Status Updates posted by BoSsik2
Yesterday's "small" meeting of the Polish Staff
@JJay @Chris [PL] @Lorciaa @Spat91 @EPS!LON @Kid Fabi @szykaro23 @Adrian22-PL @WarMaz
Few more photos
Spoiler -
Hey you! Ye i'm talking to you
Do you know that recruitment to Translator team has been extended until 01/01/2020 11:59 PM UTC?
Make sure you send your application if you want to join our team and have multilingual skillsWe are mainly looking for these languages:
- Portuguese (Brazilian one)
- Italian
- Dutch
- Russian
But we are very flexible so if you know other languages than the ones listed and you meet all the requirements , also send an application!
We will always find a place for a good candidate who meets the requirements!
We are looking forward to your applications!You can apply for this position here.
Dla osób zainteresowanych Polskim konkursem na zdjecie miesiaca
Wyniki konkursu wrzesniowego oraz następna edycja konkursu na zdjęcie miesiąca zostaną podane przez @Spat91
Ja ze względu prywatnych oraz technicznych tym razem nie jestem w stanie podać wyników oraz ogłosić nowy konkurs
Hello guys and girls
The recruitment to my Translator team has been extended to 11/08/2019 23:59 UTC.
Haven't applied yet? Head over to and apply.
If you speak Turkish, Russian, Chinese, Italian or Hungarian be sure to send an application. I'm mainly looking for translators for these languages but i would also be happy to see applications for other languages.
I'm wating for your applications
Good luck!
I would like to wish all New Year's wishes from this place, I hope that everyone will say goodbye this year with a great bang!
In the new year 2019, a lot of happiness and love,
fewer trolls encountered, no bans,
many nice routes on virtual routes in very good company
lots of good champagne, great fun until to the morning, and no hangovers! -
Good Morning guys !
Have a nice day