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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/19 in Posts

  1. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER+COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @WarMaz leaves the Community Moderation team, while remaining as a Game Moderator Leader
    17 points
  2. [PLAYER] @DaStrobel has joined the Add-on Team.
    12 points
  3. [SUPPORT] @Snorlax. has been temporarily suspended due to violations of the internal rules. [REPORT MODERATOR] @NickThe0ne has been removed due to violations of the internal rules.
    9 points
  4. [PLAYER] @ZefojGaming joins the Translation Team.
    7 points
  5. [REPORT MODERATOR] @BL4CK$K1LL leaves the Translation Team to focus on his new position as Report Moderator.
    4 points
  6. Drodzy gracze, Wszystkie oficjalne zasady obowiązują podczas oficjalnych wydarzeń TruckersMP. Chociaż niektóre z nich różnią się od serwerów publicznych. Pamiętaj, aby przestrzegać tych zasad, biorąc udział w oficjalnych wydarzeniach TruckersMP. Wyprzedzanie - wyprzedzanie podczas konwoju jest niedozwolone. Jeśli wyprzedzasz, zostaniesz wyrzucony z serwera przy pierwszym wykroczeniu. Za drugim razem będzie to ban z długością zależną od sytuacji. Samochody - korzystanie z samochodów jest zabronione podczas jakichkolwiek konwojów organizowanych przez TruckersMP, ponieważ są one zarezerwowane TYLKO dla personelu. Jedynymi samochodami, które zobaczysz podczas konwoju, będą jechać członkowie Teamu TruckersMP. Jeśli podczas wydarzenia zostaniesz przyłapany na używaniu samochodu, zostaniesz wyrzucony z serwera. Powtarzające się wykroczenia mogą skutkować banem na czas trwania wydarzenia. Lekkomyślna jazda - upewnij się, że utrzymujesz bezpieczną odległość od gracza przed Tobą, aby zapewnić sobie możliwość bezpiecznego zatrzymania się. Nad wydarzeniem czuwają moderatorzy, którzy upewnią się, że uczestnicy zachowują się odpowiednio. Free-roam - swobodna jazda na serwerze i nieprzestrzeganie wydarzenia jest niedozwolony. Musisz uczestniczyć w konwoju lub znajdować się w pobliżu konwoju. Nieprzestrzeganie spowoduje usunięciem z serwera wydarzenia. Kontrola konwoju - musisz przestrzegać instrukcji przekazanych przez zespół eventowy. Są tutaj, aby upewnić się, że wszyscy jeżdżą w poprawnym kierunku i ostrzegają cię o zbliżających się zagrożeniach. Członka zespołu eventowego można rozpoznać po niebieskiej nazwie użytkownika. Będą poruszać się policyjnym radiowozem. Należy trzymać się ich instrukcji przez cały czas, w innym wypadku zostaniesz usunięty z serwera eventowego. Naczepy - są wymagane do uczestnictwa w naszych konwojach chyba, że wyraźnie zaznaczono inaczej. Dla Euro Truck Simulator 2; nie powinieneś przekraczać dwóch (2) naczep Dla American Truck Simulator; nie powinieneś przekraczać dwóch (2) naczep z wyjątkiem potrójnej podstawy Jeżeli twoja naczepa jest zbyt ciężka i powoduje przerwy w konwoju, prawdopodobnie będziesz musiał zjechać na pobocze lub teleportować się do serwisu. Sygnalizacja drogowa - konwój zawsze ma pierwszeństwo nad sygnalizacją drogową. Uczestnicy konwoju nie muszą zatrzymywać się na czerwonych światłach, ani ustępować pierwszeństwa na skrzyżowaniach. Serwery wydarzeń są online tylko przez czas trwania wydarzenia, nie są dostępne 24/7.
