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Veteran Driver VI
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Community Answers

  1. Suggestion Name: Allow to Drive with mixed type of dubble trailers in ATS Suggestion Description:I think to allow ppl drive legal (not breake rules) with mixed trailers ( reefer_wabash + bottom_dump ) The same width and length, the collision zone is the same So can be drivable normal by any truck from scs Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/iWCJ5w9 http://prntscr.com/jljf8l http://prntscr.com/jljes1 http://prntscr.com/jlje22 http://prntscr.com/jljdny http://prntscr.com/jljd6w Why should it be added?: rules was made before adding dubbles to game (more than one type) if collision zone are the same an other parameters too so why not allow it ?
  2. What you mean ? "my games plant"
  3. SO strobe (smallights) are visable for players with dlc or not
  4. It can be added to MP for players with dlc ?
  5. right now all is clear to understand how it work ... THX for answer me !
  6. so you have ruining on server BC program / script with one hook hey and do action like play .ogg ?
  7. not rely i just want know how they made that turn one .ogg from file data2.mp when press J
  8. I just want to know how to add a second option to the key ... Like in exp Police turned on/off siren as press button from long lights "J" i want know how to do that (i needed it in SP to mod but not to play .ogg/ just to turn on diffrend lights when you press J )
  9. Hello. I would need information on how to add a second function to a key. As for MP, the police turn on the siren I'd like to know what I need to do to add this option to the modification (not necessarily .ogg playback) i mean when you press in MP as police button "J" then lights was worked normal but in the same time is turned sound .ogg (siren) specific one sound and i would know how to do that DO NOT USE IN MP ! ! ! DO USE SP ONLY !
  10. To był ostatni report tego gracza ^^ i nie mów że na ATS niema adminów bo turcy tam są ^^ https://truckersmp.com/user/34206
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