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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by MattR

  1. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. It truly means alot this year. I wish I could react to you all but alas im only allowed so many reactions. Again thank you!

  2. Congrats! Well deserved! Good and enjoy!

  3. Congrats Terry very much deserved and a very good choice!

  4. O20Zb8j.png


    Took a drive with the boys earlier. Thanks for joining me @Noxii @K0rnholio @_J-M and @EHHVTC - Ollie

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MattR


      Yeah but requires me to edit it 


      I can never get the right size or the right file size @K0rnholio

  5. I want to wish everyone a very happy Valentines Day!!!

    1. Reaper9518


      Wishing you the same Happy Valentine's Day. I will spend Valentine's Day alone, as I don't have a girlfriend. :D 

    2. Alon_TMP


      @MattR buddy  Happy valentines day ❤️

  6. Went on a Drive yesterday with @JeffSFC and @Bull [NL]



    Then we ran into a wild deer @TeamDeer



  7. IIMujXJ.png


    Did a short drive with @Angel . today

  8. Ran into a friend tonight while on the road. @Alon_TMP





    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Hahaha,Driving happily!?

    2. Alon_TMP


      Friends, happy weekend, have fun ❤️

  9. I hope everyone in the TMP Network has a wonderful Christmas and I hope Santa brings you everything you want. 



  10. Was checking out the sweet new Lonestar on ATS tonight with @Mike Dragon and @_J-M




    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      After so many years, it's finally here! ❤️

    2. M I S K A

      M I S K A

      MattR in his natural habitat 
      Noice trucks 

    3. Mr.Drexy
  11. Congrats!

    1. Angel_Arrow
    2. MattR


      Its great to see you on the team i know you will do great!

  12. Congrats my man!!!

  13. spacer.png


    Also stopped for some snacks with @Terry A @weezy and @Armonk

  14. spacer.png


    Was out for a nice drive tonight with @Armonk while raising awareness! #pinkmytruck

  15. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday! Only one more day till the weekend!

  16. Congrats on making Event Team Manager boss! 

  17. ujE0rLK.pngp90djBx.pngsXqYn3H.png


    Had a very nice day meeting @courtzz49 and even did a drive with her and some people from her VTC. Had a very pleasurable drive.

    1. Doxxyz


      hopefully you didn't miss click the ban button  :kappa:

  18. 0sUDTz0.png


    Had a great little convoy today with @JeffSFC  @Andy_ and myself pictured above also on the drive was @Olioak @Flindix @Chris I Camox @Newo and even @Moh_ for a second to bad they didn't hang around for the picture

  19. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! I plan on enjoying it with my family!

  20. Happy Birthday Old Man!!

    1. JeffSFC


      Thanks Matt :love:

  21. Thank you Everyone for the birthday wishes you are all amazing!!!

    1. SupiUK


      Happy birthday, I hope you’ve had a great day :D 

    2. Alon_TMP


      MattR .I wish you a happy life every day.;)

  22. MattR

    Congratulations Lax! You really are a good fit for the job!

  23. Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening I'm currently preparing for a coming snowstorm. Whats everyone else up too?

    1. Chev


      I’m having a decent evening, been playing some ATS singleplayer. I’m currently thinking about getting on multiplayer here shortly to do some loads. ;)

    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Well, I didn't sleep for whole night, so I've no idea what to do, just got bored by sitting here :D 

  24. Happy New Years Everyone!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Happy New Year ^_^

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Happy New Year ! I wish you achieve all your goals in life, and get success at every step of life, wishing all you and your family filled with great joy peace and prosperity, the most happiness in new year. Everything is the best ! 

    4. nurikon7


      Happy new year!!! I wish you achieve all in all in life!!!


  25. Congrats man best of luck to you :D

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