    3 points
  7. Type of event: Truckfest/Convoy Server name: SPECIAL CONVOY 3 YEARS GCEE URL to thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/88243-26-october-2019-special-convoy-3-years-gcee/ Organiser: @ThiagoBR_ Date and hour of the event: 26 Oct 23:00 - 27 Oct 06:00 Participants: https://ets2c.com/view/82824/gcee-vcouto-poznan-hotel Event Rules: ➽ Follow TruckersMP rules ➽ Event staff are exempt from rules marked with an Asterisk (*) ➽ The use of the 3 year GCEE server should only be for participants of the anniversary event. If you are caught outside the group, you will be punished with a kick from the server. All guests must use trucks only. If you get caught in something other than a truck, you'll be kicked.* ➽ The event team's instructions should be followed without any hesitation. If you ignore the event team, this may result in a server kick. ➽ Any attempt to interrupt the event is considered trolling, and the normal procedure will be performed by the game moderators. ➽ All participants must exit according to the event team's instructions. This will be announced by the game's ad system by gaming moderators. ➽ The maximum weight of the trailers is 25 tonnes. Any heavier is not allowed and you will be kicked. ➽ We ask you keep at least 70-100 Metres from the truck in front and the truck behind you. ➽ Do not advertise your VTC while at the event ➽ All guests must have a truck and a trailer, only the events team and the train control can be with Skoda ➽ Driving the incorrect way is only permitted for Event Staff ➽ Blocking the intersections is only permitted for Event Staff. ➽ Overtaking is only permitted for Event Staff ➽ Event staff are allowed to block the left lane to prevent other people from overtaking. ➽ No beacons (Only event staff can use beacons) ➽ No mods (This is to reduce crashes and lags) ➽ Please RESPECT all participants in the event.
    3 points
  8. Hey @Baby on Board, You have to paste it in like that. E.g Line1 Line2 Line3 You have to copy that and paste it into the player tag and then it will display vertically. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Coolio85
    3 points
  9. [MEDIA TEAM] [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @BurakAKSAKAL moves from the Social Media Team to the Discord Moderator team and remains in the Media team. [Report Moderator] @izm07 has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @Beales joins the Event Team.
    3 points
  10. Type of event: Truckfest/Convoy Server name: V URODZINY BLUE TRANS SPEDITION URL to thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/88721-v-urodziny-blue-trans-spedition/ Organiser: @[BTS] Duch Date and hour of the event: 15 Dec 16:00 - 16 Dec 03:00 Participants: http://bluetransspedition.eu/piateurodziny/ Event Rules: 1 - Blocking (Event Staff can block roads and junctions) (with the use of decoupled trailers allowed). 2 - Wrong Way (Event Staff can drive Wrong Way/Overtake). 3 - Beacons are only allowed for the convoy control. 4 - Overtaking only with the consent of the pilot / organizer. (Does not apply to pilots / organizer / media / admins).
    2 points
  11. Jeśli ktoś chce polatać z tą naczepką, podsyłam lokalizację definicji: Malowanie: "/def/vehicle/trailer/scs_box/curtain_sider_event/company_paint_job/pink_ribbon.sii" Podwozie: "/def/vehicle/trailer/scs_box/curtain_sider_event/chassis_event.sii" Jak sama lokalizacja mówi, będzie to naczepa dostępna podczas eventu, do którego nosa miał @MarkON.
    2 points
  12. Hello Gays Muito top fazer parte desta equipe de escoltas ?
    2 points
  13. [Trial Support] @[IMPERIAL] ScR1oN has been promoted to Full Support.
    2 points
  14. [PLAYER] @MrCipr returns to the team as Game Moderator. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @WhiteTiger_TMP transfers to the Game Moderator team as Trainee but remains as Language Forum Mod (Romanian)
    2 points
  15. [Trainee] [Translator] @BL4CK$K1LL has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    2 points
  16. Type of event: Truckfest/Convoy Server name: CHINA TRUCKERS ALLIANCE NO.16 URL to thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/88725-9th-november-2019-china-truckers-alliance-no16-event/ Organiser: @[Chenxi/REC]*Sange Date and hour of the event: 09 Nov 12:00 - 09 Nov 17:00 Participants: https://i.ibb.co/wSgbPyz/20190810220845-1.jpg Event Rules: ➽ Road closure ➽ Wrong way(Reverse driving) ➽ Intervention in parking situations ➽ Overtaking Permission ➽ Skoda is not allowed (except Event staff) ➽ Use the left strip continuously to prevent fading ➽ Give instructions to the players ➽ Event staff are authorised to drive the incorrect way ➽ Recording cars are allowed to drive in opposite direction ➽ in-game tag: Event Staff (red:255, 0, 0)
    2 points
  17. Suggestion Name: New command "/mute" Suggestion Description: The command will allow the player mute the chooses player. For example: /mute 1024 and the player is from now muted. I know You gonna say just use [TAB] and search the player on change the CB radio but if You for example on the most popular C-D road, it's some times difficult because they are 140 players in Your range and searching for these one guy is sometimes difficult when You are driving with a truck. Everyone knows the problem, most they are saying "shut up" or else because it's easier... Any example images: I will give a example of the problem: https://youtu.be/5VQ7_Iu4bF4 and if You can see i can't concentrate because i'm looking for this guy to mute him and the same time there is a vehicle riding straight on me. Why should it be added?: This will make our life easier.
