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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/18 in all areas

  1. The convoy was awesome
    7 points
  2. I'm ready for the convoy
    7 points
  3. #If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
    6 points
  4. Staff convoy <3 It was awesome. Thank you guys And one picture with my good friend @ShawnCZek. And ride behind @GGF MD was also a good experience xD
    6 points
  5. Created by Community Contributor dowmeister, Trucky was first released in April 2017 as a playground project for mobile app developing, Trucky is now in its 2nd version with more than 10k downloads on Android alone. When it first released it featured some basic functionality such as TruckersMP servers status, events and meetups from ets2.com, player search and a news list from SCS and TruckersMP RSS. Live map integration came later in May 2017. The first iOS release arrived in June 2017. Later down the road Steam authentication was added to allow the integration of the friends list. In September of that year live traffic information was added with collaboration from one of our in-house developers: Krashnz followed up by the addition of events listed on truckers.events. With the help of the community, the app is now available in 26 languages. Being a learning project the code was still immature and it was time to start from scratch to apply all that was learnt and build a more solid app with more features. In December 2017 a second version was published with a new look & feel, a new map that's no longer based on ets2map but a fully standalone one built with the help from people at vtlog.net. Subsequent updates saw the addition of an integration with vtlog.net, a completely new section "My Profile" where users can view their own profile as well as those of their connected friends and lastly full support of customisable push notifications for news (both TruckersMP and SCS blog), TruckersMP releases, start times of events and online friends. To facilitate translations a portal was created which pushes new versions directly to the app after they are published without the need of a new update of the app itself. Currently the app is used in more than 100 countries worldwide with the most active countries being Germany, Poland, France, United States, Turkey, Brazil, the Netherlands, South Korea and the United Kingdom. It is used daily by hundreds of unique users and has on average over 70k screens each month (page views). Alongside the app there is also a Discord bot (TruckyBot) that is installed on more than 600 Discord guilds serving over 94k users. The large-scale collaboration and global impact that this project has on this community grants it a place in the impressive line-up of success stories. All information about Trucky can be found here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/46338-trucky-truckersmp-companion-android-ios-app-v2/ View post on homepage
    5 points
  6. Now if you give up, you'll be back.
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. 5 points
  9. Great and cool driving! (real life ETS ) I love how that Scania sounds.
    3 points
  10. A fail I will never forget it ! https://plays.tv/video/5b12c326659db8a688/elsassisch-trucker-fr- By @HamitCanKilic
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Thanks you guys! Really appreciate your interest for the app and the bot. We'll keep up the good work!
    3 points
  13. Witajcie! Witamy w czerwcu oraz w nowej edycji konkursu na zdjęcie miesiąca! Na początek regulamin ogólny: REGULAMIN OGÓLNY: 1. Każdy uczestnik ma możliwość dodania maksymalnie jednego zdjęcia w edycji - przy dodaniu większej liczby uczestnik zostaje zdyskwalifikowany 2. Zdjęcie MUSI dotyczyć tematu edycji - w przeciwnym razie zostanie usunięte 3. Zdjęcie MUSI zostać wykonane przez osobę, która zgłasza je do konkursu - jeżeli zostanie udowodnione, że zdjęcie zostało skradzione - użytkownik otrzyma bana na udział w konkursie 4. Czas trwania konkursu - od pierwszego do ostatniego dnia miesiąca 5. Konkursowe zdjęcie wstawiamy w komentarzu pod postem z aktualną edycją konkursu. Zdjęcia umieszczone w innym miejscu nie będą brały udziału w konkursie 6. Zwycięzców wybiorą członkowie Polskiego Teamu TruckersMP odpowiedzialni za forum 7. Lista zwycięzców będzie opublikowana maksymalnie 2 dni od zakończenia konkursu 8. Zdjęcia zwycięzców zostaną tłem na oficjalnej grupie TruckersMP Polska na Facebooku EDYCJA CZERWIEC Temat: POWIEW BRYZY Zasady - Edycja Czerwiec 1. Na zdjęciu musi być widoczne morze/ocean lub duży akwen wodny 2. Zdjęcie może pochodzić z trybu Multiplayer lub Singleplayer z modyfikacjami NAGRODY: 1. MIEJSCE - wybrane DLC tuningowe* (x1) 2. MIEJSCE - wybrane DLC z malowaniami (x1) 3. MIEJSCE - DLC National Window Flags (x1) * ETS2 - Cabin Accessories, Michelin Fan Pack, DAF Tuning Pack, Mighty Griffin, Wheel Tuning Pack, Raven Design Pack POWODZENIA!
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Good afternoon from Calais !
    2 points
  16. The new IVECO DLC - Buy now for $69! @Yop. @-VOYVODA- xD Extras: - New "Siamese twins" mode - Guaranteed -15% morons on the road - 1 bottle of Vodka
    2 points
  17. If people kept distance and remained at an appropriate speed, there wouldn’t be a need for stronger brakes in the first place.
    2 points
  18. Hello, I don't think we're able to change the brake sensitivity since it works with the brake settings in the game itself. We only make the mod, not the actual game. Also since the Scout car isn't officially part of the game, it wouldn't be supported by/changed by SCS Software. If you don't want accidents to happen with these cars, then please head to a server where they're disabled, for example our Europe 1 server.
