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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by InvasiveSpark

  1. I thought it was a free roam game but no we get limited in game I paid for the game so I expect to be able to drive everywhere and tmp should not be blocking it

  2. Well done on getting support! I might aswell be part of the spam that is to come

  3. That moment you get 75 posts and 75 rep :trollface: 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InvasiveSpark
    3. SgtBreadStick


      75 rep and 75 posts. Congrats also post more and don't spam like @Kravatie did. :P

    4. InvasiveSpark


      i'm not a melon like @Kravatie is so i wont

  4. does anyone know a reason why my game is servery lagging on a regular basis. Happens randomly most of the time not when an autosave happens

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      this happens to 9/10 people i drive with... for some reason not for me. But dont worry, its not an issue on your end... its to many people.

      TFM DJ ccowie,

    3. SvenCRO


      Have you looked at whether another program is occupied by your computer?

    4. InvasiveSpark


      when i look it is ets2

  5. Got to love when people complain about their 30Mbps internet and you are there with http://prntscr.com/fvljw7

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RapidFellow



      This is mine actually...

    3. InvasiveSpark


      @DrEGZo it isnt fake that is my actual speed right now


    4. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      Still better than me...


  6. Anyone else have much snow at the moment? I got around 6-7 cm with snow falling as we speak! #beastfromtheeast

  7. TruckersFM truckfest was pretty rubbish from my view

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      truckfests aren't that good anymore


      everyone does them weekly and you just sit there wasting time

    3. tfmpillow


      If you don't agree with how the admins handled with the rulebreakers, you should send in a feedback ticket here: https://truckersmp.com/feedback



  8. Heavy cargo dlc for ats is out! Time to get a trailer stuck on a barrier like I did with the ets2 one :D

  9. i just give up

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. M.J.


      I assume the exam didn't go well. Could be wrong but like everyone says, no point in giving up. 

  10. Time for everyone to freak out about a tiny storm which is about to him, come on it'll be abit windy and rainy nothing bad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. InvasiveSpark
    3. Fenrir Wolfsbane

      Fenrir Wolfsbane

      he pulled the usb out without safely removing... Im cringing

  11. why are some people sooo annoying

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. InvasiveSpark


      However it suits you more

    3. KhaosHammer




      *runs away*



      @KhaosHammer_BF aren't you suppose to enforce good behaviour m8

  12. Cough cough Join Simulators Central on discord now link: https://discord.gg/4Y8UfhU cough cough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      Cough cough Cough cough


      I just needed to cough... :troll:

  13. NOOT NOOT its the sound of the police


    Thanks @Penguin for providing the police car

  14. Today is the day! Flagship Easter egg hunt at 19:00BST

    we hope to see you there

  15. LEGACY FREIGHT SERVICES: NOW HIRING DRIVERS AND LOOKING FOR STAFF MEMBERS We accept drivers from all cultures and our dedicated leadership team aim to give everyone a joyful stay.


    If you would like to apply to become a driver at our V.T.C please complete the application form: https://goo.gl/forms/BajE9S2Vp4q5EGph1


    Drivers are the face of the company and should represent LFS with pride.

    > We aim to attend at least one convoy every two weeks.

    > Staff team is online almost every day.

    > All trucks accepted only need to use the VTC paintjob

    > Drivers from all backgrounds are welcome


    . Requirements: - Drivers must have a confident understanding of English.

    - Drivers must have Discord installed with a working microphone.

    - Drivers must know and follow all TruckersMP rules.

    - Drivers must be willing to attend convoys and events the V.T.C are hosting or attending.

    - Drivers must be 13+ years old.


    - Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LFS-VTC -

    -VTM: http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/6759

    -For more information PM @InvasiveSpark - COO

  16. Crazy to think I've been on TMP for 3 years now :rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mirko9


      Oh @InvasiveSpark, I did not see you for a while! How are you lad? 

    3. InvasiveSpark


      I'm good how are you @Mirko9

    4. Mirko9
  17. Just hit 200 posts on the forum! Party time :D

  18. I thought some people might need some tunes to grovve to!

  19. I would like to know my InvasiveSpark is taken, as i hate my name in lower case

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prime


      Simple: first come first serve

    3. InvasiveSpark


      @Prime no-one else has my name

    4. Prototype


      You can't change it because you are trying to use the same nickname. If you change it to something else and back to your original one it might work.

  20. Click This.




    I was bored ok ;) gives everyone something to do right?

    1. Synplex


      Oh my God, best link ever :o:lol:

    2. Mirko9


      +rep ,that was reallsy good suggestion xD

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