    1 point
  18. Hello everyone! Thank you all for the massive support you have all shown during the stream and on our platforms! This has been a record breaking build-up of events across all our online platforms none of this would have been possible without you. Some numbers: +600 subs on YouTube during the stream Peak of 2315 viewers on stream +1.5k followers on our Instagram since start of teasers We were also trending on YouTube Gaming & YouTube in general Many more broken records on Facebook, Twitter and Discord as well as on ProMods side Since we revealed the support for ProMods it is time to do a small recap of the important things that have been said during the reveal stream. More detailed information such as Knowledge Base articles and other blog posts will be made available closer to the actual release. ProMods support When will ProMods be supported? Our closest aim is to have ProMods supported by the end of the month (September), but realistically this will most likely be mid October. This allows both teams at TruckersMP and ProMods to smooth out the last little issues so that a good product can be released. As a sidenote is that the release can be delayed if SCS comes out with a game update that requires extra work at TruckersMP or ProMods. Will I be able to play with the current version of ProMods after the release? No, you will not be able to use ProMods 2.41 on multiplayer. Multiplayer will be supported as of version 2.42 of which a beta version was used during the reveal. So if you plan to download ProMods already and you don't plan on playing it in single player then we advise you to wait until the release of 2.42. Will I need all map DLCs to play on TruckersMP in the future? No, we would never force you to buy DLCs. However, owning all map DLCs is a requirement in order to play ProMods and as such this will also be the case on the ProMods server. How will the ProMods server be set up? The ProMods server will be a separate server with 2500 slots in simulation mode. As time goes by we will evaluate the server performance and see if the number of available slots can be increased if there is a need for it. External contracts won't be possible as World of Trucks doesn't support the added and (heavily) modified areas. NCZ zones will work in the same way as on any other server so that means that companies, repair stations, ferries and garages will be covered to ensure safe passage. Other TruckersMP features such as the car and caravan will also work on the ProMods server. However, you won't be able to select jobs with the caravan outside the base map & SCS DLCs. Official TruckersMP partners With the support of ProMods we are also announcing a partnership with the ProMods team. Official partners are groups with which we can build up a mutually beneficial relationship for collaborations, knowledge sharing etc. This is our 1st officially announced partnership, but there is another one on the way. Other news AI traffic support The project is not scrapped, but because SCS is still constantly making changes to the AI it is very difficult for us to complete it as working with AI is very complex. At the point where we 1st showed you the video of AI traffic in multiplayer we had a working prototype. Unfortunately, SCS then released new game versions through time with a massive change to AI which they have been improving ever since. ETS2Map We are working to get ETS2Map updated and working properly again. Our first focus is to get the base map fully supported after which we will add the ProMods map. Reveal stream and trailers You can re-watch the stream here. Our own reveal trailer which we featured at the beginning of the stream can be found here. Also don't forget to check out the trailer ProMods has made which you can find here. Special thanks A special word of thanks needs to be said towards everyone at TruckersMP and ProMods for making this all possible. Honourable mentions go to: mwl4 (TruckersMP) Smoky_TMP (TruckersMP) ShawnCZek (TruckersMP) Krashnz (TruckersMP) Prime (TruckersMP) Nico (ProMods) ScuL (ProMods) bricksathome (ProMods) Thanks again for your amazing support and we will see you soon! TruckersMP team --> View post on homepage