    2 points
  19. nice ride we had today also we both was lucky at some moments
    2 points
  20. LIVE NOW (working with reports) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtaNZdUQmR0
    2 points
  21. What are you watching for?
    2 points
  22. An other Sunday trucking is starting !! This a nice photo of my last convoy !
    2 points
  23. It's reallly useful, I think that Francesco made a very good work!
    2 points
  24. Hello I got this map from SCS Blog and edited it a bit, I wanted to show which roads are very dangerous for me, looking at my own experience. -Red roads are those very dangerous (like the highway from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, that everybody knows), so consider red roads as those ones where you're most likely to get involved in a crash or see one! -Blue roads are those roads that aren't so full of trucks as the red ones, but maybe they are narrow and more "complex" (if I can call them like that), near to big cities or very trafficated roads, it's better to pay attention a lot, as something strange can always happen; -Those nice orange X are those intersections that I consider dangerous, for various reasons, missing traffic lights, high density traffic, low visibility and so on; -Those happy little stars show you the places that you're most likely to get rammed or could happen something that doesn't go as how it should; -Green dots tell you which cities are most likely to be full of trucks; -Grey dots, normal cities; -White dots, cities with very few people 90% of time (less than 2/3) I'd be really happy to have some opinions from you so I can add more things to the map and more dangerous areas! So feel free to share them here and I'll add them!
    1 point
  25. Concordo com seu posicionamento, vemos brasileiros ou até mesmo latino-americanos nos servidores europeus, pessoas que alegam não estar no S.A. pela instabilidade ou pela pouca movimentação do mesmo. Geralmente essas pessoas são acomodadas de tal forma que não fazem nenhum esforço para que essa realidade melhore, por contrário, existem pessoas (latino-americanas) que preferem 'puxar' os jogadores do S.A. para os servidores Europeus Nem fazem nada pra ajudar na qualidade e pulação do S.A. nem querem deixar outras pessoas fazdd isso! Não que estejamos em uma guerra ou algo assim, mas fazendo isso estamos 'deixando nossa casa para morar na casa do vizinho'. Lamentável!
    1 point
  26. I like your cover photo mate
    1 point
  27. дополню - если вы свои "дорожные события" начнете объезжать по встречке и влетите в лоб другому игроку, то он сможет накатать на вас репорт за рамминг и в его видео не будет никаких помех на вашей полосе и будет выглядеть так, что вы просто выехали ему в лоб.
    1 point
  28. Parabéns pela promoção @OBrasileiro!
    1 point
  29. It will be better if you can explain about Road Sign in ETS2. Because im from Indonesia have a little different Road Sign
    1 point
  30. TMP can't fix that because it is in the game itself not implemented by them. The only thing you could do is drive safely and don't speed up too fast because the maneuverability of Skoda is not really good.
    1 point
  31. Now you are a official supporter!! Congrats
    1 point
  32. Thanks for the follow dude !
    1 point
  33. [Trial Support] @NeonLeon wurde ebenfalls zum Support befördert
    1 point
  34. Dear @kiruganko, first of all please ensure that you have installed the compatible game version, applying the settings on Steam that are shown in the post above. If you still face the same issue afterwards, please perform the steps given in this thread:
    1 point
  35. It is a great app, if I am going online I like to check what the traffic is like, instead of having to go on discord and use the commands I just pick up my phone and check
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. @Cronka Videos auf YouTube hochzuladen heißt noch nicht, diese auch tatsächlich der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Du kannst Videos als nicht gelistet hochladen, was so viel heißt dass dieses Video nur über einen Link aufrufbar ist, den du erhältst. Das wäre immer noch wesentlich praktischer, als ein Video zum Download zur Verfügung zu stellen. Hast du diese Performanceprobleme auch in anderen Spielen bzw. in Singleplayer, oder treten diese tatsächlich nur in TMP auf?
    1 point
  38. Dang, I would've been able to join but cause the time was changed it clashes with my company convoy
    1 point
  39. Congrats buddy on ur new role :3
    1 point
  40. Havent tried the app but the discord bot is very good
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Po dłuższej przerwie wracam do swoich fotorelacji. Będzie krótko, ale z dobrze znanymi osobami TruckersMP. Trasę z Montpellier do Firenze pokonałem z @KOZIK z Baltic Forwarding Company. MONTPELLIER @KOZIK postanowił podjąć się transportu dwóch marmurowych bloków, Ja wziąłem ładunek opon. Spotkaliśmy się na drodze z kamieniołomu. Szybkie ,,nakarmienie zwierzatka'' i jazda. TRUCKSTOP A10 W baku pusto, rezerwa świeciła się od dawna. Bez zatrzymania na stacji się nie obyło. Czy na Truckstopach przypadkiem najpierw się tankuje, a potem parkuje? Chyba Włosi myślą na odwrót aby rajki robić przed dystrybutorami. FIRENZE @KOZIK zrzuca ładunek i udaje się na odpoczynek. Pożegnaliśmy się, moja trasa się jeszcze nie skończyła. Jeszcze ponad 200 km do Rzymu... ROMA Przyszedł czas na odpoczynek również i dla mnie. Zrzut ładunku opon do magazynu. Dziękuję za wspólną trasę. Pozdrowienia Przejechane 1213 km
    1 point
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