH aus dem schönen Hamburg
    1 point
  30. What's up with these polish ads about PUBG, wtf, I already have PUBG.
    1 point
  31. Żeby to miało sens, trzeba zrobić coś więcej niż przesunąć ścianę. Na czym ma polegać urozmaicenie, że tutaj jest mój domek - koniec. Jeżeli to ma być faktycznie jakieś ciekawe urozmaicenie, to trzeba włożyć w to "trochę" więcej pracy. Dodatkowo pracy, którą trzeba powtarzać przy każdym patchu wydanym przez scs.
    1 point
  32. Потому что вы берёте Внешние заказы. Там всегда 90км/ч. Это не убрать. Это SCS установило.
    1 point
  33. skąd takie przypuszczenie? są jakieś DLC zależne od innych?
    1 point
  34. Dear @ItzDenis, Are you satisfied with the answers you have been given? Greetings!
    1 point
  35. А в настройках игры у вас ограничение снято?
    1 point
  36. On a more uplifting tone and in a completely unrelated subject, the Nitro crate in Rocket League is so difficult to obtain! It's been months since I got one and today I finally got another. This crate contains the Draco wheels set, which I REALLY want! So I opened it! And sadly, I got another Mantis. -__- I already have one of these, now I have two. Is there anyone here who would like to trade a Draco wheel (not painted) for this Mantis? :c The Draco is awesome!
    1 point
  37. Vay lady sen ne ara trial game admin administrator oldun . Bu arada kaçak selam.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Thanks for the 600 rep everyone! Didn't know i would get that much rep! xD
    1 point
  41. Goodbye to those who were in ICE VTC. It was a great vtc but sadly it shut down earlier tonight. I wish all those in ICE VTC good luck. It re-opened
    1 point
  42. Taki o to smaczek po naszym konwoju Urodzinowym! Nie Długo szersza Fotorelacja z tego wydarzenia!
    1 point
  43. I really wish SCS would be given the licenses they need for the American trucks, already. I really want to get my hands on this strangely odd beauty that is the International Lonestar!
    1 point
  44. 您好。 联机插件账号激活邮件只能发送一次,如果不慎删除,将无法激活,但它并不会影响您的联机体验。 此致 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - TruckersMP支持
    1 point
  45. 不想起床啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 床板真的是有吸引力 再睡一会
    1 point
  46. when you are a master of your profession...
    1 point
  47. Klikasz w to, następnie wybierasz Wznów dostawę.
    1 point
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