    1 point
  19. GökBörü™ YENİ KATILACAKLARIN BİLMESİ GEREKENLER Ekibe Üye olarak katılabilmeniz için 16 yaş ve üzeri olmanız Şart! Discord programı, Whatsapp ve Steam kullanmak mecburidir! Steam profil resminizin ''[GökBörü™]'' avatarı olması zorunludur! Steam profil adınızı dilediğiniz gibi (Küfür,Siyaset,Troll) İçermeyecek şekilde yazabilirsiniz. Truckersmp de ''[GökBörü]'' Tagı kullanmak mecburidir! Ekibe katılabilmeniz için TruckersMp öncelikli olmak üzere herhangi bir oyunda Küfür,troll gibi ceza geçmişinizin bulunmaması Şart! Ekipte bulunduğunuz süre içerisinde, başka bir lojistik veya oyun gruplarında bulunmak yasaktır! Ekibimizde Ortak konvoylara katılmak zorunludur!. Geçerli bir mazeret olmadığı sürece Üst üste 2 Sefer ortak konvoya katılım sağlamayan üye ekipten atılır! GökBörü™ KURALLARI Yaşı ne olursa olsun, üyelerin birbirlerine karşı saygısız hakaret içerikli veya alaycı vs konuşmak kesinlikle yasaktır. Birbirinizi sevmeseniz bile Saygı duymak zorundasınız! Ayrıca ekip dışı olan oyunculara karşı da bu kural geçerlidir. Truckersmp de Tag değiştirmek kesinlikle yasaktır. Eğer Değiştirirseniz Ekipten Atılırsınız! Olumsuz sonuçlanmasına rağmen ısrarla yetki istemek yasaktır! Truckersmp öncelik olarak tüm oyunlarda küfür, Troll, Kural dışı oynayış sergilemek yasaktır! Discord'da bir başkasının istemeyeceği tavır ve davranış sergilemek yasaktır! ''Müzik Botlarının'' bir başka üyemize rahatsızlık vermeyecek şekilde kullanılması zorunludur! Discord adresimizde, Dikkat ve Sessizlik gerektiren oyun odalarında bulunan üyelerimizi rahatsız etmek kesinlikle yasaktır! (CS:GO , PUBG Gibi) Üyelerden veya Yönetim ekibinden Hediye oyun, dlc , skin , item vs. istemek kesinlikle yasaktır! Üyelerimizin özel durumları ile ilgili konuşmak, dalga geçmek kesinlikle yasaktır. Bu konuda hassasiyet uygulanamaz! ETKİNLİKLERDE UYULMASI GEREKENLER Etkinliğe katılmadan önce etkinlik bilgisinde yazılmış olan etkinlik bilgilerini okumanız gerekir. Etkinlik esnasında etkinlikle ilgili sorular sormak yasaktır. (Örneğin. Konvoy hangi serverde ?) Etkinliklerde yönetimin söylediklerini dinlemek zorunludur. -Etkinlik bilgilerinin Yönetimin bilgisi izni olmadan paylaşmak kesinlikle yasaktır. Etkinlik olarak ortak etkinliklere katılım mecburidir. Etkinlik esnasında gereksiz konuşmalar, bir konunun gereğinden fazla uzatılması yasaktır. KONVOYLARDA UYULMASI GEREKENLER Konvoylara serbest düzenlenmediği takdirde konvoy savesi ile gelmek mecburidir. Konvoy savelerinde bulunan aracı modifiye etmek kesinlikle yasaktır. (İç aksesuarlar hariç) Konvoy savelerinde kodlama ile Dorse ağırlığı , Plaka vb. Değişikliği yapmak kesinlikle yasaktır! Konvoy esnasında kesinlikle sollamak yasaktır. (Önünüzde ki arkadaşınızda lag veya drop olursa izin alıp sollanabilir) Konvoy çıkış esnasında çıkışları veren yönetici harici konuşmak kesinlikle yasaktır! Konvoy boyunca Yönetici tarafından verilen uyarı ve direktiflere uymak zorunludur! Konvoyu aksatacak herhangi bir durum yaşanmaması için uyulması gereken maddeler ; Durmaya yakın iken tırınızın ''Dörtlülerinizi yakın. Böylece arkanızdakine duruyorum uyarısı vermiş olursunuz. Önünüzdeki tır ile aranızda en az 1 dorseli tır mesafe bırakılmalıdır Tab'da yaklaşık 50-70 Metre idealdir. Sağa ve Sola dönüşlerde mutlaka sinyal veriniz. -Ani bir kaza anında panik yapıp bağırmak yerine Varsa hızlı kayıt yüklemesi yapınız yok ise ''F7 Çekiniz'' yapıp servise uğrayınız. Hasar onarımı yapıldıktan sonra konvoya kaldığınız yerden devam ediniz. Konvoyda benim yerim diye bir kural kesinlikle yoktur! Kaza yapıp Servisten gelen ekip üyemiz konvoyun en arkasından devam etmek zorundadır!.
    1 point
  20. Suggestion Name: Increasing Skoda speed (not the actual speed, just the Speed limitation) Suggestion Description: Increasing the speedlimit for the skoda. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Speedlimit in general is an Good idea. But I would love it if you increase it for the skoda. I usually drive the Skoda for fun, to enjoy the view, or to get to a location quick. And with 110 km/h there is literally no reason to use the skoda because my truck is equally fast.
    1 point
  21. [PT-BR] Olá a todos da comunidade, como vocês estão? Espero que estejam muito bem! É com uma grande satisfação e em clima de festa que, todos nós do Grupo de Comboios Entre Empresas – GCEE, convidamos a todos vocês da comunidade, para participar do nosso mega comboio comemorativo de 3 anos do Grupo GCEE. Sairemos de Poznan na Polônia, em direção a famosa cidade de Calais na França. Neste trajeto, passaremos por várias estradas largas e estreitas, trechos com inúmeras belas paisagens e o melhor, nossa equipe de escoltas estarão prontas para realizar nossa segurança e guiar a todos os participantes. Gostou do evento? Então chame seus amigos, liguem seus motores e venha comemorar junto com a GCEE. Informações do Evento: Data: 26 de Outubro de 2019 (Sábado) Concentração: 20h30 UTC -3 (Horário de Brasília) Saída do Comboio: 21h00 UTC -3 (Horário de Brasília) Fuso Horário Alternativo Poznan >>> Calais (porto marítimo) ROTA: Informações Adicionais: Link do Evento (ETS2c): https://ets2c.com/view/82824/gcee-vcouto-poznan-hotel Quem somos nós? Atenção: - Pedimos a todos os participantes para verificar o fuso horário de sua região para a participação do nosso evento. - Pedimos para manter uma distância de 100m do jogador a frente para evitar acidentes. - Canal de comunicação será o PX 10 Aproveite o comboio e divirta-se Siga-nos no Facebook para atualizações de eventos: https://www.facebook.com/grupogcee/ Participe do Discord do Grupo GCEE: https://discord.gg/t5YySKq
    1 point
  22. Buenas noches; Seguimos en ruta, en breve os traeremos nuevas novedades, en relación a la obra de nuestro centro logístico, en modo offline
    1 point
  23. Zdravím, jelikož většinou jezdím sám, tak mám trochu obavu abych na své cestě vůbec někoho potkal Každopádně spojení s ProMods vítám a doufám, že vše bude fungovat jak má.
    1 point
  24. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że tajemniczy pakiet Euro Truck Simulator 2 - zuzova Pack to jakiś pakiet z malowaniami. DLC waży 31.25 MiB.
    1 point
  25. Hello @Baby on Board Best answer has been given, is your question has been answered? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized! I await your return! Kind Regrads Sabbi [GER] TruckersMP Support
    1 point
  26. I will reject this for now, but we might have such thing in the far future.
    1 point
  27. We're not going to do this, as it doesn't fit in the simulation. Race track IRL are not no collision zones either.
    1 point
  28. Aha! I know.Thank you so much.?
    1 point
  29. Amazing and friendly community here and there's always something going on. Simulator Radio #1
    1 point
  30. ^^? https://postimg.cc/Xp67GmJV
    1 point
  31. It's possible through save editing. I'll assume you already know how to save edit. Find the trailer definition section for the trailer combination. Change country_validity: X to country_validity: 0 and remove the countries that are list below that line. Save and then load the save ingame. You should be able to move the trailers to any garage and jobs will also work with them, even WoT jobs. However, be careful with HTC's. Not every company yard or service station can fit them and you might get damaged and/or launched into the air when spawning in areas that are not prepared for HCT trailers. To a lesser extend, the same might apply to doubles in countries that don't allow them officially. Personally, I only experienced problems with HCT's and triples (when triples were still allowed). Use this information at your own risk.
    1 point
  32. Dzisiejsza trasa z naszym kierowcą, trasa przebiegała spokojnie i bez żadnych utrudnień
    1 point
  33. Dziękujemy Ci @wpx_ za stworzenie powyższego tematu. Bardzo się ucieszyłem, gdy usłyszałem, że ProMods ma być dostępny na osobnym serwerze. Myślę, że nie tylko ja czekałem na to bardzo długi okres czasu, aż tutaj nagle taka informacja.
    1 point
  34. Akceptuje , życzego udanego konwoju!
    1 point
  35. Wirtualna Spedycja dziękuje za zaproszenie i potwierdza obecność
    1 point
  36. Changelog of changes from 28th September 2019: Disabled random events and detours. Added a default range for stability and suspension stiffness game cvars. Fixed a bug with the game UI in game settings.
    1 point
  37. Nowe ciężarówki już zawitały w nasze szeregi. W niedziele oficjalny odbiór ?
    1 point
  38. Sevgili oyuncular, Tüm resmi kurallar resmi bir TruckersMP etkinliği sırasında uygulanır. Bununla birlikte, ortak sunuculardan farklı olan bazı sunucular vardır. Resmi bir TruckersMP Etkinliğine katılırken bu kurallara uyduğunuzdan emin olun. Sollama - Bir konvoy sırasında sollama yasaktır. Eğer solladığınız takdirde, ilk suçunuzda sunucudan atılırsınız. İkinci suç, duruma bağlı olarak bir yasak olacak. Otomobiller - TruckersMP tarafından organize edilen konvoylarda, personel için ayrılan araçların kullanımı yasaktır. Bir konvoy sırasında göreceğiniz tek otomobil Oyun Moderatörleri veya Etkinlik Ekibi olacaktır. Bir etkinlik sırasında araba kullanırken yakalanırsanız, sunucudan atılırsınız. Tekrarlanan suçlar etkinlik süresince yasaklanabilir Dikkatsiz Sürüş - Güvenli bir şekilde durmak için lütfen önünüzdeki oyuncu ile güvenli bir mesafe bıraktığınızdan emin olun. Etkinliği izleyen ve katılımcıların uygun şekilde sürdüklerinden emin olan Oyun Moderatörleri olacak. Serbest Dolaşma - Sunucu genelinde dolaşım ve etkinliği takip etmenize izin verilmez. Konvoya veya çevredeki bölgelere katılıyor olmalısınız. Buna uyulmaması, etkinlik sunucusundan atılmanıza neden olur. Konvoy Kontrolü - Etkinlik Ekibinin konvoy yönergelerine uymak zorundasınızdır. Bu ekip, herkesin doğru yönde sürdüğünü ve gelecekteki felaketleri sizlere bildirmekle yükümlüdür. Etkinli Ekibi üyelerini mavi kullanıcı adlarından ayırt edebilirsiniz. Ekip üyeleri, birer Polis arabası sürüyor olacaklardır. Ekibin yönergeleri her zaman takip edilmelidir, aksi takdirde etkinlik sunucusundan atılabilirsiniz. Dorseler - Aksi söylenmedikçe, konvoylarımıza bir dorse ile katılmak zorunludur. Euro Truck Simulator 2 için; ikiden (2) fazla dorseyi geçmemelisiniz American Truck Simulator için; ilk (temel) üçlü dışında ikiden (2) fazla dorseyi geçmemelisiniz Eğer dorseniz çok ağır ve konvoyda boşluk yaratıyorsa, kenara çekmek veya servise ışınlanmak zorunda kalabilirsiniz. Etkinlik sunucuları yalnızca etkinlik süresince çevrimiçidir, 7 gün 24 saat hizmet veremezler. Orijinal konuyu aşağıdan bulabilirsiniz.
    1 point
  39. Type of event: Truckfest/Convoy Server name: EURO GROUP NIKOLAUS KONVOI / SAINT NICOLAS CONVOY URL to thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/88698-7th-december-2019-euro-group-saint-nicolas-convoy/ Organiser: @[EG-I] Michi [GER] Date and hour of the event: 07 Dec 17:00 - 08 Dec 00:00 Participants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OvNq4lNPjM1017M0F9qkXC1LLiV1PgIkquiKOouGYuE/edit#gid=0 Event Rules: -Convoy Control (ConSec) can block roads and junctions to keep players on the right route. -Overtaking is not permitted without permission from an event staff. -Convoy Control (ConSec) And Media can drive wrong way to safely overtake the convoy. -All other TMP rules apply as usual
    1 point
  40. Hello, good luck with your VTC!
    1 point
  41. Hello there, I am happy to approve your company post. Good luck in the future!
    1 point
  42. [GAME MODERATOR] @henzsa opustil tým z osobních důvodů.
    1 point
  43. [REPORT MODERATOR] [TRANSLATOR] @Dominik [SK] byl povýšen na pozici Game Moderator.
    1 point
  44. Życzę wytrwałości i spotkania ludzi z pasją, a na pewno z biegiem czasu firma będzie się rozwijać. Powodzenia i do zobaczenia na wirtualnych drogach
    1 point
  45. Dziękuje w imieniu całej firmy. Pozdrawiam
    1 point
  46. Życzę powodzenia w rozwoju firmy
    1 point
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